Conferences and Meetings
Future Conferences and Meetings
- Simons Math Summer Workshop: Moduli, 1 – 19 July 2024.
- Gromov-Witten theory and related topics, BICMR-IBSCGP joint conference, IBS Center for Geometry and Physics in Pohang, 26-30 August 2024.
- Seoul-Taipei Enumerative Geometry Meeting, Busan, 30 September - 4 October, 2024.
- 2024 Hsu Lectures: Claire Voisin, Institute of Mathematics, Taipei, 2-4 December 2024.
- Algebraic Geometry in Taipei, NTU campus, Taipei, 2-6 December 2024.
- Enumerative Geometry in East Asia 2024, KIAS, Seoul, 16-20 December 2024.
- Recent developments in higher genus curve counting, 10-14 February 2025.
Useful Links
Past Conferences (since 2022)
- A Tribute to the Life and Work of Professor Bumsig Kim: Categorical and Enumerative Aspects of Mirror Symmetry, Seoul, 19-23 September 2022.
- Prima 2022, Vancouver, 4-9 December 2022.
- Research School of Higher Structures in Geometry and Mathematical Physics Program, 17-21 April 2023, Luminy, CIRM.
- Higher Structures in Geometry and Mathematical Physics thematic program, 17 April - 14 July 2023, IHP, Paris.
- Gauged Linear Sigma Models @30, Simons Center, 22-26 May 2023.
- Higher structures in Enumerative Geometry, 12-16 June 2023, IHP, Paris.
- Concerto in quantum K-theory, IASM, Zhejiang University, 5-6 July 2023.
- Birational Geometry and Quantum Invariants, Simons Center of Geometry and Physics, 30 October - 3 November, 2023.
- International conference on Gromov-Witten theory, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 18-22 December 2023.
- 2023 Hsu Lectures, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, 25-27 December 2023.
- Enumerative Geometry in East Asia, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, 25-29 December 2023.
- Conference on Gauged Symplectic Invariants and Related Topics, Guanzhou, China, 25-29 December 2023.
- Workshop on Enumerative Geometry, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences (SCMS), 11-15 March 2024.
- BrAG 2024, University of Sheffield, 10-12 April 2024.
Conferences (in the further past)
- Frobenius manifolds, quantum cohomology, and singularities, MPIM, 8-19 Jul 2002.
- School and conference on intersection theory and moduli, ICTP, 9-27 Sep 2002. -- can't go...
- WAGS Fall 2002, (preliminary meeting) at the University of Utah, 26-27 Oct 2002.
- WAGS Spring 2003, Stanford University, 19-20 April 2003.
- WAGS Fall 2003, 13-14 September 2003, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
- WAGS Spring 2004 (Western Algebraic Geometry Seminar), University of Utah, 27-29 March 2004
- Snowbird Conference on String Geometry, 5-11 June 2004
- Siu's lecture series, 10-11 June 2004.
- NCTS Workshop in Algebraic Geometry, 22 June - 9 July, 2004
- Mirror Symmetry Conference, NCTS, 9-13 July 2004.
- WAGS Fall 2004, Colorado State University, 9-10 Oct 2004.
- Workshop on Topological Strings, Fields Institute, 10-14 Jan 2005.
- Geometry of String Theory, Fields Institute, Academic Year 2004-5
- Donaldson--Thomas theory conference, 17-20 March 2005.
- Topology and geometry of the moduli space of curves, at the American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto, California, 28 March -- 1 April, 2005. (Organized by Ulrike Tillmann and Ravi Vakil; Registration Page)
- WAGS Spring 2005, University of Washington, 9-10 April 2005.
- Mini-course Arc Spaces and Motivic Integration, University of Utah, 16-27 May 2005.
- Texas Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Rice University, 20-22 May 2005.
- Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry (organizers' page, program), at the University of Washington, Seattle, 25 July -- 12 August, 2005. (Links: Information for Visitors, Best Western University Tower Hotel.)
- Progress in algebraic geometry inspired by physics, B(anff)IRS, 8-13 October 2005.
- Thematic Period in
Algebraic Geometry and Topological Strings, IST, Lisbon, 10 Oct -- 11 Nov, 2005.
- WAGS Fall 2005, University of Utah, 3-4 Dec 2005.
- Joint International Meeting of AMS and TMS (AMS page) There is a Special session in Algebraic Geometry. Taiwan, 14-18 December 2005.
