Information for Visitors

The Academia Sinica is located in Taipei, Taiwan, and is the preeminent research institution in Taiwan. Its main campus is located in Nangang District, although Institute of Mathematics (IoM), along with IAA and IAMS, is located in the main campus of the National Taiwan Univeristy, close to the center of the metropolis.

IAA and NCTS both have webpage for foreign visitors, which for most parts also applies to IoM visitors. NTU has a Visitor Center, although it is geared towards domestic visitors. Further questions should be directed to IoM staff Ms. Jill Lin.

Institute of Mathematics Address:
Institute of Mathematics,
Academia Sinica,
6F, Astronomy-Mathematics Building,
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road,
Taipei 10617, TAIWAN

Institute of Mathematics Phone Numbers:
Tel: +886.2.2368.5999 ext 342
Fax: +886.2.2368.9771

IoM Y.P.