
1/17 11:25 - 12:10
林敏雄, Low Rank Approximation of Entangled Bipartite SystemsRoom 639
李志光, Numerical range techniques in quantum information scienceRoom 202
尤釋賢, Green's function and Path integralRoom 101
Kenichi Bannai, Pure Mathematicians meet Machine Learning1F 國際會議廳
余正道, Moments of Airy Functions as Ulterior MotivesRoom 102
1/18 10:15 - 11:00
Sijong Kwak, Higher secant varieties of minimal degree and del Pezzo higher secant varieties1F 國際會議廳
楊柏因, Postquantum Cryptography and the NIST CompetitionRoom 101
陳隆奇, The Critical Behavior for Percolation and the Mean Field Behavior for Oriented Percolation in High DimensionsRoom 638
崔茂培, Data, Geometry and RandomnessRoom 102
陳俊全, Diffusive Lotka-Volterra competition systemsRoom 639
吳浩榳, Some recent advances in time-frequency analysis methods for biomedical signalsRoom 202