>>  Publications



SCI paper


1. Lee, S. J. and K. F. Ma, 2000. Rupture Process of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake from the Inversion of Teleseismic Data, Terr. Atmos. Oceanic Sci., 11, 591-608. [pdf reprint]

2. Ma, K. F., T. R. Song, S. J. Lee and S. I. Wu, 2000.  Spatial slip distribution of the September 20, 1999, Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake --Inverted from Teleseismic Data, Geophy. Res. Let. , 20, 3417-3420.

3. Ma, K. F., J. Mori, S. J. Lee and S. B. Yu, 2001. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Slip for the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Am., 91, 1069-1087.

4. Ma, K. F., J. Mori, S. J. Lee and S. B. Yu, 2001. Data file from Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Slip for the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake , Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 91, 1381-1382.

5. Lee, S. J., K. F. Ma and H. W. Chen, 2006. Effects of Fault Geometry and Slip Style on Near-fault Static Displacements Caused by the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 241, 336-350. [pdf reprint]

6. Lee, S. J., K. F. Ma and H. W. Chen, 2006. Three Dimensional Dense Strong Motion Waveform Inversion for the Rupture Process of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 111,  B11308, doi:10.1029/2005JB004097. [pdf reprint]

7. Lee, S. J., H. W. Chen and K. F. Ma, 2007. Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake from a Realistic 3D Source and Crustal Structure, J. Geophys. Res., 112, B06307, doi: 10.1029/2006JB004615. [pdf reprint]

8. Casarotti, E., M. Stupazzini, S. J. Lee, D. Komatitsch, A. Piersanti, and J. Tromp, 2007. CUBIT and seismic wave propagation based upon the Spectral-Element Method: An advanced unstructured mesher for complex 3D geological media, in Proceedings of the 16th International Meshing Roundtable, editors M.L. Brewer and D. Marcum, Springer, New York, NY.

9. Lee, S. J., H. W. Chen, Q. Liu, D. Komatitsch, B. S. Huang and J. Tromp, 2008. Three-dimensional simulations of seismic wave propagation in the Taipei basin with realistic topography based upon the spectral-element method, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 98, 253-264, doi: 10.1785/0120070033. [pdf reprint]

10. Lee, S. J., H. W. Chen and B. S. Huang, 2008. Simulation of Strong Ground Motion and 3D Amplification Effect in the Taipei Basin by using a Composite Grid Finite-Difference Method, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 98, 1229-1242, doi: 10.1785/012/0120060098. [pdf reprint]

11. Huang, B. S., Y. L. Huang, S. J. Lee, Y. G. Chen, and J. S. Jiang, 2008. Initial Rupture Processes of the 2006 Pingtung Earthquake from near Source Strong-Motion Records, Terr. Atmos. Oceanic Sci., 19, 547-554, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2008.19.6.547(PT).

12. Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang, and B. S. Huang, 2008. Source Mechanisms and Rupture Processes of the 26 December 2006 Pingtung Earthquake Doublet as Determined from the Regional Seismic Records, Terr. Atmos. Oceanic Sci., 19, 555-565, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2008.19.6.555(PT). [pdf reprint]

13. Lee, S. J., Y. C. Chan, Komatitsch, B. S. Huang, and J. Tromp, 2009. Effects of realistic surface topography on seismic ground motion in the Yangminshan region (Taiwan) based upon the Spectral-Element Method and LiDAR DTM, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 99, 681-693, doi: 10.1785/0120080264. [pdf reprint]

14. Lee, S. J., D. Komatitsch, B. S. Huang, and J. Tromp, 2009. Effects of topography on seismic wave propagation: An example from northern Taiwan, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 99, 314-325, doi: 10.1785/0120080020. [pdf reprint]

15. Konstantinou, K. I., S. J. Lee, C. P. Evangelidis and N. S. Melis, 2009. Source process and tectonic implications of the 8 January 2006 (Mw ~6.7) Kythira earthquake, southern Greece, PEPI, 175, 167-128, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2009.03.010.

16. Konstantinou, K. I., N. S. Melis, S. J. Lee, C. P. Evangelidis and K. Boukouras, 2009. Rupture process and aftershocks relocation of the 8 June 2008 (Mw 6.4) earthquake in NW Peloponnese, western Greece, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 99, 3374-3389, doi: 10.1785/0120080301.

