To get to ASIAA
Please see this link for transportation instruction from the airport to ASIAA located in Astronomy-Mathematics Building (ASMAB) in the NTU ccampus.
A map around ASMAB can be found Here .
9th to 14th floors of the ASMAB are ASIAA's office floors. You can come to ASIAA only via elevators. There are four elevators, three of them are next to each other and another one on the other side. Take one of the three elevators (the other one goes only to lower floors) to the 11th floor where our front office is located. You cannot access to other floors of ASIAA without a card key. If you are an official ASIAA's visitor, go to the front office and receive the card key with which you can go to other floors directly via elevators. If you are not, you can still use the stairs inside ASIAA to access other floors. My office is R1214, on the 12th floor.
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