I am an associate research fellow of the Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica. Earthquake source rupture and seismic wave propagation are my interests and current researches.


Contact information:

Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
No.128, Section 2, Academia Road,
Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 115
TEL: 886-2-2783-9910 ext: 1316
FAX: 886-2-2783-9871
E-mail: sjlee@earth.sinica.edu.tw



A snapshot of my current work

In recent earthquake research, computational seismology is an important subject which can not only help to look into the earthquake physics but also give contribution to retrieve real-time earthquake information and to reduce the time needed in seismic hazard assessment. I am focusing on four topics of computational seismology now, including (A) community numerical velocity model, (B) earthquake source representation, (C) realistic ground motion simulation (D) real-time seismology. These topics are highly complementary to each other and the integrated goal will be to build the Taiwan Numerical Earthquake Model (TNEM: http://tnem.earth.sinica.edu.tw).