17. Lee, S. J., B. S. Huang, W. T. Liang, and K. C. Chen, 2010. Grid-based moment tensor inversion technique by using 3-D Green’s functions database: A demonstration of the 23 October 2004 Taipei earthquake, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 21, 503-514, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2010.01.25.02(TH). [pdf reprint]

18. Huang, B. S., Y. L. Huang, S. J. Lee, C. H. Chen, K. C. Chen, W. G. Huang, and S. Tsao, 2010. Array observations for long-period basin ground motions in the Taipei region during the M 7.1 eastern Taiwan offshore earthquake of 31 March 2002, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 21, 477-484, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2009.11.17.02(TH).

19. Chen, K. C., B. S. Huang, W. G. Huang, J. H. Wang, K. H. Kim, S. J. Lee, Y. C. Lai, S. Tsao, and C. H. Chen, 2010. A blind normal fault beneath the Taipei basin in northern Taiwan, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 21, 495-502, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2010.01.25.01(TH).

20. Huang, B. S., Y. L. Huang, P. L. Leu and S. J. Lee, 2010. Estimation of the rupture velocity and fault length of the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake using a dense broadband seismic array in Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2010.10.020.

21. Wang, J. H., K. C. Chen, S. J. Lee, and W. G. Huang, 2011. The 15 April 1909 Taipei earthquake. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 22, 91-96, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2010.08.16.01(T).

22. Konstantinou, K. I., S. J. Lee, Y. Font and H. Kao, 2011. Rupture at the flank of the subducted Gagua ridge: The 18 December 2001 earthquake (Mw 6.8) offshore eastern Taiwan. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 189(1), 80-91, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2011.07.010.

23. Lee, S. J., B. S. Huang, M. Ando, H. C. Chiu, and J. H. Wang, 2011. Evidence of large scale repeating slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L19306, doi:10.1029/2011GL049580. [Full text]

24. Huang, B. S., J. Chen, Q. Liu, Y. G. Chen, X. W. Xu, C. Y. Wang, S. J. Lee, Z. X. Yao, 2011. Estimation of rupture processes of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake from joint analyses of two regional seismic arrays, Tectonophysics (2011), doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.12.026

25. Lee, S. J., 2012. Rupture process of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake based on joint source inversion of teleseismic and GPS data. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. [Full text]

26. Wang, J. H., K. C. Chen, S. J. Lee, W. G. Huang, Y. H. Wu, and P. L. Leu, 2012. The frequency distribution of inter-event times of M ≥ 3 earthquakes in the Taipei metropolitan area: 1973 - 2010. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 23, 269-281, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2011.12.20.01(T).

27. Huang, B. S., L. C. Kuo, S. J. Lee, 2012. Common observations for near-source ground motions and seismo-traveling ionosphere disturbances following the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake, Japan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 23, 237-245, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2011.10.27.01(AA)

28. Hsieh T. J., S. J. Lee, Y. S. Yang, Y. L. Chang, B. Huang, C. K. Chen and K. L. Ma, 2012. High-performance computing and visualization of earthquake simulations and ground-motion sensor network data, J. Appl. Remote Sens., 6, 061501.

29. Ma, K. F., Y. Y. Lin, S. J. Lee, J. Mori, E. Brodsky, 2012. Isotropic Events Observed with a Borehole Array in the Chelungpu Fault Zone, Taiwan, Science 27 July 2012: Vol. 337 no. 6093 pp. 459-463, DOI: 10.1126/science.1222119. [Full text]

30. Wang, J. H., K. C. Chen, S. J. Lee, W. G. Huang, and P. L. Leu, 2012. Fluctuation analyses of M ≥ 3 earthquake sequences in the Taipei Metropolitan Area. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 23, 633-645, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2012.08.14.01(T)

31. Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang, L. Mozziconacci, Y. J. Hsu, W. G. Huang and B. S. Huang, 2013. Source complexity of the 4 March 2010 Jiashian, Taiwan Earthquake determined by joint inversion of teleseismic and near field data. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 64, 14-26, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.11.018. [Full text]

32. Huang, B. S., C. Y. Chien, D. David Okaya, S. J. Lee, Y. C. Lai, F. T. Wu, W. T. Liang, and W. G. Huang, 2013. Multiple diving waves and high-velocity gradients in the western Taiwan Coastal Plain – an investigation based on the TAIGER experiment, BSSA, 103, 925-935.

33. Mozziconacci, L., B. S. Huang, B. Delouis, J. C. Lee and S. J. Lee, 2013. Rupture behavior of a Moderate earthquake (MW 5.9, April 2006) and its close relation with the 2003 Chengkung earthquake (Mw 6.8) at the Southern Termination of the plate boundary, Southeast Taiwan, J. Asian Earth Sci., 75, 213-225.