- WAGS Spring 2006, Berkeley, 18-19 March 2006.
- Complex Geometry (schedule), A Conference in Honor of Domingo Toledo's 60th Birthday, University of Utah, 24-25 March 2006.
- New Topological Structures in Physics (and here), MSRI, 9 Jan - 19 May, 2006.
- Moduli Space of Curves and Gromov-Witten Theory, University of Michigan, 24-26 Apr 2006.
- Homological Conjectures in Commutative Algebra, a conference in honor of Paul Roberts' 60th birthday, Snowbird Resort, 18-19 May 2006.
- New developments in the geometry and physics of Gromov-Witten theory (and here), MSRI, 22-26 May 2006.
- SRC 2006: Representation Theory of Real Lie Groups, a conference celebrating the birthdays of Bill Casselman and Dragan Milicic, Snowbird Resort, 3-8 June 2006. -- can't go....
- Moduli spaces and combinatorics, BIRS, 22-27 July 2006. -- probably can't go....
- NCTS Workshop in Algebraic Geometry, NCTS, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 7-12 July 2006.
- ICM 2006, Madrid, Spain, 22-30 Aug 2006.
- Special Session on Mathematics Motivated by Physics, in 2006 Fall AMS Western Section Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, 7-8 October 2006.
- WAGS Fall 2006, University of Utah, 11-12 Nov 2006.
- Moduli Spaces, Institut Mittag-Leffler, 1 Sep 2006 -- 15 Jun 2007.
- D-bundles and Integrable Hierarchies, Univ of Michigan, 14-16 May 2007.
- Carlson60, University of Utah, 26-27 May 2007.
- Derived Categories, a Vigre minicourse, University of Utah, 4-15 June 2007.
- Derived Categories in Mathematics and Physics, AMS Summer Research Conferences, Snowbird Resort, 16-22 June 2007.
- 2007 NCTS Mini-Course in Algebraic Geometry, Hsinchu, 3-12 July 2007.
- Great Lakes Geometry Conference, University of Minnesota, 15-16 September 2007.
- WAGS Fall 2007, Colorado State University, 20-21 Oct 2007.
- ICCM 2007, Hangzhou, 17-22 Dec 2007.
- Mirror Symmetry and Topological Field Theory, April 2007 - March 2008.
- BAGS, 8 March 2008.
- Recent Progress on the Moduli Space of Curves, BIRS, 16-21 March 2008.
- Affine manifolds and Mirror Symmetry Workshop, University of Michigan, 25-27 April 2008.
- Workshop on Gromov-Witten Theory and Related Topics, KIAS, 9-13 June 2008.
- WAGS Fall 2008
- Workshop on Geometry and Physics of the Laudau-Ginzburg Model, Clay Math Institute, 12-16 Jan 2009.
- Algebraic Geometry, MSRI, 12 Jan to 22 May 2009.
- MSRI workshop on Modern Moduli Theory, 23-27 Feb 2009.
- WAGS Spring 2009, 25-26 Apr 2009, Berkeley.
- Workshop on Equivariant Gromov-Witten theory and symplectic vortices, 6-10 July 2009, CIRM, Luminy, France.
- Workshop on (0,2) mirror symmetry and quantum sheaf cohomology, MPI at Potsdam, 17-21 Aug 2009.
- Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology, MSRI, 17 August 2009 to 21 May 2010.
- ICCM 2010, 17-22 Dec 2010, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
- The Versatility of Integrability, Columbia University, 3-7 May 2011.
- Symplectic Geometry and Related Topics 2011, Sichuan Univeristy 22-27 May 2011.
- Workshop on Recent developments on Orbifolds, Chern Institute of Mathematics in Tianjin, China on July 25-29, 2011.
- Moduli of Curves and Gromov--Witten Theory, Institut Fourier, 20th June - 8th July 2011.
- Summer School on Mirror Symmetry, TIMS, 7-10 June 2011.
- Quantum Differential Equation Workshop, Columbia University,
16-19 Sep 2011.
- RTG Conference on Givental formalism, Ann Arbor, 3-4 Dec 2011.
- Mirror Symmetry, Ann Arbor, 18-19 Feb 2012.
- Geometry and Physics of Gauged Linear Sigma Model, Ann Arbor, 4-8 Mar 2013.
- TIMS 2013 Summer School on Mirror Symmetry and Gromov--Witten Theory, TIMS, Taipei, 17-21 June 2013.
