Publication list of L.-S. Kan, ¥Ì¾|¥Í
1. NMR Studies of Cobalt (II) and Zinc Complexation with Nucleosides and Imidazole in Dimethyl Sulfoxide. L.-S. Kan and N. C. Li, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92, 281-284 (1970).
2. NMR Studies of Mercury (II) Interaction with Nucleosides in Dimethyl Sulfoxide. L.-S. Kan and N. C. Li, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92, 4823-4827 (1970).
3. Penicillin Interaction with Guanosine. L.-S. Kan, F. K. Schweighardt, S. Kao, and N. C. Li, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 46, 22-27 (1972).
4. NMR Study of Interaction Betweem Guanosine 5'-Monophosphate and Serum Albumins. L.-S. Kan and N.C. Li, J. Magn. Resonance, 7, 161-169 (1972).
5. NMR Study of Interaction Between Several Penicillins and Nucleosides. L.-S. Kan, F. K. Schweighardt, S. Kao, and N. C. Li, J. Magn. Resonance, 9, 239-246 (1973).
6. 250 MHz PMR Study of Interaction of Water with Lecithin in Carbon Tetrachloride. Y.-H. Shaw, L.-S. Kan, and N. C. Li, J. Magn. Resonance, 12, 209-213 (1973).
7. PMR Studies of the Conformational Changes of Dideoxyncleoside Ethyl Phosphotriesters. L.-S. Kan, J. C. Barrett, P. S. Miller, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biopolymers, 12, 2225-2240 (1973).
8. The Distant Shielding Effect in Trinucleoside Diphosphates. L.-S. Kan, J. C. Barrett, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biopolymers, 12, 2409-2421 (1973).
9. PMR Studies of Nucleic Acid Conformation. P. O. P. Ts'o, J. C. Barrett, L.-S. Kan, and P. S. Miller, Ann. New York Acid. Sci., 222, 290-306 (1973).
10. An Introduction to NMR Studies of Nucleic Acids. L.-S. Kan and P. O. P. Ts'o, Bot. Bull. Academic Sinica (Taiwan, ROC), 14, 180-204 (1973).
11. NMR Study on the Methyl and Methylene Proton Resonandes of t-RNAphe Yeast. L.-S. Kan, P. O. P. Ts'o, F. von der Haar, M. Sprinzl, and F. Cramer, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 59, 22-29 (1974).
12. NMR Studies on the Short Helices of Nucleic Acids. P. O. P. Ts'o, J. L. Alderfer, P. N. Borer, and L.-S. Kan, Steenbock Symposium on "Structure and Conformation of Nucleic Acids and Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions" (ed. M. Sundaralingam and S. T. Rao), University Park Press, Baltimore, 193-206 (1975)
13. PMR Studies on the Conformation of t-RNA and Its Fragments, P. O .P. Ts'o, L.-S. Kan, F. von der Haar, M. Sprinzl, and F. Cramer, Steenbock Symposium on "Structure and Conformation of Nucleic Acids and Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions" (ed. M. Sundaralingam and S.T. Rao), University Park Press, Baltimore, 557-570 (1975).
14. PMR Studies on the Conformation of the Hexanucleotide, GmpApApYpApĎp, from the Anticodon loop of Yeast Phenylalanine Transfer Ribonucleic Acid. L.-S. Kan, P. O. P. Ts'o, F. von der Haar, M. Sprinzl, and F. Cramer, Biochemistry, 14, 3278-3291 (1975).
15. Conformation and Interaction of Short Nucleic Acid Double-stranded Helices. I. PMR Studies on the Non-exchangeable Protons of Ribosyl ApApGpCpUpU. P. N. Borer, L.-S. Kan, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biochemistry, 14, 4847-4863 (1975).
16. Conformation and Interaction of Short Nucleic Acid Double-Stranded Helices. II. PMR Studies on the Hydrogen-Bonded NH-N Protons of Ribosyl ApApGpCpUpU Helix. L.-S. Kan, P. N. Borer, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biochemistry, 14, 4864-4869 (1975).
17. Ring Current Effects in the NMR of Nucleic Acids: A Graphical Approach. C. Giessner-Prettre, B. Pullman, P. N. Borer, L.-S. Kan, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biopolymers, 15, 2277-2286 (1976).
18. 1H NMR Studies on the Methyl and Methylene Prton Resonances of the Intact Baker's Yeast t-RNAphe and Its Fragments with MgCl2 in Aqueous Solution. L.-S. Kan, P. O. P. Ts'o, M. Sprinzl, F. von der Haar, and F. Cramer, Biochemistry, 16, 3143-3154 (1977).
19. 1H NMR Studies of Transfer RNA. III. The Observed and the Computed Spectra of the Hydrogen-bonded NH-N Resonances of Baker's Yeast Transfer RNAphe. L.-S. Kan and P. O. P. Ts'o, Nucleic Acids Res., 4, 1633-1647 (1977).
20. Characterization of the Products of Alkylation of 2'-Deoxyadenosine and 2'-Deoxyguanosine by Chloroethyl Ethylsulfide. G. H. Sack, M.-N. N. Kan, L.-S. Kan, C. Fenselau, G. W. Wood, and P.-Y. Lau, J. Org. Chem., 43, 3932-3936 (1978).
21. O6,5,-Cyclo-5,6-Dihydro-2,-Deoxyuridine Novel Deoxyuridine Photoproducts. J. Cadet, L.-S. Kan, and S. Y. Wang, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 100, 6715-6720 (1978).
22. Computer Programs for Nucleic Acids. Atomic Coordinates and Graphics Displays. L.-S. Kan, J. R. Kast, D. Y. Ts'o, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Computer Program in Biomedicine, 10, 16-28 (1979).
23. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Nucleic Acids and Proteins. P. O. P. Ts'o and L.-S. Kan, in: Chromatin Structure and Function, Part A, (ed. C. A. Nicolini), Plenum Press, New York, p. 217-249 (1979).
24. 1H and 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies on Purine. D. M. Cheng, L.-S. Kan, P. O. P. Ts'o, C. Giessner-Prettre, and B. Pullman, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 102, 525-534 (1980).
25. 1H NMR Studies on Dideoxyribonucleoside Methyl Phosphonates. L.-S. Kan, D. M. Cheng, P. S. Miller, J. Yano, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biochemistry, 19, 2122-2132 (1980).
26. A Simple Method of the Preparation of 2'-O-Methyladenosine: Methylation of Adneosine with Methyl Iodide in Anhydrous Alkaline Medium. J. Yano, L.-S. Kan, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 629 178-183 (1980).
27. 1H and 13C NMR Studies in Caffeine and Its Interaction with Nucleic Acids. L.-S. Kan, P. N. Borer, D. M. Cheng, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biopolymers, 19, 1641-1654 (1980).
28. Preparation of A Decadeoxyribonucleotide Helix for Studies by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. P. S. Miller, D. M. Cheng, N. Dreon, K. Jayaraman, L.-S. Kan, E. E. Leutzinger, S. M. Pulford, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biochemistry, 19, 4688-4698 (1980).
29. Synthesis and Characterization of The Dinucleoside Monophosphates Containing 2'-Fluoro-2'-deoxyadenosine. S. Uesugi, Y. Takatsuka, M. Ikehata, D. M. Cheng, L.-S. Kan, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biochemistry, 20, 3056-3062 (1981).
30. 1H NMR Study on Uridine Imido Proton Exchange. H. Fritzsche, L.-S. Kan, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biochemistry, 20, 6118-6122 (1981).
31. 1H NMR Study on a Short DNA Helix in Aqueous Solution. L.-S. Kan, D. M. Cheng, P. S, Miller, E. E. Leutzinger, K. Jayaraman, and P. O. P. Ts'o, in: Science and Scientists, (ed. M. Kageyama et al.), Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo, and D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 161-166 (1981).
32. Computer Programming for Nucleic Acid Studies II. Total Chemical Shifts Calculation of All Protons of Double-stranded Helices. C. Giessner-Prettre, F. Ribas Prado, B. Pullman, L.-S. Kan, J. R. James, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Computer Programs in Biomedicine, 13, 167-184 (1981).
33. Computer Programming for Nucleic Acid Studies III. Calculated Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Protected Oligodeoxyribonucleotides. L.-S. Kan, R. W. Kettell, and P. S. Miller, Computer Programs in Biomedicine, 13, 185-190 (1981).
34. Heterodimers of Psoralen and Thymine Derivatives: Structure and Stereochemistry. B. S. Hahn, L.-S. Kan, and S. Y. Wang, Photobiochem. & Photobiol., 3, 113-124 (1981).
35. 1H and 31P Nuclear Magnetic Pesonance Studies of the Complementary Tetradeoxyribonucleotides: C-C-A-A and T-T-G-G. D. M. Cheng, L.-S. Kan, E. E. Letuzinger, P. S. Miller and P. O. P. Ts'o. Biopolymers, 21, 697-701 (1982).
36. Conformational Study of Two Short Oligodeoxyribonucleotides, CpCpApApG and CpTpTpCpC, and Their Fragmendts by 1H NMR. D. M. Cheng, L.-S. Kan, E. E. Leutzinger, K. Jayaraman, P. S. Miller, and P. O. P. Ts'o. Biochemistry, 21, 621-630 (1982).
37. 2-D 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies on cis-syn meso Cyclobutadi-2'-deoxyuridine. L.-S. Kan, D. M. Cheng and J. Cadet. J. Magn. Res., 48, 86-96 (1982).
38. Studies on the Hydrolysis of 3-Methyl-2'-deoxycytidine in Aqueous Solution. A Synthesis of 3-Methyl-2'-Deoxyuridine. E. E. Leutzinger, P. S. Miller, and L.-S. Kan. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 697, 243-251 (1982).
39. Synthesis and Template Properties of an Ethyl Phosphotriester Modified Decadeoxyribonucleotide. P. S. Miller, S. Chandrasegaran, D. L. Dow, S. M. Pulford, and L.-S. Kan, Biochemistry, 21, 5486-5474 (1982).
40. 1H NMR Study of a Self-complementary Decadeoxyribonucleotide C-C-A-A-G-C-T-T-G-G. L.-S. Kan, D. M. Cheng, K, Jayaraman, E. E. Leutzinger, P. S. Miller, and P. O. P. Ts'o. Biochemistry, 21, 6723-6732 (1982).
41. A NMR Study on the Exchange Behavior of the NH-N protons of a RNA Miniduplex. H. Fritzsche, L.-S. Kan, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biochemistry, 22, 277-280 (1983).
42. Purification and Characterization of the Heat-stable Factors Essential for the Conversion of Lignoceric Acid to Cerebronic Acid and Glutamic Acid: Identification of N-Acethyl-L-Aspartic Acid. H. Shigematsu, N. Okamura, H. Shimeno, Y. Kishimoto, L.-S. Kan, and C. Fenselau, J. Neurochem., 40, 814-820 (1983).
43. 1H NMR Studies on the Dinucleoside Monophosphates Containing 2'-Halogeno-2'-deoxypurinenicleosodes: Effects of 2'-Substitutes on Conformation. S. Uesugi, T. Kaneyasu, J. Imura, M. Ikehara, D. M. Cheng, L.-S. Kan and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biopolymers, 22, 1189-1202 (1983).
44. Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Monomers and Dimers Containing 2'-Fluoro-2'-deoxyadenosine. D. M. Cheng, L.-S. Kan, P. O. P. Ts'o, S. Uesugi, Y. Takatsuka, and M. Ikehata, Biopolymers, 22, 1427-1444 (1983).
45. Detection of an Adenine-Guanine Base Pair in a Decadeoxyribonucleotide by 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. L.-S. Kan, S. Chandrasegaran, S. M. Pulford and P. S. Miller, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 80, 4263-4265 (1983).
46. NMR Studies on Short Helices. P. O. P. Ts'o, D. M. Cheng, D. Frechet, and L.-S. Kan, in: Nucleic Acids: The Vectors of life (ed. B. Pullman and J. Jortner), D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 201-216 (1983).
47. Nuclear Overhauser Effect as a Tool for the Complete Assignment of Non-Exchangeable Proton Resonances in Short DNA Helices. D. Frechet, D. M. Cheng, L.-S. Kan, and P. O. P. Ts'o. Biochemistry, 22, 5194-5200 (1983).
48. Current Progress in NMR Studies of Nucleic Acids: Conformations of Deoxyribonucleotides. L.-S. Kan, D. M. Cheng, and P. O. P. Ts.'o, in: Proceedings of the Frontier Studies on Biochemical and Biophysical of proteins and Nucleic Acids (ed. Lo, et al.), Elsevier North-Holland Publishing Co., 197-217 (1984).
49. 31P NMR Studies of Deoxyoligonucleotides. D. M. Cheng. L.-S. Kan, V. Iuorno, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biopolymers, 23, 575-589 (1984)
Appendix: The Method to Obtain 1H NMR Spectrum with Specific 31P (or X-nucleus) Resonance Decouplong. L. Muller and L.-S. Kan, ibid, 589-592 (1984).
50. 1H and 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies on the Conformation of
d-(CpGpCpG)2 and d-(CpGpCpGpCpG)2 Short Helices in B Conformation. D. M. Cheng, L.-S. Kan, D. Frechet, P. O. P. Ts'o, S. Uesugi, T. Shida, and M. Ikehara, Biopolymers, 23, 775-795 (1984).
51. Chemical Synthesis of d-AATT and d-GGCC by Phosphite Triester Method. T. H. Hseu and L. -S. Kan (1984), Chemistry (Taiwan, ROC), 42, 77-82 (1984).
52. 31P NMR Study of the Mechanism of Activation and Coupling Reaction in the Synthesis of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides by the Phosphotriester Method. S. Chandrasegaran, A. Murakami, and L.-S. Kan. J. Org. Chem., 49, 4951-4957 (1984).
53. Rapid Chemical Degradation Sequencing of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides. S. Chandrasegaran, S.-B. Lin and L.-S. Kan. Biotechniques, 2, 6-8, (1985).
54. Isolation and Purification of Deoxyribonucleotides from 90% 13C-Enriched DNA of Algal Cells and Their Characterization by 1H and 13C NMR. S. Chandrasegaran, L.-S. Kan, L. O. Sillerud, C. Skoglund, and A. A. Bothner-by, Nucleic Acids Res., 13, 2097-2110 (1985).
55. Rencent Aspects of the Photochemistry of Nucleic Acids and Related Model Compounds. J. Cadet, L. Voitrueiz, A. Grand, F. E. Hruska and L. -S. Kan, Biochimie, 67 277-292 (1985).
56. Preparation of Three Decadeoxyribonucleotides Containing an Uncommon or Modified Base. S. Chandrasegaran and L.-S. Kan, J. Chinese Chem. Soc., 32, 157-168 (1985).
57. Characterization of Thymidine UV Photoproducts. Cyclobutane Dimers and 5,6-Dihydrothymidines. J. Cadet, L. Voituriez, F. E. Hruska, L.-S. Kan, F. A. A. M. de Leeuw and C. Altona. Can. J. Chem., 63, 2861-2868 (1985).
58. Chemical Synthesis of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides in the Polystyrene Polymer Support. S. Chandrasegaran and L.-S. Kan. J. Chinese Chem. Soc., 32, 359-364 (1985).
59. NMR Relaxation Study of Water Protons in Syrian Hamster Fetal Cells at 300 MHz. W. Xin, S. A. Bruce, S. F. Deamond, L.-S. Kan, J. Honarbakhsh and P. O. P. Ts'o, Cell Biophysics, 8, 213-220 (1986).
60. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Nucleic Acids. L.-S. Kan and P. O. P. Ts'o, NMR in Biology and Medicine, (ed. S. Chien and C. Ho.), Raven press, New York, 83-116 (1986).
61. Absolute Configurations of Enantiomeric 1,2-Dihydrobenzo[b] fluoran-thene-trans-1,2-diols. S. K. Yang, M. Mushtag and L.-S. Kan. J. Org. Chem., 52, 125-129 (1987).
62. Phosphorus-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Cultured Human Retinal Pigmented Epithelial Cells. M. V. Miceli, L. -S. Kan, and D. Newsome, Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 28, 70-75 (1987).
63. DNA Synthesis: A Look at Sequence Dependent Conformational Anomalies. S. C. Yuhasz, N. Kanhouwa, and L.-S. Kan, Biotechniques, 5, 54-59 (1987).
64. Conformation Studies on Deoxyguanosyl-3',5'-Deoxyadenosine and Its Phosphtriester Analogs - Left handed Dimers. L.-S. Kan, D. M. Cheng, S. Chandrasegaran, P. Pramanik, and P. S. Miller, J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn., 4 785-796 (1987).
65. A Thermodynamic Investigation of Monoclonal Antibody Alkylated Nucleoside Interaction as a Model for Epitope Recognition on Nucleic Acids. S. C. Yuhasz, L.-S. Kan, G. K. Ackers, J. Adamkiewicz, M. F. Rajewsky, and P. O. P. Ts'o, Biochemistry, 26, 2334-2342 (1987).
66. NMR Study of the Effect of Sugar-Phosphate Backbone Ethylation on the Stability and Conformation of DNA Double Helix. P. Pramanik and L.-S. Kan, Biochemistry, 26, 3807-3812 (1987).
67. 31P NMR on RNA, DNA, and The Structure of Genetic Material. D. M. Cheng, L.-S. Kan and P. O. P. Ts'o, in: Phosphorus NMR in Biology (ed. C.T. Burt), CRC Press, Boca Taton, 135-151 (1987).
68. Helix Geometry, Hydration and G.A Mismatch in a B-DNA Decamer. G. G. Prive, U. Heinemann, S. Chandrasegaran, L.-S. Kan, M. L. Kopla, and R. E. Dickerson, Science, 238, 498-504 (1987).
69. An Iterative Phase Correction Program for NMR Spectra. C.-N. Chen and L.-S. Kan, Comp. Met. Program Biomed., 26, 81-84 (1988).
70. Hairpin and Duplex Formation in DNA Fragments CCAATTTTGG, CCAATTTTTTGG, and CCATTTTTGG: A Proton NMR Study. P. Pramanik, M. Kanhouwa, and L.-S. Kan, Biochemistry, 27, 3024-3031 (1988).
71. NMR Studies of the cis-syn, trans-syn, and 6-4 Photodimers of Thymidylyl (3'-5') Thymidine Monophosphate and cis-syn, Photodimers of Thymidylyl (3'-5') Thymidine Cyanoethyl Phosphotriester. L.-S. Kan, L. Voituriez, and J. Cadet, Biochemistry, 27 5796-5803 (1988).
72. Phosophorus-31 NMR Spectroscopy of Human Retinoblastoma Cells: Correlations with Metabolic Indices. M. V. Miceli, L.-S. Kan, and D. A. Newsome, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 970, 262-269 (1988).
73. Irregularities of DNA Conformation and Replication, L.-S. Kan and P. O. P. Ts'o, Bioactive Mol. 5 (Chemical Carcinogens - Activation Mechanisms Structural and Electronic Factors and Reactivity ) (ed. P. Politzer), Elsevier North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 220-241 (1988).
74. Phosphate Catalyzed Exchange Rates of NH-N Protons of DNA. H. Fritzsche, L.-S. Kan, K. Weller, W. Scheiding, J. R. Kast, and P. O. P. Ts'o, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn., 6, 383-390 (1988).
75. 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazides of Polysialogangliosides. T. Tanaka, K. Miyasaki, Y. Kishimoto, M. Stoskopf, L.-S. Kan, P. Demirev, C. Fenselau, and S. Ando,. Chem. Phys. Lipids., 48, 261-266 (1988).
76. A Mismatch Decamer as a Model for General-Sequence B-DNA. G. G. Prive, U. Heinemann, S. Chandrasegaran, L.-S. Kan, M. L. Kopka, and R. E. Dickerson. Structure & Expression, 2, 27-47 (1988).
77. Characterization of Novel Glycolioids from the Giant Cockroach (Blaberus colosseus). M. K. Stoskopf, Y. K. Kishimoto, T. Tanaka, N. Okamura, L.-S. Kan, R. Cotter and C. Fenselau. J. Biol. Chem. 264, 4964-4971 (1989).
78. Application of Phosphorus-31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for the Study of Human Diabetic Cataractogenesis. A. Hay, J. Aguayo, U. Camli, W. Stark, C. H. Chen, E. Young, and L.-S. Kan, J. Chinese Chem. Soc. 36, 169-176 (1989).
79. Epitopic Discrimination by Monoclonal Antibodies Directed against the Same Alkylated Nucleoside. S. C. Yuhasz, P. O. P. Ts'o and L.-S. Kan, J. Adamkiewicz, and M. Rajewsky, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn., 7, 151-165 (1989).
80. Studies of Intramoleular Rearrangements of Acyl-Linked Glucuronides Using Salicylic Acid, Flufenamic Acid, and (S)- and (R)-Benoxaprofen and Confirmation of Isomerization in Acyl-Linked īĩ-11-Carboxytetrahydro-cannabinol Glucuronide. G. Bradow, L.-S. Kan, and C. Fenselau, Chem. Res, Toxicol., 2, 316-324 (1989).
81. High-frequency 1H NMR Studies of the Effects of Growth Factors and Phorbol Esters on Normal Syrian Hamster Diploid Fibroblast Cells. J. H. Boal, S. F. Deamond, D. Callahan, S. A. Bruce, P. O. P. Ts'o, and L.-S. Kan, Cell Biophysics, 14, 245-256 (1989).
82. Carbon-13 NMR Study of the Glucose Stress of Human Lenses. U. Camli, T. Murray, J. Aguayo, A. Hay, W. Stark, and L.-S. Kan, J. Chinese. Chem. Soc., 36, 329-333 (1989).
83. Molecular Weight Determination of Underivatized Oligodeoxyribonucleo-tides by Positive-ion Matrix-assisted Ultraviolet Laser-desorption Mass Spectrometry. B. Spengler, Y. Pan, R. J. Cotter, and L.-S. Kan, Rapid Commun. in Mass Spectrometry, 4, 99-102 (1990).
84. 300 MHz 1NMR Study of the Differentiation of Diploid Human Epidermal Keratinocytes. S. H. Tsang and L. -S. Kan, Cell Biophysics, 16, 127-138 (1990).
85. Pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone Photoadducts: Formation, Chemical and Photochemical Properties, T. Douki, L. Voituriez, L.-S. Kan, and J. Cadet, The Spectrum, 3, 9-12 (1990).
86. Structure of Nucleic Acids Phodtoproducts. J. Cadet, A. Shaw, L. Voituriez, P. Vigny, and L.-S. Kan, in: Light in Bilolgy and Medicine (ed. R. H. Douglas, J. Moan and G. Ronto) Vol. II, 453-462 (1990), Plenum Press, New York.
87. Comparative Effects of Ultraviolet and Ionizing Radiations on Nucleic Acids. J. Cadet, M. Berger, P. C. Joshi, A. Shaw, L. Vouturuez, L.-S. Kan, and R. Wagner, in: Photobiology: The Science and Its Applocation (ed. E. Riklis), 49-59 (1990), Plenum press, New York.
88. Diastereoisomers from Iodine-induced Cyclization Reaction of Phosphonate. L.-S. Kan, Y.-F. Zhao, M.-C. Ye, W.-G. Chai, and S.-J. Yan, Phosphorus, Silfur, Silicon, 55, 1-7 (1991).
89. Comparative Circular Dichroism and Fluroscence Studies of Oligodeoxyribo-nucleotide and Oligodeoxyribonucleoside Methylphosphonate Pyrimidine Strands in Duplex and Triplex Formation. D. E. Callahan, T. L. Trapane, P. S. Miller, P. O. P. Ts'o, and L.-S. Kan, Biochemistry, 30, 1650-1655 (1991).
90. Proton NMR and Optical Spectroscopy Studies on the DNA Triplex Formed by d-A-(G-A)7-A and d-C-(T-C)7-T. L.-S. Kan, D. E. Callahan, T. L. Trapane, P. S. Miller, P. O. P. Ts'o, and D. H. Huang, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn., 8, 911-933 (1991).
91. Synthesis and Characterization of Stereoisomers of 5,6-Dihydro-5,6-dihydroxythymidine. Y. Vaishnav, E. Holwitt, C. Swenberg, H.-C. Lee, and L-S. Kan, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn., 8, 935-951(1991).
92. Triplex Formation of Oligonucleotides Containing 2'-O-methylpseudo-isocytidine in Substitution of 2'-Deoxycytidine. A. Ono, P. O. P. Ts'o, and L.-S. Kan, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 113, 4032-4033 (1991).
93. NMR Studies of Intracellular Water at 300 MHz: T2-Specific Relaxation Mechanisms in Synchronized or EGF-Stimulated Cells. D. E. Callahan, S. F. Deamond, D. C. Creasey, T. L. Trapane, S. A. Bruce, P .O. P. Ts'o, and L.-S. Kan, Magn. Resonance in Medicine, 22, 68-80 (1991).
94. DNA Triplex Formation of Oligonucleotide Analogues Consisting of Linker Groups and Octamer Segments That Have Opposite Sugar-phosphate Backbone Polarities. A. Ono, C.-N. Chen, and L.-S. Kan, Biochemistry, 30, 9914-9921 (1991).
95. Studies of the T1 and T2 of Intercellular Water as a Function of Frequency in Normal and Transformed Fetal Cells. D. E. Callahan, T. L. Trapane, S. F. Deamond, G. Kao, P. O. P. Ts'o, and L.-S. Kan, Cell Biophysics, 19, 193-202 (1992).
96. Triplex Formation of the Oligonucleotides Containing 2'-O-Methylpseudo-isocytidine with a DNA at Neutral ph. A. Ono, P. O. P. Ts's, and L.-S. Kan, J. Org. Chem.,57, 3225-3230 (1992).
97. The Dewar Valence Isomer of the (6-4) Photoadduct of Thymidylyl-(3'-5')-thymidine Monophosphate: Formation, Alkaline Lability and Conforma-tional Properties. L.-S. Kan, L. Voituriez, and J. Cadet, J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol., 12, 339-357 (1992).
98. NMR Studies on 31P Relaxation Mechanisms in Trimethylphosphate as a Model for Nucleic Acid Phosphodiester Linkage. S. C. Yuhasz, P. O. P. Ts'o, and L.-S. Kan, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica (Taiwan, ROC), 39 91-101 (1992).
99. Application of High-performance Liquid Chromatography Assay for Monitoring Kinetics of Interconversions of Stereoisomers of Thymidine Glycol. Y. N. Vaishnav, L.-S. Kan, and C. E. Swenberg, J. Liquid Chromato-graphy, 15, 2385-2396 (1992).
100. An Evalution of Proton Spin Lattice Relaxation Rates and NOE's for Calibration of Interproton Distance Measurements in Nucleic Acids. L.-S. Kan, J. Boal, and P. O. P.Ts'o, Bull, lnst Chem, Academia Sinica (Taiwan, ROC), 40, 55-66 (1993).
101. Stereotactic Measurement of the Sizes of Ateriovenous Malfunctions. K. L. Lue, L.-S. Kan, and N. A. Cello, Computer methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 39, 137-145 (1993). (SCI=0.400)
102. The Synthesis of Oligonucleotides Containing 2'-O-methylpseudoisocytidine for DNA Triplex Formation. L.-S. Kan and A. Ono, Youji Huaxue, 13, 181-182 (1993).
103. Syntheses and Interactions of Oligodeoxyribonucleotides Containing 2'-Aminodeoxyuridine. P. S. Miller, P. Bhan, and L.-S. Kan, Nucleosides Nucleotides, 12, 785-792 (1993). (SCI=1.413)
104. Proton Magnetic Resonance Study of 2'-Aminodeoxyuridylyl-3'-5'-Deoxyuridine. L.-S. Kan, R. Bauman, P. Bhan, and P. S. Miller, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 40, 469-473 (1993). (SCI=0.635)
105. The Syntheses and Characterization of Diastereoisomers of 2'-O-Methyladenylyl-3',5'-2'-O-methyladenosine Methyl Phosphonates and 2'-O-Methyladenylyl-3',5'-2'-O-methyladenosine Ethylphosphotriesters, L.-S. Kan, P. Y. Lin, and J. Yano, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 40, 621-630 (1993). (SCI=0.635)
(The best paper of the year)
106. The Formation of Triplexes of Diastereoisomers of 2'-O-Methyladenylyl-3',5'-2'-O-methyladenosine Ethylphosphotriesters and 2'-O-Methyladenylyl-3',5'-2'-O-methyladenosine Methyl Phosphonates with Polyuridylic Acid and Polythymidylic Acid: A Steric Effect, L.-S. Kan, W. Koo, and J. Yano, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 40, 631-636 (1993). (SCI=0.635)
107. DNA Triplex Formed by d-A-(G-A)7-G and d-mC-(T-mC)7-T in Aqueous Solution at Neutral pH. S.-B. Lin, C.-F. Kao, S.-C. Lee, and L.-S. Kan, Anti-Cancer Drug Design, 9, 1-8 (1994). (SCI=1.958)
108. Studies of the Triplex Formation of Dideoxyadenosine Methyl Phosphonate Stereoisomers with Polyuridylic Acid by 31P NMR Spectroscopy. L.-S. Kan and P. S. Miller, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica, 41, 83-92 (1994).
109. Antisense and Antigene Studies of Oligonucleotide Analogs. L.-S. Kan and P. S. Miller, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica, 41, 93-102 (1994).
110. Triplex Formation of Oligonucleotides Containing 2'-O-Methyluridine, 5-Bromo-2'-O-methyluridine and 2'-O-methylcytidine. A. Ono and L.-S. Kan, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 41, 857-864 (1994). (SCI=0.635)
111. Triplex Formation as Functions of Variation of Sequence and Chain Length of Deoxyoligonucleitides at Varied concentrations of NaCl and MgCl2. Lou-sing Kan and Akira Ono, J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 41, 865-869 (1994). (SCI=0.635)
112. Phosphodiester/Phosphorothioate/Methylphosphonate Oligonucleotide Triplexes -- An Assesment for Stability, L. M. Tsay, S. B. Lin, and L.-S. Kan, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica 42, 15-23 (1995).
113. Helices Formation of Polyadenylic Acid and Polydeoxyadenylic Acid with Oligo-2'-O-methyluridylic Acid with Ethyl Phosphotriester, L.-S. Kan and J. Yano, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica 42, 87-93 (1995).
114. A pH-Dependent Polymorphoism of DNA Triplex with Oligonucleoside Methylphosphonate Analogs. The 1H NMR Study. Leh-Jame Lin, Shwu-Bin Lin, Cheng-Wen Wu, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 42, 483-491 (1995). (SCI=0.635)
115. A Circular Dichroism Study of C-Terminal Fragment of Heat Shock Protein from Rat. L. M. Tsay, S.-M. Hu, C. Wang, W. S. Lee, L.J. Lin and Lou-sing Kan, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 42, 493-498 (1995). (SCI=0.635)
116. A Study of Triplex Formation of 5'-d-T-(C-T-)2C-(T-)4C-(T-C-)2T with 5'-d-A-(G-A-)2G. A Hairpin Triplex with Three T.A.T and Three C+.G.C Bases Triads. L. M. Tsay, S. B. Lin, H. T. Tsay, H. H. Chen, and L.-S. Kan, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn. 12, 1235-1245 (1995). (SCI=1.487)
117. Effect of Selective Cytosine Methylation and Hydration on the Conformation of DNA Triple Helices Containing a TTTT Loop Structure by FT-IR Spectroscopy. Ye Fang, Chunli Bai, Ying Wei, Shwu-Bin Lin, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn. 13, 471-482 (1995). (SCI=1.487)
118. Determination of the Conformations of Intramolecular DNA Triple Helices by FT-IR Spectroscopy: Effect of Loop Length. Ye Fang, Chunli Bai, You-Qi Tang, Shwu-Bin Lin, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Mol. Str. 372, 241-247 (1995). (SCI=0.837)
119. Evidence for the Conformational Rigidity of DNA Triplex d(C+T)8.d(AG)8.d(CT)8 on Silver Electrode Revealed by Fourier Transform Raman Scattering Studies. Ye Fang, Chunli Bai, Ting Wang, Faping Zhong, Youqi Tang, S. B. Lin, and L.-S. Kan, J. Mol. Str. 377, 1-11 (1996). (SCI=0.837)
120. ¾v§¨¦¡¥h®ñ¹è®Ö»Ä¤TÁ³±Û, AGAXAG (X = G, C) + (TY)3T4(ZT)3 (Y, Z = C, 5-methyl-cytidine) §Î¦¨»P©Ê½è¤§¬ã¨s. ½²ªY®õ, ªL²QµÓ, ½²¬Â¬ü, ¥Ì¾|¥Í, ¤Æ¾Ç, A54, 24-32 (1996).
(The best paper of the year)
121. The Effect of Linker to The Formation of Hairpin Type Triplex, Fu-Jau Chang, L.-S. Kan, C.-M. Chin, Y.-J. Chen, and Shwu-Bin Lin, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica, 1-15 (1996).
122. The Quantitative Study of the Triplex Formation by Gel Electrophoresis, Shwu-Bin Lin, Cheng-Feng Kao, and Lou-sing Kan, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica, 43, 89-94 (1996).
123. Interstrand Complex Formation of Purine Oligonucleotides and Their Nonionic Analogs: The Model System of d(AG)8 and Its Complement, d(CT)8, Trapane, T. L., Hogrefe, R. I., Reynold, M. A., Kan, L.-S., and Ts¡¦o, P. O. P. Biochemistry, 35, 5495-5508 (1996). (SCI=5.234)
124. Surface-enhanced Fourier Transform Raman Scattering from an DNA Triple Helix of Poly[dA].2Poly[dT] at a Silver Electrode: Beyond the Short-range Mechanism. Ye Fang, Ying Wei, Chunli Bai, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Phys. Chem., 100, 17410-13 (1996). (SCI=3.242)
125. ª÷ÄÝÂ÷¤l»P³æ®Ö»ÄÁC»Ä§@¥Î¤§·§zݽ׹`Â÷¤l»P³¾ÁT®Ö»Ä®ÖÆP½Æ¦Xª«¤§µ²ºc, ¥Ì¾|¥Í, ¤Æ¾Ç, A54, 85-88 (1996). (invited paper)
126. ®Ö»Ä¦b¤ô·»²G¤¤µ²ºc¨s¤§¦^ÅU»P®i±æ, ¥Ì¾|¥Í, ¦ÛµM¬ì¾Ç²°T(Natural Science Newsletter, NSC), 9, 4-10 (1997) (invited paper).
127. Hydration of Pyrimidine/Purine/Pyrimidine DNA Triple Helices as Revealed by FT-IR Spectroscopy: A Role of Cytosine Methylation. Ye Fang, Ying Wei, Chunli Bai, Youqi Tang, Shwu-Bin Lin, and Lou-sing Kan, (1997) J. Biomol. Str. Dyn., 14, 485-493 (1997). (SCI=1.487)
128. An Analysis of SELCON- A Self-consistant Method that Estimates Protein Secondary Structure from Circular Dichroism Data. W.-C. Lin and Lou-sing Kan, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica, 44, 45-59 (1997).
129. Improved syntheses of halofuranose derivatives with the desired Ą-configuration. T.-M. Chin, L.-K. Huang, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei), 44, 413-416 (1997). (SCI=0.635)
130. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides of IGF-II selectively inhibit growth of human hepatoma cells overproducing IGF-II. S.-B. Lin, S.-H. Hsieh, M.-Y. Lai, Lou-sing Kan, and L.-C. Au, J. Biochem., 122, 717-722 (1997). (SCI=2.101)
131. Triplex formation of an oligonucleotide containing 2'-O-methylpseudoisocytidine with single and double stranded nucleic acids at neutral pH. A. Ono, P. O. P. Ts'o, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 44, 601-607 (1997). (SCI=0.635)
132. Effect of selective substitution of 5-bromocytosine on conformation of DNA triple helices. M. Liu, S.-B. Lin, L. Yang, W. Deng, M. Su, C. Wang, C. Bai, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn., 15, 895-903 (1998). (SCI=1.487)
133. A study of the G-wire DNA by atomic force microscopy. Shwu-Bin Lin, Ye. Fang, and Lou-sing Kan, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica, 45, 45-54 (1998).
134. Change of thermal stability of colicin E7 triggered by acidic pH suggests the existence of unfolded intermediate during the membrance-translocation phase. K.-F. Chak, S.-Y. Hsieh, and Lou-sing Kan, Proteins, Str. Func. Gen., 32, 17-25 (1998). (SCI=5.350)
135. Influence of 5-bromodeoxyxytosine substitution on triplex DNA stability and conformation, L. Yang, M. Liu, W. Deng, C. Wang, C. Bai, and L.-S. Kan, Biophys. Chem. 76, 26-34 (1999).
136. NMR studies of the tautomerism in pseudoisocytidine. Lou-sing Kan, W.-C. Lin, R. Dayal Yadav, J. H. Shih, and Ito Chao, Nucleosides & Nucleotides, 18, 1091-1093 (1999) (SCI=1.413).
137. The formation of triple stranded helix of oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing 8-oxo-2'-deoxyadenosine, S.-B. Lin, C.-M. Wu, W.-C. Lin, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 46, 693-697 (1999).
138. The synthesis of N-(6-aminopyridin-2-yl)-2'-deoxycytidine for recognizing the CG base pair at neutral pH by oligodeoxyribonucleotide-directed triple helix formation, T.-M. Chin, K.-Y. Chung, J.-J. Chen, W.-C. Lin, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 46, 751-758 (1999).
139. Study of intramolecular triplex formation with oligonucleotides containing 5-bromocytosine in aqueous solution, Wei-Chen Lin, Shwu-Bin Lin, Jong-Shiow Cheng, Ming-Tsair Wey, Pei-Wen Chao, Utz Dorberger, Hartmut Fritzsche, and Lou-sing Kan, Bull. Inst. Chem., Academia Sinica (Taiwan, ROC), 47, 43-54 (2000).
140. ¡§Paper-Clip¡¨ type triple helix formation by 5¡¦-d-(TC)3Ta(CT)3Cb(AG)3 (a and b = 0-4) as function of loop size with and without the pseudoisocytosine base in the Hoogsteen strand, T.-M. Chin, S.-B. Lin, S.-Y. Lee, M.-L. Chang, A. Y.-Y. Cheng, F.-C. Chang, L. Pasternack, D.-H. Huang, and Lou-sing Kan, Biochemistry, 39, 12457-12464 (2000).