34. Chao, W. A., L. Zhao, Y. M. Wu, and S. J. Lee, 2013. Imaging source slip distribution by the back-projection of P-wave amplitudes from strong-motion records: a case study for the 2010 Jiasian, Taiwan, earthquake, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt082.

35. Maeda, T., T. Furumura, S. Noguchi, S. Takemura, S. Sakai, M. Shinohara, K. Iwai, and S. J. Lee, 2013. Seismic‐ and Tsunami‐Wave Propagation of the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake as Inferred from the Tsunami‐Coupled Finite‐Difference Simulation, BSSA, 103, 1456-1472, doi: 10.1785/0120120118.

36. Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang, H. W. Cheng, F. S. Tu, K. F. Ma, H. Tsuruoka, H. Kawakatsu, B. S. Huang and C. C. Liu, 2013. Toward real-time regional earthquake simulation I: Real-time Moment Tensor monitoring (RMT) for regional events in Taiwan, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt371. [Full text]

37. Lee, S. J., Q. Liu, J. Tromp, D. Komatitsch, W. T. Liang, and B. S. Huang, 2014. Toward real-time regional earthquake simulation II: Real-time Online earthquake Simulation (ROS) of Taiwan earthquakes, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.02.009. [Full text]

38. Huang, H. H., Y. M. Wu, C. H. Chang, S. J. Lee, T. M. Chang, and H. H. Hsieh, 2014. Joint Vp and Vs tomography of Taiwan: Implications for subduction-collision orogeny, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,392, 177-191.

39. Lee, S. J., H. H. Huang, J. Bruce H. Shyu, T. C. Lin and T. Y. Yeh, 2014. Numerical earthquake model of the 31 October 2013 Ruisui, Taiwan, Earthquake: Source rupture process and seismic wave propagation, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 96, 374-385, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes. 2014.09.020. [Full text]

40. Huang, H. H., Y. M. Wu, X. Song, C. H. Chang, H. Kuo-Chen, and S. J. Lee, 2014. Investigating the lithospheric structures beneath Taiwan region by nonlinear joint inversion of local and teleseismic P-wave data: Slab continuity and deflection, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, doi:10.1002/2014GL061115.

41. Lee, S. J., T. Y. Yeh, H. H. Huang, and C. H. Lin, 2015. Numerical earthquake models of the 2013 Nantou, Taiwan, earthquake series: Characteristics of source rupture processes, strong ground motions and their tectonic implication, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111, 365-372, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.06.031. [Full text]

42. Lee, S. J., 2015. Numerical earthquake model of the 20 April 2015 southern Ryukyu subduction zone M6.4 event and its impact on seismic hazard assessment, Earth, Planets and Space, 67:164, doi:10.1186/s40623-015-0337-5. [Full text]

43. Wen, Y. Y., Y. T. Yen, St. Wen, S. J. Lee, C. H. Kuo, and Y. Y. Lin, 2016. Hybrid Ground Motion Simulation for the 2013 ML 6.4 Ruisui, Taiwan Earthquake, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., doi: 10.3319/TAO.2015.11.27.01(TEM).

44. Liao, Y. W., Y. T. Yen, S. J. Lee*, and K. F. Ma, 2016. 1909 Taipei Earthquake Ground Motion Simulation, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., doi: 10.3319/TAO.2016.03.02.01(TEM).

45. Lee, S. J., T. Y. Yeh, T. C. Lin, Y. Y. Lin, T. R. A. Song, and B. S. Huang, 2016. Two-stage composite megathrust rupture of the 2015 Mw8.4 Illapel, Chile, earthquake identified by spectral-element inversion of teleseismic waves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL068843. [Full text]

46. Lee, S. J., T. Y. Yeh, and Y. Y. Lin, 2016. Anomalously large ground motion in the 2016 ML 6.6 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake: A synergy effect of source rupture and site amplification, Seismol. Res. Lett., doi: 10.1785/0220160082. [Full text]

47. Lee, S. J., 2017. Lessons learned from source rupture to strong ground motion simulations: An example from Taiwan, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 107(5), 2106-2116. [Full text]

48. Kanamori, H., L. Ye, B. S. Huang, H. H. Huang, S. J. Lee, W. T. Liang, Y. Y. Lin, K. F. Ma, Y. M. Wu, and T. Y. Yeh, 2017. A strong-motion hot spot of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake (Mw=6.4), Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 28(5), 637-650.

