Dr. Wen-Shan Li, Institute of Chemistry
Academia Sinica
Laboratory of Medicinal and Bioorganic Chemistry

Lab Home
Lab Photos

2013/02/27 Sharon came back for a visit!
2012/06/30 2012畢業生: Emily and Gina!
2012/02/03 Andrew came back for a visit!
2011/10/25 Wani came back for a visit!
2011/06/30 2011畢業生: Grace and Ann!
2010/07/01 2010畢業生: Jerry and Justin!
2010/01/12 Samantha came back for a visit!
2009/12/28 Owen came back for a visit!
2009/12/02 Wani came back for a visit!
2009/10/23 恭喜張博, 梓庭和Chris獲2009年第3屆 International Symposium on Bio-Inspired Engineering (ISBIE)壁報佳作。
2009/10/01 歡迎御安, 翰珍, 怡璇 和天瑞加入實驗室。
2009/09/01 Welcome Ravi B. Salunke on board。
2009/08/31 實驗室獲2009年第24屆生物醫學聯合學術年會優秀看板論文壁報獎競賽"優良看板論文壁報獎"。
2009/04/21 歡迎政恆, 鎮宇, 于玶 和 于倫加入實驗室。
2009/03/20 張博的大實驗: Assay的日子!
2009/02/12 本訂於12日之戶外教學因故延期, 調查後將再公告日期, 欲參加的舊雨新知, 請跟Andrew連絡。
2009/02/05 宛婷跟大家問好, 請大家有空幫在Ohio奮鬥的她打打氣。
2009/01/30 勝凱在過年期間回來, 快要退伍的他, 2月24日就會到國衛院報到了。
2009/01/23 工作了七年的-80冰箱, 漸漸溫度慢慢上升, 從 -80 -> -72 -> -65 -> -49, 竟然在過年前罷工, 趕快把冰凍了數年的寶藏轉運出去! 我們找到一些舊寶貝, 有2002也有2003的!
2009/01/17 期末聚餐的時間到了, 吃飽了就大掃除吧!
2008/12/27 Lenselot, Dewey and Benson came back for a visit this Saturday. Lenselot and Benson were graduated in 2005 and Dewey, 2007. Dewey now is working in Chemistry Department, NTU as a teaching assistant. Lenselot is a senior high school teacher, teaching Chemistry. Benson is a graduate student in SUNY at Stony Brook.
  It is a great pleasure to see old friends in this holiday season. How did you feel seeing your old bench?

From right: Dewey, Benson, Dr. Li and Lenselot.

2008/12/24 Owen came back for a visit.

2008/12/22 Rebecca Ou says hi to the lab. She is having fun in UCSD.
  There is no snow in San Diego.


2008/12/22 Merry Christmas!
2008/11/27 May every one have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
2008/11/03 恭喜宛婷取得 Ohio State Pharmacy 入學許可!
2008/11/03 恭喜鎧豪順利退伍,現工作於永信製藥!
2008/08/28 心文初任職於神農一個月!
2008/08/27 恭喜榮展考上政大附中化學教師!
2008/09/01 Chris找到工作, 仍服務中研院。
2008/08/27 明筠跟大家問好, 寒假時會回來。
Hello from Samantha Chiang...USA
How's everyone at the lab? What have you guys been up to?
Are they all doing well with their experiments? Say hi to all of them for me!! =D
2008/08/08 九份金瓜石戶外教學定於八月二十五日 (Aug. 25)。For the success of the field trip, please work very .......very very hard.
2008/08/01 歡迎張博加入實驗室。
2008/07/30 十分瀑布戶外教學改為下星期一 (Aug. 4)。
2008/07/09 恭喜瑞靜通過口試順利畢業!
2008/07/01 歡迎錫勳加入實驗室。
2008/06/25 啟鴻錄取中山大學生物醫學研究所博士班!
2008/06/24 瑞靜碩班口試定於七月九日, 遇到她請幫她加油打氣。
2008/06/23 恭喜凰祺順利退伍!
2008/06/18 歡迎維恁加入實驗室。
2008/06/09 明筠跟大家問好, 端午節快樂。
2008/06/01 歡迎胤廷 (Justin) 和 Samantha加入實驗室。
2008/03/01 Welcome Juani to our lab。
2008/03/21 More graduated! Please call him Dr. More!
2008/02/01 歡迎易霖和宛婷加入實驗室。
2008/01/28 Group Meeting is rescheduled to 5:30PM every Tuesday.
2008/01/28 期末聚餐一月28日中午遠企不見不散。
2007/12/12 中國化學年會遇到一些實驗室的戰友,實在超級開心,我把大家現況整理了一下:
  凱宣-->University of Oxford
  喬勇-->SUNY at Stony Brook
  李榮展及張凱宣以"Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 5’-Triazole Nucleosides"獲中國化學會九十六年會誌論文獎.
2007/09/01 歡迎梓庭加入實驗室.

Maintained by Chris.