- Advances in log geometry and higher genus Gromov-Witten theory, TIMS, Taipei, 8-10 July 2013.
- ICCM 2013, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 14-19 July 2013.
- Foliations theory in algebraic geometry, NYC at the Simons Foundation, 3-7 September 2013.
- Hamiltonian PDEs, Frobenius Manifolds and Geometry of Deligne Mumford Moduli Spaces, SISSA, Trieste, 16-20 September 2013.
- Cohomology of the moduli space of curves, ETH, Zürich, 10-12 October 2013.
- Mini-workshop on Cremona groups, Salt Lake City, 22-24 Nov 2013.
- String Math Summer School, University of British Columbia, 2-6 June.
- Nordfjordeid Summer school 2014: Toric degenerations and mirror symmetry, Sophus Lie Conference Center, Nordfjordeid, Norway, 16-20 June 2014.
- Summer School in Gromov-Witten Theory 2014, Pingree Park, Colorado, 23 June - 4 July, 2014.
- NCTS Geometry Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, 30 June -- 4 July, 2014.
- International Conference
"Mathematics Days in Sofia", Sofia, Bulgaria, 7-10 July 2014.
- Thematic program in symplectic and contact topology and mirror symmetry, IBS-CGP, Pohang, September 2013 - August 2014.
- Invitation to Gromov-Witten theory, Simons Center for geometry and physics, 30 Jan 2015.
- Moduli spaces in Symplectic Topology and in Gauge Theory, CIRM, Luminy, 1-5 June 2015.
- IAS/Park City 2015: Geometry of moduli spaces and representation theory, Park City, 28 June -- 18 July, 2015.
- AMS Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry, Salt Lake City, 12 July - 1 August 2015.
- Uniformization, Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence, Calabi-Yau Manifolds, and Picard-Fuchs Equations, Institut Mittag-Leffler, 13-18 July 2015.
- Beijing Geometry and Physics Colloquium (VI), Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, 8 August 2015.
- George Boole 200 Mathematical Sciences Conference, University College Cork, 17-28 August 2015.
- Invariants from Moduli Spaces, University College Cork, 24-27 August 2015.
- Moduli Spaces in Geometry, CIRM, Luminy, 26-30 October 2015.
- Complex Algebraic Geometry 2016, 15-18 Jan 2016.
- Unramified cohomology, derived categories, and rationality, Utah, 26-28 February 2016.
- AMS Sectional Meeting, 9-10 Apr 2016.
- Flat connections, Higgs bundles and Painleve equations, TIMS, Taipei, 1-5 May 2016.
- Workshop on Gromov-Witten Theory, Chengdu, 30 May - 3 June, 2016.
- Workshop on Global Mirror Symmetry, 6-10 June 2016.
- Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry, Summer School and Conference, Utah, 18-26 July 2016.
- ICCM, Beijing, 6-11 August 2016.
- NCTS Min-workshop on Algebraic Geometry, 16 Dec 2016.
- AG Day in Sun Moon Lake, 18 Mar 2017.
- Gromov-Witten Theory, Hodge Theory and Mirror Symmetry, Taipei, 24-30 May 2017.
- Workshop on higher genus invariants, ETH, 8-12 Jan 2018.
- Enumerative Geometry Beyond Numbers, MRSI, 16 January to 25 May, 2018.
- Sasha 60: Through the looking-glass, Berkeley, 12-14 May 2018.
- Crossing the Walls in Enumerative Geometry, Snowbird, 21 May - 1 June, 2018.
- 2018 Georgia Topology Conference on Mirror Symmetry, University of Georgia at Athens, 6-10 June 2018.
- Quantum K-theory and related topics, KIAS, 5-9 November 2018.
- SYZ Mirror Symmetry and Enumerative Geometry, AMS Sectional Meeting at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-24 March 2019.
- Higher Genus Gromov-Witten Invariants of Calabi-Yau Threefolds, BICMR, Peking University, 8-12 April 2019.
- Inaugural Conference and Homological Mirror Symmetry Workshop of the Institute of the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas, University of Miami, 6-13 September 2019.
- Moduli and Invariants, Oaxaca, Mexico, 17-22 November 2019.
- Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics, Miami, 27-31 January 2020.
- RTG mini conference, SLC, Utah, 7-9 February 2020.
- TMS annual meeting, 5-6 December 2020.
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