49. Lin, Y. Y., T. Y. Yeh, K. F. Ma, T. R. Song, S. J. Lee, B. S. Huang, Y. M. Wu, 2018. Source Characteristics of the 2016 Meinong (ML 6.6), Taiwan, Earthquake, Revealed from Dense Seismic Arrays: Double Sources and Pulse‐like Velocity Ground Motion, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am., 108(1), 188-199.

50. Lee, S. J., T. C. Lin, K. F. Feng and T. Y. Liu, 2018. Composite Megathrust Rupture from Deep Interplate to Trench of the 2016 Solomon Islands Earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 674-681. [Full text]

51. Lee, S. J., T. C. Lin, T. Y. Liu and T. P. Wong, 2018. Fault-to-Fault Jumping Rupture of the 2018 Mw 6.4 Hualien Earthquake in Eastern Taiwan, Seismol. Res. Lett., doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/0220180182. [Full text]

52. Lin, C. H., Y. C. Lai, M. H. Shih, H. C. Pu, and S. J. Lee, 2018. Seismic Detection of a Magma Reservoir beneath Turtle Island of Taiwan by S-Wave Shadows and Reflections, Scientific Reports, 8(1), 16401. [Full text]

53. Lee, S. J., T. P. Wong, T. C. Lin, and T. Y. Liu, 2019. Complex Triggering Supershear Rupture of the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu, Indonesia, Earthquake Determined from Teleseismic Source Inversion, Seismol. Res. Lett., 90(6), 2111-2120. [Full text]

54. Lee, S. J., T. P. Wong, T. Y. Liu, T. C. Lin, and C. T. Chen, 2020. Strong ground motion over a large area in northern Taiwan caused by the northward rupture directivity of the 2019 Hualien earthquake, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 104095. [Full text]

55. Lee, S. J., 2022. Source rupture characteristics and ground motion simulation of the southernmost Ryukyu subduction zone 31 March 2002 Mw7.1 earthquake, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105127. [Full text]

56. Lee, S. J., T. Y. Liu, and T. C. Lin, 2023. The role of the west-dipping collision boundary fault in the Taiwan 2022 Chihshang earthquake sequence. Scientific Report, 13, 3552. [Full text]



Conference abstract


1. 李憲忠,馬國鳳,1998:以波線追跡法探究新竹-台中地區之速度構造,第六屆台灣地區地球物理研討會論文集,289298頁。

2. 李憲忠,馬國鳳,1999:以廣義波線法研究新竹-台中地區之S波速度構造,中國地質學會八十八年年會暨學術研討會手冊及論文摘要,386388頁。

3. 李憲忠,馬國鳳,1999:以強地動波形模擬研究台灣中西部S波速度構造,第七屆台灣地區地球物理研討會論文集,2530頁。

4. 李憲忠,馬國鳳,2000921集集地震破裂過程-遠震波形逆推結果,中國地質學會八十九年年會暨學術研討會手冊及論文摘要,135138頁。

5. Lee, S. J., K. F. Ma, J. Mori and S. Yu, 2000. Teleseismic and GPS data analysis of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake. Western Pacific Geol. Meeting, July, Tokyo.

6. 李憲忠,馬國鳳,2000:利用同震變形研究921集集地震之震源破裂,第八屆台灣地區地球物理研討會論文集,2937頁。

7. Lee, S. J. and K. F. Ma, 2001. Two-dimensional wave propagation modeling beneath Eastern Taiwan. JGA 2001, 71-74.

8. Lee, S. J. and K. F. Ma, 2001. Detail shear wave velocity structure beneath Taiwan from dense strong motion waveform modeling. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

9. 李憲忠,陳浩維,馬國鳳,2002:台灣中西部三維地震波傳遞之研究,中國地質學會九十一年年會暨學術研討會手冊及論文摘要,7071頁。

10. Lee, S. J., H. W. Chen and K. F. Ma, 2002. Three-Dimensional Wave Propagation Investigation Beneath Taiwan. Western Pacific Geol. Meeting, July, New Zealand.

11. 李憲忠,陳浩維,馬國鳳,2002:台灣地區三維震波傳遞之數值模擬,第九屆台灣地區地球物理研討會論文集,157162頁。

12. Lee, S. J., K. F. Ma and H. W. Chen, 2003. Three Dimensional simulation of Source Process and Ground Motions of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake. IUGG Meeting, July, Japan.

