300-420GHz Heterodyne Receivers Submillimeter Array of Taiwan

In 2006-2008, two set of 320-420GHz SIS heterodyne receiver for SMA band 5 are developed. The receiver noise temperature, the noise contribution, and the receiver optics beam pattern are measured. The first receiver module is installed into the receiver chamber of SMA Antenna #7 located at 4089 meter-high Mauna Kea, Hawaii in October and September 2006, and the second one is ready for shipping now.

SMA receiver optics layout for the 320-420GHz band.

Detail configuration of the 300-420GHz local oscillator module with manual tuners.

Measured results of the receiver DSB noise temperature at different LO frequencies..




Measured results of (a),(b) amplitude pattern contours and (c),(d)  phase pattern contours of SMA Antenna-7 and 8 for the 690 GHz SIS receivers with Martin-Puplett diplexers. The amplitude contours are in 3-dB step and phase contours are in 45-degree step. The ripples on the contour come from the residue reflections along the Gaussian beam.

Reference of this work:

[1] Yuh-Jing Hwang, Tashun Wei, Su-Wei Chang, Ming-Jye Wang, ShengCai Shi, Ming-Tang Chen, “320-420GHz Low-noise Heterodyne Receiver Modules for the Submillmeter Array of Taiwan,” Proceedings of 2008 Global Sympisium on Millimeter Waves, pp. 205-208, April 2008.

[2] Yuh-Jing Hwang, Ramprasad Rao, Su-Wei Chang, Rob Christensen*, Kevin O’Connel, Homin Jiang, and Ming-Tang Chen, “Optics Characterization and 320-420 GHz SIS receiver Band Installation of SMA Antenna-7,” 7th Workshop on Submillimeter-Wave Receiver Technologies in Eastern Asia, Osaka, Japan, January 2007.


[3] Yuh-Jing Hwang, Tashun Wei, Su-Wei Chang, Ming-Jye Wang and Ming-Tang Chen, “Recent Progress on the Receiver System Upgrade for the Submillimeter Array of Taiwan,” 8th Workshop on Submillimeter-Wave Receiver Technologies in Eastern Asia, Seoul, Korea, January 2008.

(latest modify: May 09, 2008)