202312 Andrei Okounkov
+ Venue: Room 202, 2 Floor,
Astro-Math. Building (NTU Campus)
+ Time: 15:30 - 16:30, Monday - Wednesday, Dec. 25 - 27, 2023
Title: Enumerative Geometry and Special Functions
Abstract: Special functions are like threads which hold together many different pages of the history of mathematics. Functions that were important in mathematics and mathematical physics of the two previous centuries find new interpretations and vast generalizations in the current research, including current research in enumerative geometry. In these lectures, I will try to connect classical and modern topics in special functions in a way that should be accessible to a wide mathematical audience.
LECTURE 1: [Video: here ]
LECTURE 2: [Video: here ]
LECTURE 3: [Video: here ]
+ Poster: here