13. Lee, S. J., H. W. Chen, B. S. Huang and K. F. Ma, 2004. Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Modeling of Strong Ground Motion in the Taipei Basin. JGA 2004, 05-O-033.

14. Lee, S. J., H. W. Chen, B. S. Huang and K. F. Ma, 2004. Three-Dimensional Finite-Difference Modeling of Strong Ground Motion in the Taipei Basin. Western Pacific Geol. Meeting, July, Hawaii.

15. Lee, S. J., J. Tromp, H. W. Chen and B. S. Huang, 2005. Mesh Creation for Realistic Topography and Complex Basin Structure in Taipei, Taiwan. Mesh creation, domain decomposition and parallel computing in 3D geophysics workshop, October, University of Pau, France.

16. Lee, S. J., J. Tromp, H. W. Chen and B. S. Huang, 2005. Mesh Creation and Strong Ground Motion Simulation in the Taipei Basin based upon the Spectral-Element Method, 九十四年度地球物理學會年會暨蔡義本教授榮退專題演討會論文集,97頁。

17. Lee, S. J., J. Tromp, H. W. Chen and B. S. Huang, 2005. Mesh creation and strong ground motion simulation in the Taipei basin based upon the spectral-element method. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

18. Lee, S. J., J. Tromp, H. W. Chen and B. S. Huang, 2006. Mesh Creation and Strong Ground Motion Simulation in the Taipei Basin based upon the Spectral-Element Method, 中國地質學會九十五年年會暨學術研討會手冊及論文摘要,193頁。

19. Lee, S. J., B. S. Huang and W. T. Liang, 2006. Grid-based moment tensor inversion by using spectral-element method 3D Green’s functions. Western Pacific Geol. Meeting, July, Beijing.

20. Lee, S. J., B. S. Huang and W. T. Liang, 2006. Developing a Grid-Based Source Parameters Search Technique: An Example of Oct. 23 2004, Taipei Earthquake, 九十五年度地球物理學會年會暨2006年台灣地區地球物理學術研討會論文集,55頁。

21. Lee, S. J., K. F. Ma and H. W. Chen, 2006. Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake from a Realistic 3D Source and Crustal Structure. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

22. 李憲忠, 2007:大台北地區地震波傳遞之地形效應,2007台灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,大會手冊,19頁。

23. Lee, S. J., B. S. Huang and J. Tromp, 2007. Effects of realistic surface topography on seismic wave propagation: An example from northern Taiwan. AGU Fall Meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

24. Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang and B. S. Huang, 2008. Source mechanisms and rupture processes of the December 26th, 2006 PingTung Doublet Earthquakes as determined from the regional seismic record, 中華民國地質學會與中國地球物理學會97年年會暨學術研討會。

25. Lee, S. J., D. Komatitsch, Y. C. Chan, B. S. Huang and J. Tromp, 2008. Effects of realistic topography on seismic wave propagation: Large- and small-scale topography effects in northern Taiwan, 2008 AGU Fall Meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

26. Lee, S. J., D. Komatitsch, Y. C. Chan, B. S. Huang and J. Tromp, 2009. Effects of realistic topography on seismic wave propagation: Large- and small-scale topography effects in northern Taiwan. SSA 2009, 8-10 April, Monterey, California.

27. Lee, S. J., 2009. Numerical Simulation of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake with Realistic 3D Source, Topography and Crustal Structure, Conference in commemoration of 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, May 5-6, NCCU, Chiayi, Taiwan. (Invited)

28. Lee, S. J., 2009. Numerical Simulation of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake, International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, September 17-21, Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited)

29. Lee, S. J., 2009. Effects of realistic topography on seismic wave propagation: Small and large-scale topography effects in northern Taiwan, An International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Chi-Chi Earthquake - The Next Generation of Research on Earthquake-induced Landslides, September 21-26, Jhongli, Taiwan. (Invited)

30. Lee, S. J., 2009. Realistic Topography effects on Seismic-Wave Propagation: An Example from Taiwan, 2009 AGU fall meeting, Dec, San Francisco. (Invited)

31. Lee, S. J., D. Komatitsch, B. S. Huang and J. Tromp, 2010. Numerical simulations of source processes and seismic wave propagation associated with hazardous earthquakes in Taiwan, 2010 WPGM meeting, June, Taipei. (Invited)

32. Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang, L. Mozziconacci, C. Y. Lu, W. G. Huang and B. S. Huang, 2010. Source complexity of the 4 March 2010 JiaSian, Taiwan, Earthquake determined by joint inversion of teleseismic and near field data, 2010 AGU fall meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

33. Lee, S. J., H. W. Cheng and W. T. Liang, 2011. Real-time computational seismology earthquake report: An example from Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2011, April, Vienna.

34. Lee S. J., 2011. Near real time source inversion and global seismic wave propagation simulation for the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku, Japan earthquake, 2011 AOGS, August, Taipei, Taiwan.

35. Lee, S. J., 2011. Evidence of large scale repeating slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, 2011 AGU fall meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

36. Lee S. J., B. S. Huang, Masataka Ando, H. C. Chiu and J. H. Wang, 2012. Evidence of large scale repeating slip during rupture process of Tohoku-Oki earthquake, Seismology forum meeting, March 20, Taipei, Taiwan.

37. Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang, W. G. Huang and B. S. Huang, 2012. Numerical Earthquake Model of the 26 February 2012 Wutai Earthquake (M6.4), 101年度地球物理學會年會暨2012年台灣地區地球物理學術研討會, May 17-18, Jhongli, Taiwan.

38. Lee S. J., W. T. Liang, C. L. Tsai, 2012. Introduction to the Real-time Online earthquake Simulation system (ROS) for Taiwan, 101年度地球物理學會年會暨2012年台灣地區地球物理學術研討會, May 17-18, Jhongli, Taiwan.

39. Lee, S. J., 2012. 3D waveforms simulation for earthquakes and scenario events. Seismic Hazard Assessment Issues in the island arc of Taiwan and Japan, June 4-5, Jhongli, Taiwan. (Invited)

40. Lee S. J., W. T. Liang and B. S. Huang, 2012. Recent achievements in real-time computational seismology in Taiwan, 2012 AGU fall meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

41. Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang H. Kawakatsu, H. Tsuruoka, K. F. Ma and B. S. Huang, 2013. Real-time Moment Tensor monitoring system (RMT) applied for the Taiwan region, AOGS 10th Annual Meeting (AOGS2013), June 24-28, Brisbane, Australia. (Invited)

42. Lee, S. J., Q. Liu, J. Tromp, D. Komatitsch, W. T. Liang and B. S. Huang, 2013. Toward real-time regional earthquake simulation of Taiwan earthquakes, 2013 AGU fall meeting, Dec, San Francisco. (Invited)

43. Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang, and B. S. Huang, 2014. Toward real-time computational seismology earthquake report for Taiwan earthquakes, 2014 AOGS Annual Meeting, June 28 – August 1, Sapporo, Japan. (Invited)

44. Lee, S. J., H. H. Huang, J. Bruce H. Shyu, T. C. Lin and T. Y. Yeh, 2014. Numerical earthquake model of the 31 October 2013 Ruisui, Taiwan, Earthquake: Source rupture process and seismic wave propagation, 2014 AGU fall meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

45. Lee, S. J., 2015. Taiwan Numerical Earthquake Model (TNEM): An Integration of Computational Seismology Research, 104年度地球物理學會年會暨2015年台灣地區地球物理學術研討會, May 13-14, Taipei, Taiwan.

46. Lee, S. J., 2015. Numerical earthquake model of the 20 April 2015 southern Ryukyu subduction zone M6.4 event and its impact on seismic hazard assessment, 2015 AGU fall meeting, Dec, San Francisco.

47. Lee, S. J., 2016. Source Complexity of the 0206 Meinong Earthquake, Seismology forum meeting, March 10, Taipei, Taiwan.

48. Lee, S. J., 2016. Numerical earthquake model of the 6 February 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake, 2016年臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會, May 16-20, Taipei, Taiwan.

49. Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang, and B. S. Huang., 2017. Toward the Real-time Computational Seismology earthquake report in Taiwan, The International Workshop of Technology of Earthquake Monitoring and Geophysical data Analysis Application, September 5-6, Taipei, Taiwan.

50. Lee, S. J. 2018. Composite Megathrust Rupture from Deep Interplate to Trench of the 2016 Solomon Islands Earthquake, 2018 AOGS 15th Annual Meeting, June 3-8, Honolulu, Hawaii.






Lee S. J., 1999. The S-Wave Velocity Structure Under Center-West Taiwan  (in Chinese), M.S. Thesis, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, ROC.

Lee S. J., 2003. Three Dimensional Rupture Process and Wave Propagation Analysis of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake (in Chinese), Ph. D. Thesis, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, ROC.