141. Polyproline II helix is a key structural motif of the elastic PEVK segment of titin, K. Ma, Lou-sing Kan, K. Wang, Biochemistry, 40, 3427-3438 (2001)
142. Photochemical cleavage of single- and double-stranded oligonucleotides by 3-(p-tolylamino)-1,5-azulenequinone, F.-Y. Tsai, S.-B. Lin, S.-C. Tsay, W.-C. Lin, C.-L. Hsieh, S. H. Chuang, Lou-sing Kan, and J. R. Hwu, Tetrahedron Let., 42, 5733-5735 (2001).
143. Interaction between 3-(p-Tolylamino)-1,5-Azulenequinone and the deoxyguanosine residue in various oligonucleotides upon photolysis, J. R. Hwu, F.-Y. Tsai, S.-C. Tsay, S. H. Chuang, T.-R. Su, S.-B. Lin, W.-C. Chen, C.-L. Hsieh, and Lou-sing Kan, Photochem. Photobiol., 74, 686-693 (2001)
144. Effects of polyamines on the thermal stability and formation kinetics of DNA duplexes with abnormal sequence, M.-H. Hou, S.-B. Lin, J.-M. Yuann, W.-C. Lin, A. H.-J. Wang, and Lou-sing Kan, Nucleic Acids Res., 29, 5121-5128 (2001).
145. Formation of DNA triple helix containing N4-(6-aminopyridin-2-yl)-2¡¦-deoxycytidine, T.-M. Chin, M.-H Tseng, K.-Y. Chung, F.-S. Hung, S.-B. Lin, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn., 19, 543-553 (2001).
146. Proton NMR Studies of 5'-d-(TC)3(CT)3(AG)3 ¡V A Paperclip Triplex: The Structural Relevance of Turns, Pasternack, L., Lin, S.-B., Chin, T.-M., Lin, W.-C., Huang, D.-H., and Kan, L.-S. Biophysical J., 82, 3170-3180 (2002).
147. Protein Folding by A Quasi-static-like Process: A First-order State Transition, Chang, C.-C., Su, Y.-C., Cheng, M.-S., and Kan, L.-S. Phys. Rev., E., 66, 021903(1-8), (2002).
148. Triterpene extract from Ganoderma lucidum inhibits growth of hepatoma Huh7 cells: involvement of oxidative stress induction, Lin, S.-B., Li, C.-H., Chen, Y.-R., Kan, L.-S, Lee, S.-S. In: Lin Z.-B. (Ed.), ¡§Ganoderma: Genetics, Chemistry, Pharmacology and Therapeutics¡¨. Beijing Medical University Press, Beijing, pp 176-182 (2002).
149. Proton NMR Study on Two Structures of 3'-O-(Acetylimino)3'-de(phosphinico)-thymidylyl-(3,5')-deoxythymidine in Aqueous Solution, Tseng, Y.-Y., Yang, T.-F., and Kan, L.-S. Tetrahedron, 59, 1981-1988, (2003).
150. Triterpene-enriched extracts from Ganoderma lucidum inhibit growth of hepatoma cells via suppressing protein kinase C, activating mitogen-activated protein kinases and G2-phase cell cycle arrest, Lin, S.-B., Li, C.-H., Lee, S.-S., Kan, L.-S. Life Sci, 72, 2381-2390, (2003).
151. Reversible Folding of Cysteine-Rich Metallothionein by an Over-Critical Reaction Path, Yi-Liang Liu, Hui-Ting Lee, Chia-Ching Chang, and Lou-sing Kan, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 306, 59-63 (2003).
152. Production and characterization of bioactive recombinant resistin in E. coli., Juan, C.-C., Kan, L.-S., Huang, C.-C., Chen, S.-S., and Au, L.-C., Biotechnology, 103, 103-107 (2003).
153. A First-Order-Like State Transition for Recombinant Protein Folding, C.-C. Chang, M.-S. Cheng, Y.-C. Su, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Biomol. Str. Dyn. (2003), 21, 247-255 (2003).
154. Refolding of Lysozyme by Quasi-static and Direct Dilution Reaction Paths: A First-Order-Like State Transition, Chia-Ching Chang, Xu-Cheng Yeh, Hui-Ting Lee, Po-Yen Lin, and Lou-Sing Kan, (2004) Phys. Rev., E., 70, 011904 (1-8) (2004). (Also being selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 8, issue 2 (July 15, 2004))
155. Protein folding stabilizing time measurement: a direct folding process and three-dimensional random walk simulation, Chia-Ching Chang, Po-Yen Lin, Xu-Cheng Yeh, Kuang-Hau Deng, Yen-Peng Ho and Lou-Sing Kan, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 328, 845-50 (2005).
156. Studies on the extension of sequence-independence and the enhancement of DNA triplex formation,Ming-Tsi Wei, Axel Walter, Anna Gabrielian, Holger Schutz 2 , Eckhard Birch-Hirschfeld, Shwu-BinLin, Wei-Chen Lin, Hartmut Fritzsche, and Lou-sing Kan, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 52, 375-381 (2005).
157. Ganoderic acid, a lanostanoid triterpene, inhibits topoisomerases and induces apoptosis of cancer cells,Chyi-Hann Li, Pei-Yu Chen, Ue-Min Chang, Lou-Sing Kan, Woei-Horng Fang, Keh-Sung Tsai,Shwu-Bin Lin, Life Sci., 77, 252-265 (2005).