Ph.D. in Physics, University of Texas at Austin
中央研究院天文所副研究員 (Associate Reserach Fellow, ASIAA)
TEL: 886-2-2366-5397 Email: gu at
Research: exoplanets (系外行星), protoplanetary disks (原始行星盤), interstellar shocks (星際衝擊波) -- scientific papers on ADS
Recent Research Highlight: From Hot-Jupiter Formation to Star Formation
Professional Sevice:
- Co-I, WP4 of the SPIRou Legacy Survey (2019-2022)
- Program committee member, the third Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics in 2019
- Program committee member, the 14th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference in 2019
- Reviewer, ALMA Cycle-4, 5, & 7 proposals (2016, 2017, 2019)
- Reviewer, book proposal for World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2016
- Invited Lecture, 3rd Vietnam School of Astrophysics: Planetary Science, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, July 12-18, 2015
- SOC member, the East Asia Numerical Astrophysics Meeting 2012
- Commentary in Nature: “[News and Views] Extrasolar planets: Larger than they ought to be”, Nature, 465, 300, 2010
Academic Speeches:
- "Deuterium Escape on Photoevap[orating Mini-Neptunes", Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Jan 25, 2024
- "Modeling Statistical Properties of Close-in Super-earths with Giant Impacts", Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Meeting, Singapore, July 30 - Aug 4, 2023
- "The drag instability in C-shocks: simulation confirmation and 2D linear analysis" ASROC Annual Meeting, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 19, 2023
- "My recent journey from star-forming regions to planetary systems", Korean Astronomy and Space Institute, Daejaon, Republic of Korea, April 18, 2023
- "The drag instability: a new instability in C-type shocks", The 9th East Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting, Tenbusu Naha, Okinawa, Japan, September 26-30, 2022
- "Size Evolution of Close-in Super-Earths through Giant Impacts and Photoevaporation", IAU Symposium 370: Winds of stars and exoplanets, IAU General Assembly, Busan, Republic of Korea, August 8-11, 2022
- "Simultaneously modeling the orbital architecture and size distribution of the small exoplanets revealed by the KEPLER mission", Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan, Taipei, January 24-26, 2022
- Effects of atmospheric tides on a hot Jupiter: global circulation, tidal heating, and planet formation (youtube)", Online Summit on Astrophysics and Space Research, Belgium, April 15-16, 2021
- "The drag instability in 1D isothermal C-shock in typical star-forming clouds", ASROC Annual meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep. 3-4, 2020
- "What Limits the Planet Mass around an M Dwarf", 4th SPIRou/SLS meeting (virtual), Tolouse, France, June 29-July 1, 2020
- "Gas gaps found in HL Tau", Leidon Observatory, May 3, 2016
- “Gaps and spirals in protoplanetary disks", Queen Mary Univ. of London, Apr 29, 2016
- “3D Wave Excitation and Propagation due to Planet-disk Interactions in a Protoplanetary Disk”, Planetary Systems: A Synergistic View, Vietnam, July 19-25, 2015
- Atmospheric Tides and Superrotating Circulation”, 6th East Asian Numerical Astrophysics Meeting, Kyung Hee University, Korea, Sep. 15-19, 2014
- Equatorial waves and the resulting superrotating flow on a hot Jupiter”, Rencontres du Vietnam: exoplanetary science, Vietnam, Apr. 21-25, 2014
- “Possible signposts of a gas giant planet in a protoplanetary disk”, Univ. of Hong Kong, Dec 11, 2013
- “Asymmetric dust distribution in an eccentric protoplanetary disk”, Univ. of Washington, June 12, 2013
- “Dust in an eccentric protoplanetary disk with an embedded massive planet”, Hokkaido Univ., July 25, 2012
Research Grants:
- 2024-2025: PI, NSTC 113-2112-M-001-012
- 2023-2024: PI, NSTC 112-2112-M-001-035
- 2022-2023: PI, MOST 111-2112-M-001-037
- 2020-2021: PI, MOST 109-2112-M-001-052
- 2017-2018: PI, MOST 106-2112-M-001-007
- 2016-2019: PI, MOST 105-2119-M-001-043-MY3
- 2015-2016: PI, MOST 104-2112-M-001-011
- 2014-2015: PI, MOST 103-2112-M-001-027
- 2011-2014: PI, NSC 100-2112-M-001-005-MY3
- 2009-2011: PI, NSC 98-2112-M-001-011-MY2
- 2008-2009: PI, NSC 97-2112-M-001-017
- 2006-2008: PI, NSC 95-2112-M-001-073-MY2
Outreach Book/Article/Webpage: