Dr. Ta-Chien, Chan - Curriculum vitae
Chinese Website: http://www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/people/bio.php?PID=148
Ph.D.: Institute of Epidemiology, National Taiwan University (Major:
Infectious diseases epidemiology, spatio-temporal clustering algorithm,
epidemiology of influenza and surveillance) -June,2010.
Advisor: Chwan-Chuen King (Professor) & Chuhsing
Kate Hsiao (Professor)
M.S.: Institute of BioMedical Informatics, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan (Major:
GIS, spatio-temporal applications in Public
Health, Asthma & Air Pollution ) -June, 2006.
Advisor: Jen-Hsiang Chuang (Associate
Department of public health, National Taiwan University
(Major: Health Policy & Hospital Management) -January, 2004.
B.S.: Department of
political science, National Taiwan University (Major:
Public Administration) -January, 2004.
■ Working Experience
1. 2020/11-Now, Research
Fellow, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica,
Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan
2. 2016/5-2020/11, Associate Research Fellow, Research Center
for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan
3. 2012/8-2016/5, Assistant Research Fellow,
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Nankang,
Taipei, Taiwan
4. Officer, Committee on
Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan (Pass “National Examination of
Health Administration“ (2009年高考三級 衛生行政
Compulsory Military Service
6. Part-time research
assistant in Centers of Disease Control, Taiwan
7. Full-time/Part-time research
assistant in National Health Research Institute, Taiwan
8. Part-time research
assistant in National Yang Ming University, Taiwan
Informatics, Geographic Information System,
Infectious disease epidemiology, Spatio-temporal analysis, Spatial
■ Current
Research Interest
Spatio-temporal modeling on Infectious Diseases and
Chronic Diseases
Climate change on infectious disease
Social network and health behavior
Bayesian application on surveillance
Spatio-temporal clustering algorithm on surveillance
■ Ongoing Appilcation:
is the influenza? Manual
防疫先鋒(web) 防疫先鋒APP
(Android) 防疫先鋒 (Facebook)
Clickdiray (點日記) http://cdiary.tw or
http://點日記.tw [點日記快速上手手冊-歡迎下載使用]
(Android App, 健康保險署健康存摺創意APP競賽佳作)
台灣傳染病標準化發生率地圖 (Taiwan Infectious Disease Map)
(For dengue)
流感溫度計 (For flu)
2000-2002 Shin Kong
Life Scholarship
2001 China Life Scholarship
1999-2003 Elected
by National Taiwan University
as a member of Track Field Team from 1999 to 2003 (Elected
as a captain of Track Field Team in
4. 2006 Best Master Thesis Award of Taiwan GIS Association
5. 2009 Executive officer of Biosecure 2009 Conference,
6. 2010 Invited Speaker, PRINCE MAHIDOL AWARD
7. 2010 The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society at National Taiwan University
8. 2011
Best Journal Award of Taiwan Geographic Information System Association
2015 Award for Outstanding Research Articles in
Biosurveillance- Scientific Acheivement, Second Place (Issued by International
Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) )
2015 Innovative App
Award of My Health Bank
2016 Best Journal Award of Taiwan Geographic Information
System Association
2016 Innovation
award for Web Application of Open Data in reducing health risk from
vector-borne diseases
2017 Smart City
Innovative System Award- Mobilized decision platform of dengue fever
2017 Best
Application Award of Taiwan Geographic Information System Association (dengue
surveillance system)
2017 Selected
delegate for STS forum 2017 and the Future Leaders Program
2018 Receiving
acknowledgement from National Health Research Institute, Taiwan and local
health department for helping set up dengue surveillance systems in three
cities of Taiwan
2018 The top 5
winner teams in 2018 presidential hackathon (Taiwan)
2019 Award for
Outstanding Research Articles of Taiwan Public Health Association
1 International
Society for Disease Surveillance
2 Taiwan
Geographic Information System Association
3 Taiwan
Public Health Association
4 Taiwan
Epidemiology Association
1. The New
England Journal of Medicine (Top 1 Journal in Medical Science)
Abstract reviewer:
2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015: International Society for Disease Surveillance
(ISDS) Conference
3. PLoS One
4. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk
5. International Journal of Health Geographics
6. Respiratory Research
7. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health
8. BMJ Open
9. Abstract reviewer: 2015, 2016: Pacific
Neighborhood Consortium (PNC)
1. Spatial Epidemiology in Public Health (Graduate
2. GIS and Public Health (Graduate/Undergraduate)
3. GIS courses for undergraduate students, graduate
students, staffs, and medical physicians in Taiwan CDC.
Academic Works
(1) 詹大千,2010年7月,臺灣流行性感冒之監測與流行病學 Surveillance and
epidemiology of influenza in Taiwan.
184頁,國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院流行病學研究所博士論文。 (Doctoral Thesis)
(2) 詹大千,2006年6月,應用地理資訊系統探討台北市空氣污染與氣喘病之關係 Using Geographic Information System to Study
Air Pollution and Asthma in Taipei City.
155頁,國立陽明大學醫學院衛生資訊與決策研究所碩士論文。 (Master Thesis)
期刊論文(Peer Review
Papers) [Google Citations
of Ta-Chien Chan’s work]
Cui Guo, Gerard Hoek, Ly-yun Chang, Yacong
Bo, Changqing Lin, Bo Huang, Ta-Chien Chan, Tony Tam, Alexis K. H. Lau, Xiang
Qian Lao*, accepted, “Long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter
PM2.5 and lung function in children, adolescents and young adults: a
longitudinal cohort study”, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES.
Chien-Chou Chen, Po-Huang Chiang, Yen-Hsu
Chen,* I-Chun Fan, Ta-Chien Chan*, 2019, “Patient and health care system
characteristics are associated with delayed treatment of tuberculosis cases in
Ta-Chien Chan, Tsuey-Hwa Hu, Yen-Hua Chu,
Jing-Shiang Hwang*, accepted, “Assessing effects of personal behaviors and
environmental exposure on asthma episodes: a diary-based approach”, BMC
Hung Chak Ho, Ta-Chien Chan, Zhiwei Xu, Cunrui
Huang, Changchang Li*, accepted, “Individual- and community-level shifts in
mortality patterns during the January 2016 East Asia cold wave associated with
a super El Nińo event: Empirical evidence in Hong Kong”, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL
Ka-Ming Wai,* Tanya Z.Tan, T.E.Morakinyo,
Ta-Chien Chan, Alan Lai, 2019, “Reduced effectiveness of tree planting on
micro-climate cooling due to ozone pollution – a modeling study”, SUSTAINABLE
Bo-Cheng Lin, Yun-Ting Yen, Xiang Qian Lao,
Yen-Hsu Chen, Ta-Chien Chan*, 2019, “Association between neighborhood
greenspace and fasting plasma glucose from a large cohort study in Taiwan”,
Yacong Bo, Cui Guo, Changqing Lin, Ly-yun
Chang, Ta-Chien Chan, Bo Huang, Kam-Pui Lee, Tony Tam, Alexis K.H Lau, Xiang
Qian Lao,* Eng-kiong Yeoh, 2019, “Dynamic changes in long-term exposure to
ambient PM2.5 and incidence of hypertension in adults: A natural experiment”,
HYPERTENSION, 74:669–677.
Zilong Zhang, Cui Guo, Ly-yun Chang, Yacong
Bo, Changqing Lin, Tony Tam, Gerard Hoek, Martin CS Wong, Ta-Chien Chan, Alexis
KH Lau, Xiang Qian Lao*, 2019, “Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Fine Particulate
Matter and Liver Enzymes in Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study in Taiwan”,
Jia-Hong Tang, Tzu-Jung Tseng, Ta-Chien
Chan*, 2019, “Detecting spatio-temporal hotspots of scarlet fever in Taiwan
with spatio-temporal Gi* statistic”, PLOS ONE, 14(4): e0215434.
Yacong Bo, Ly-Yun Chang, Cui Guo, Zilong
Zhang, Changqing Lin, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Wun Kai Jiang, Tony Tam, Ta-Chien
Chan, Chuan-Yao Lin, Alexis KH Lau, Xiang Qian Lao*, Eng-Kiong Yeoh, 2019,
“Association of Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Incident
Dyslipidaemia: A Longitudinal Cohort Study”, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 173:
Tzu-Jung Tseng, Yi-Syuan Wu, Jia-Hong Tang,
Yen-Hui Chiu, Yu-Ting Lee, I-Chun Fan, Ta-Chien Chan*, 2019, “Association
between health behaviors and mood disorders among the elderly: a community-based
cohort study”, BMC GERIATRICS, 19:60.
Jun Tan, Yijuan Chen, Lin Wang, Ta-Chien
Chan, Said Amer, Xiaobin Xu, Jian Cai, Wei Li, Xiaoqing Zheng, Mi Zhou, Shuwen
Qin, Na Zhao, Ziping Miao,* Shelan Liu*, 2019, “Acute sporadic hepatitis E in
the Zhejiang coastal area of China: A 14-year hospital-based surveillance
study”, VIROLOGY JOURNAL, 16:16.
Xiang Qian Lao *, Cui Guo, Ly-yun Chang,
Yacong Bo, Zilong Zhang, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Wun Kai Jiang, Changqing Lin, Tony
Tam , Alexis K.H. Lau , Chuan-Yao Lin , Ta-Chien Chan, 2019, “Long-term
exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and incident type 2
diabetes: A longitudinal cohort study”, DIABETOLOGIA,
謝淑惠*、詹大千、 劉雪涵、傅仰止,2018,〈大型面訪調查的抽樣架構變革:從戶籍抽樣到地址抽樣〉,《中國統計學報》,56(4),
Yacong Bo, Eng-kiong Yeoh, Cui Guo, Zilong
Zhang, Tony Tam, Ta-Chien Chan, Ly-yun Chang, Xiang Qian Lao*,2019,〈Sleep
and the risk of chronic kidney disease: a cohort study〉,《JOURNAL
Ta-Chien Chan, Zilong Zhang, Bo-Cheng Lin,
Changqing Lin, Han-Bing Deng, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Jimmy W.M. Chan, Wun Kai
Jiang, Tony Tam, Ly-yun Chang, Gerard Hoek, Alexis K.H. Lau, Xiang Qian Lao*,
2018, “Long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter and chronic kidney
disease: a cohort study”, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, EHP3304, 1-7.
Shelan Liu,*, Ta-Chien Chan, Yonghong Liu,
Xingyi Geng, Na Zhao, 2018, “Hypotheses for the resurgence of scarlet fever in
China – Authors' reply”, LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 18(9), 943-944.
Yongming Xu, Hung Chak Ho, Man Sing Wong,
Chengbin Deng, Yuan Shi, Ta-Chien Chan, Anders Knudby, 2018, “Evaluation of machine
learning techniques with multiple remote sensing datasets in estimating monthly
concentrations of ground-level PM2.5”, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, S0269-7491(18),
Ta-Chien Chan, Tso-Jung Yen, Tsuey-Hwa Hu,
Yang-chih Fu*, Jing-Shiang Hwang*, 2018, “Detecting concurrent mood in daily
contact networks: an online participatory cohort study with a diary approach”,
BMJ OPEN, 8(e020600), 1-13.
Yonghong Liu, Ta-Chien Chan, Liwei Yap,
Yinping Luo, Weijia Xu, Shuwen Qin, Na Zhao, Zhao Yu, Xingyi Geng, Shelan Liu*,
2018, “Resurgence of scarlet fever in China: a 13-year population-based
surveillance study”, LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 18(8), 903-912.
Zilong Zhang, Ta-Chien Chan, Cui Guo, Ly-yun
Chang, Changqing Lin, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Wun Kai Jiang, Kin Fai Ho, Tony Tam,
Kam S Woo, Alexis KH Lau, Xiang Qian Lao*, 2018, “Long-term exposure to ambient
particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with platelet counts in adults”,
Chien-Chou Chen, Bo-Cheng Lin, Liwei Yap, Po-Huang
Chiang, Ta-Chien Chan*, 2018, “The Association between Weather Conditions and
Acute Diarrhea Incidence among Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan”, SUSTAINABILITY,
10(5), 1-9.
Ta-Chien Chan, Tsuey-Hwa Hu, Jing-Shiang
Hwang*, 2018, “Estimating the Risk of Influenza-Like Illness Transmission
Through Social Contacts: A Web-Based Participatory Cohort Study”, JMIR Public
Health and Surveillance, 4(2):e40, 1-11.
Chiao-Ling Kuo *, Ta-chien Chan, I-Chun Fan,
Alexander Zipf, 2018, “Efficient method for POI/ROI discovery using Flickr
geotagged photos”, International Journal of Geo-Information, 7(121), 1-19.
Cui Guo, Zilong Zhang, Alexis K H Lau, Chang
Qing Lin, Yuan Chieh Chuang, Jimmy Chan, Wun Kai Jiang, Tony Tam, Eng-Kiong
Yeoh, Ta-Chien Chan, Ly-Yun Chang, Xiang Qian Lao*, 2018, “Effect of long-term
exposure to fine particulate matter on lung function decline and risk of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Taiwan: a longitudinal, cohort study”,
The Lancet Planetary Health, 2(3), e114-e125.
Zilong Zhang, Cui Guo, Alexis KH Lau,
Ta-Chien Chan, Yuan Chieh Chuang,Changqing Lin, Wun Kai Jiang, Eng-kiong Yeoh,
Tony Tam, Kam S Woo, Bryan P Yan, Ly-yun Chang, Martin CS Wong, Xiang Qian
Lao*, 2018, “Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter, Blood Pressure, and
Incident Hypertension in Taiwanese Adults”, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES,
126(1), 017008-1-017008-8.
Xiang Qian Lao*,Xudong Liu,Han-Bing
Deng,Ta-Chien Chan, Kin Fai Ho,Feng Wang,Roel Vermeulen,Tony Tam, Martin C.S.
Wong, LA Tse, Ly-yun Chang, Eng-Kiong Yeoh, 2018, “Sleep quality and duration
and the risk of coronary heart disease: a prospective cohort study with 60,586
adults”, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE, 14(1), 109-117.
(1), 22-36。
Hung Chak Ho, Man Sing Wong*, Lin Yang, Ta-Chien Chan, Muhammad Bilal,
2017, “Influences of socioeconomic vulnerability and intra-urban air pollution
exposure on short-term mortality during extreme dust events”, ENVIRONMENTAL
POLLUTION, 235, 155-162.
Suleman Atique, Ta-Chien Chan,Chien-Chou Chen,Chien-Yeh Hsu,Somia
Iqtidar,Valérie R. Louis,Syed Abdul Shabbir,Ting-Wu Chuang*, 2017,
“Investigating spatio-temporal distribution and diffusion patterns of the
dengue outbreak in Swat, Pakistan”, JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH,
S1876034117302915, 1-8.
Hung Chak Ho, Man Sing Wong, Lin Yang,
Wenzhong Shi, Jinxin Yang, Muhammad Bilal, Ta-Chien
Chan, 2017, “Spatiotemporal Influence of Temperature, Air Quality, and Urban
Environment on Cause-Specific Mortality during Hazy Days”, ENVIRONMENT
INTERNATIONAL, 112, 10-22.
Ming Sheng Wang*, Ta-Chien Chan, 2017, “The intersections of the care regime
and the migrant care worker policy: the example of Taiwan”, ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL
Xiang Qian Lao*, Zilong Zhang, Alexis KH Lau, Ta-Chien Chan, Yuan Chieh
Chunag, Jimmy Chan, Changqing Lin, Gui Guo,Wun Kai Jiang, Tony Tam, Gerard
Hoek, Haidong Kan, Eng-kiong Yeoh, Ly-yun Chang, 2017, “Exposure to Ambient
Fine Particulate Matter and Semen Quality in Taiwan”, OCCUPATIONAL AND
Chien-Chou Chen, Jen-Hsiang Chuang, Da-Wei
Wang, Chien-Min Wang, Bo-Cheng Lin, Ta-Chien
Chan*, 2017, “Balancing geo-privacy and spatial patterns in
epidemiological studies”, GEOSPATIAL HEALTH, 12(573), 294-299.
Shu-Wen Qin , Ta-Chien Chan , Jian Cai , Na Zhao , Zi-Ping Miao , Yi-Juan
Chen , She-Lan Liu *, 2017, “Genotypic and epidemiological trends of acute
gastroenteritis associated with noroviruses in China from 2006 to 2016”,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(11),
Zilong Zhang,Gerard Hoek,Ly-yun Chang,Ta-Chien Chan, Cui Guo,Yuan
Chieh Chuang,Jimmy Chan, Changqing Lin,Wun Kai Jiang,Yuming Guo, Roel
Vermeulen,Eng-kiong Yeoh,Tony Tam,Alexis KH Lau,Sian Griffiths,Xiang Qian Lao*,
2017, “Particulate matter air pollution, physical activity and systemic
inflammation in Taiwanese adults”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, pii: S1438-4639(17)30417-0, 1-7.
Xiang Qian Lao*,Xudong Liu,Han-Bing Deng,Ta-Chien Chan, Kin Fai Ho,Feng
Wang,Roel Vermeulen,Tony Tam, Martin C.S. Wong, LA Tse, Ly-yun Chang, Eng-Kiong
Yeoh, accepted, “Sleep quality and duration and the risk of coronary heart
disease: a prospective cohort study with 60,586 adults”, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL
Jia-Hong Tang,Yen-Hui Chiu,Po-Huang
Chiang,Ming-Daw Su,Ta-Chien Chan*,
2017, “A Flow-based Statistical Model Integrating Spatial and Nonspatial
Dimensions to Measure Healthcare Access”, HEALTH & PLACE, 47C, 126-138.
Hung Chak Ho*, Man Sing Wong, Lin Yang,
Wenzhong Shi, Jinxin Yang, Ta-Chien
Chan, 2017, “Spatial variability of excess mortality during prolonged
dust events in a high-density city: A time-stratified spatial regression
Han-Bing Deng,Tony Tam*,Benny Chung-Ying
Zee,Roger Yat-Nork Chung,Xuefen Su, Lei Jin,Ta-Chien Chan,Ly-Yun Chang,Eng-Kiong Yeoh,Xiang Qian Lao*,
2017, “Short sleep duration increase metabolic burden in healthy adults: a
population based cohort study”, SLEEP, zsx130, 1-28.
Zilong Zhang, Ly-yun Chang, Alexis KH Lau,Ta-Chien Chan, Yuan Chieh Chuang,
Jimmy Chan, Changqing Lin, Wun Kai Jiang, Keith Dear, Benny CY Zee, Eng-kiong
Yeoh, Gerard Hoek, Tony Tam, Xiang Qian Lao*, 2017, “Satellite-based estimates
of long-term exposure to fine particulate matter are associated with C-reactive
protein in 30,034 Taiwanese adult”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY,
dyx069, 1-11.
Hsin-Ling Yeh, Shang-Wei Hsu, Yu-Chia Chang, Ta-Chien Chan, Hui-Chen Tsou,
Yen-Chen Chang, Po-Huang Chiang *, 2017, “Spatial analysis of ambient PM2.5
exposure and bladder cancer mortality in Taiwan”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF
Li Zhang, Xiaodan Huang, Xiuming Jin, Na
Zhao, Xingyi Geng, Ta-Chien Chan*,
Shelan Liu*, 2017, “Molecular epidemiology of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
caused by coxsackie A type 24 variant in China, 2004-2014”, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,
7, 45202.
Zu-Qun Wu, Yi Zhang, Na Zhao, Zhao Yu, Hao
Pan, Ta-Chien Chan, Zhi-Ruo
Zhang *, She-Lan Liu *, 2017, “Comparative Epidemiology of Human Fatal
Infections with Novel, Highly (H5N6 and H5N1) and Low (H7N9 and H9N2)
Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Viruses”, International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 14(3), 263, 1-20.
Tsai);詹大千(Ta-Chien Chan);束連文(Lien-Wen
J. Chen)*,2016,〈Application
of geographic information systems to the spatial distribution of illicit drug
use: an analysis of the location of illicit drug seizures in a city〉,《Taiwan
Journal of Public Health》,35(6),
Hone-Jay Chu , Bo-Cheng Lin , Ming-Run Yu , Ta-Chien Chan*, 2016,
“Minimizing spatial variability of healthcare spatial accessibility-- the case of
a dengue fever outbreak”, International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health, doi:10.3390/ijerph13121235.
Chien-Chou Chen,Yung-Chu Teng, Bo-Cheng Lin,
I-Chun Fan, Ta-Chien Chan*,
2016, “Online platform for applying space-time scan statistics for
prospectively detecting emerging hot spots of dengue fever”, International
Journal of Health Geographics, 15:43.
Fan);詹大千(Ta-Chien Chan)*,2016,〈Using government open data to construct a
Taiwan online interactive map of disease causes of death,《Taiwan
Journal of Public Health》,35(5),
Jui-Hung Kao,Chaur-Dong Chen,Zheng-Rong Li,Ta-Chien Chan,Tsunghwa
Tung,Yin-Hsia Chu,Hau-Yuan Cheng ,Jien-Wei Liu,Fuh-Yuan Shih,Pei-Yun
Shu,Chien-Chou Lin,Wu-Hsiung Tsai, Chia-Chi Ku, Chi-Kung Ho, Chwan-Chuen King*,
2016, “A Critical Role of Early Dengue Surveillance and Limitations of Clinical
Reporting Implications for Non-endemic Countries”, PLoS One, 11(8): e0160230.
Ro-Ting Lin*, David C. Christiani, Ichiro
Kawachi, Ta-Chien Chan,
Po-Huang Chiang, Chang-Chuan Chan, 2016, “Increased risk of respiratory
mortality associated with the high-tech manufacturing industry: A 26-year study”,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(6), 557.
Shelan Liu, Jianping Sha, Zhao Yu, Yan Hu ,
Ta-Chien Chan, Xiaoxiao Wang, Hao Pan, Wei Cheng, Shenghua Mao, Run Ju Zhang,
Enfu Chen, 2016, “Avian Influenza Virus in Pregnancy”, REVIEWS IN MEDICAL
VIROLOGY, 26, 268-284.
Jui-Hung Kao, Ta-Chien Chan, Feipei Lai, Bo-Cheng Lin, Wei-Zen Sun,
Kuan-Wu Chang , Fang-Yie Leu, Jeng-Wei Line*, 2016, “Spatial analysis and data
mining techniques for identifying risk factors of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac
Arrest”, International Journal of Information Management,
Zuqun Wu, Jianping Sha, Zhao Yu, Na Zhao, Wei
Cheng, Ta-Chien Chan, Said
Amer, Zhiruo Zhang, Shelan Liu, 2016, “Epidemiological and virological differences
in human-clustered and sporadic infections with avian influenza A H7N9”,
Bo-Cheng Lin, Chao-Wen Chen*, Chien-Chou
Chen, Chiao-Ling Kuo, I-chun Fan, Chi-Kung Ho, I-Chuan Liu, Ta-Chien Chan*, 2016, “Spatial
decision on allocating automated external defibrillators (AED) in communities
by multi-criterion two-step floating catchment area (MC2SFCA)”, International
Journal of Health Geographics, 15:17.
Yi-Fan Peng, Jia-Hong Tang, Yang-chih Fu*,
I-chun Fan, Maw-Kae Hor, Ta-Chien Chan*, 2016, “Analyzing personal
happiness from global survey and weather data: A geospatial approach”, PLoS
One, 11(4): e0153638.
2016, “禽流感在人類的重大流行史觀與公共衛生”,
32(5).001. (Chinese)
Chwan-Chuen King*, Ching-Fen Chang, Cho-Hua
Wan, Yun-Cheng Chang, Ta-Chien Chan,
Chang-Chun David Lee, Po-Hao Borris Chou, Zheng-Rong Tiger Li, Yao-Tsun Li,
Tzu-Jung Tseng, Pei-Fen Lee*, Chuan-Hsiung Chang*, 2016, “Lessons from the
Largest Epidemic of Avian Influenza Viruses in Taiwan, 2015”, AVIAN DISEASES.
Shelan Liu*, Ta-Chien Chan, Yu-Tseng Chu, Tsung-Shu Wu, Xingyi Geng, Na
Zhao,Wei Cheng, Enfu Chen, Chwan-Chuen King*, 2016, “Comparative Epidemiology of
Human Infections with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome Coronaviruses among Healthcare Personnel”, PLoS One.
Chien-Chou Chen, Chao-Wen Chen*, Chi-Kung Ho,
I-Chuan Liu, Bo-Cheng Lin, Ta-Chien
Chan*, 2015, “Spatial variation and resuscitation process affecting
survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA)”, PLoS One, 10(12):
Chan, Hsuan-Wen Wang, Tzu-Jung Tseng, Po-Huang
Chiang*, 2015, “Spatial Clustering and Local Risk Factors of Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)”, International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 12(12), 15716-15727.
Jia-Hong Tang,Ta-Chien Chan, Mika Shigematsu, Jing-Shiang Hwang*, 2015,
“Latitude-based Approach for Detecting Aberrations of Hand, Foot, and Mouth
Disease Epidemics”, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 15:113.
Chang-Chun David Lee, Jia-Hong Tang, Jing
Shiang Hwang, Mika Shigematsu, Ta-Chien
Chan*, 2015 accepted and Online published, “Effect of Meteorological
and Geographical Factors on the Epidemics of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in
Island-Type Territory, East Asia”, BioMed Research International, Volume 2015
(2015), Article ID 805039.
Ming-Der Liu, Ta-Chien Chan*, Cho-Hua Wan, Hsiu-Ping Lin, Tsung-Hua Tung,
Fu-Chang Hu, Chwan-Chuen King*, 2015, “Changing Risk Awareness and Personal
Protection Measures for Low to High Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Live-Poultry
Markets in Taiwan, 2007 to 2012”, BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 15:241.
Chan, Tso-Jung Yen, Yang-chih Fu, Jing-Shiang
Hwang*, 2015, “ClickDiary: Online Tracking of Health Behaviors and Mood”,
Ting-Chia Weng, Ta-Chien Chan, Hsien-Tang Lin, Chia-Kun Jasper Chang,
Wen-Wen Wang, Zheng-Rong Tiger Li, Hao-Yuan Cheng, Yu-Roo Chu, Allen Wen-Hsiang
Chiu, Muh-Yong Yen*, Chwan-Chuen King*, 2015, “Early Detection for Cases of
Enterovirus- and Influenza-like Illness through a Newly Established
School-based Syndromic Surveillance System in Taipei, January 2010 ~ August
2011”, PLoS One 10(4): e0122865. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122865.
She-Lan Liu, Hao Pan, Peng Liu, Said Amer, Ta-Chien Chan, Jun Zhan, Xixiang
Huo, Yunzhi Liu, Zheng Teng, Ling Wang, Hui Zhuang*, 2015, “Comparative
epidemiology and virology of fatal and nonfatal cases of hand, foot and mouth
disease in Mainland China from 2008 to 2014”, REVIEWS IN MEDICAL VIROLOGY, DOI:
Chan, Yung-Chu Teng, Jing-Shiang Hwang* , 2015,
“Detection of influenza-like illness aberrations by directly monitoring Pearson
residuals of fitted negative binomial regression models”, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH,
Chan, Tsuey-Hwa Hu, Jing-Shiang Hwang*, 2015,
“Daily forecast of dengue fever incidents for urban villages in a city”,
International Journal of Health Geographics, 14(9).
Chan*,2015,〈Applications and Prospects of Public Health
Geographical Information Systems〉,《e-Science Technology & Application》,6(1):
Chan, Shih-Lung Shaw, Pi-Ling Pai, I-chun Fan*,
2015, “Spatio-temporal Evolution of Market Towns in the Jiangnan Area during
the Ming-Qing Dynasties of China”, Historical Methods: A Journal of
Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 48(2): 90-102.
Wei-Ju Su, Ta-Chien Chan, Pei-Hung Chuang, Yu-Lun Liu, Ping-Ing Lee,
Ming-Tsan Liu*, Jen-Hsiang Chuang*, 2015, “Estimating Influenza Vaccine
Effectiveness Using Routine Surveillance Data among Children Aged 6-59 Months
for Five Consecutive Influenza Seasons”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS
DISEASES, 30, 115-121.
Chan, I-chun Fan, Michael Shi-yung Liu, Ming-Daw
Su, Po-Huang Chiang*, 2014, “Addressing Health Disparities in Chronic Kidney
Disease”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
11(12), 12848-12865.
Chan, Yang-chih Fu, Da-Wei Wang, and Jen-Hsiang Chuang*,
2014, Determinants of receiving the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccine and intention
to take the seasonal influenza vaccine in Taiwan, PLoS ONE 9(6): e101083.
P-H Chiang, Chao W. Chen*, Dennis P.H. Hsieh,
Ta-Chien Chan, Hung-Che
Chiang, and Chi-Pang Wen, 2014, Lung Cancer Risk in Females Due to Exposures to
PM2.5 in Taiwan, The Open Epidemiology Journal, 7, 6-16, DOI:
Chan, Po-Huang Chiang, Ming-Daw Su, Hsuan-Wen
Wang, Michael Shi-yung Liu* , 2014, Geographic disparity in chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) mortality rates among the Taiwan population, PLoS One,
9(5): e98170
Chan, Yang-chih Fu, Jing-Shiang Hwang*, 2014,
Changing social contact patterns under tropical weather conditions relevant for
the spread of infectious diseases, Epidemiology and
Chan, Jing-Shiang Hwang, Rung-Hung Chen,
Chwan-Chuen King, Po-Huang Chiang* ,2014, Spatio-Temporal Analysis on
Enterovirus Cases through Integrated Surveillance in Taiwan, BMC Public Health,
I-Chun Fan, Hsiung-Ming Liao, Ta-Chien Chan, Ling-Fang Chang,
2013, Past, Present and Future of Historical GIS in Academia Sinica. Journal of
Asian Network for GIS-based Historical Studies, 1, 7-11.
Hone-Jay Chu, Ta-Chien Chan*, Fang-Ju Jao,
2013, GIS-aided Planning of Insecticide Spraying to Control Dengue
Transmission. International Journal of Health Geographics, 12:42.
Shi-Heng Wang, I-Chin Lin, Chuan-Yu Chen,
Duan-Ruan Chen, Ta-Chien Chan,
Wei J. Chen, 2013, Availability of convenience stores and adolescent alcohol
use in Taiwan: a multilevel analysis of national surveys. ADDICTION, DOI:
詹大千, 董宗華,
------------------Above after joining to Academia
Chuan-Liang Kao, Ta-Chien Chan, Chu-Han Tsai, Kuan-Ying Chu, Shu-Fang Chuang,
Chang-Chun Lee, Zheng-Rong Tiger Li, Ko-Wen Wu, Luan-Yin Chang, Yea-Huei Shen,
Li-Min Huang, Ping-Ing Lee, ChingLai Yang, Richard Compans, Barry T. Rouse,
Chwan-Chuen King, 2012, Emerged HA and NA Mutants of the Pandemic
Influenza H1N1 Viruses with Increasing Epidemiological Significance in Taipei
and Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2009–10. PLoS
ONE; Vol. 7, No. 2: e31162. p.1-17. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031162.
Wei-Ju Su, Cheng-Chung Liu, Ding-Ping Liu,
Shu-Fong Chen, Ji-Jia Huang, Ta-Chien
Chan, and Mei-Hwei Chang, 2012, Effect of Age on the Incidence of Acute
Hepatitis B After 25 Years of a Universal Newborn Hepatitis B Immunization
Program in Taiwan. The Journal of
Infectious Diseases; Vol. 205, No. 5; p.757-762. doi:10.1093/infdis/jir852.
Chiang P.-H., Chan T.-C., Hsieh D.P.H, 2011,
A GIS-Aided Assessment of the Health
Hazards of Cadmium in Farm Soils in Central Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;
Vol. 8, No. 9; p.3759-3763.
Hsun-Pi Su, Ta-Chien Chan, and Chao-Chin Chang*, 2011, Typhoon-related
Leptospirosis and Melioidosis, Taiwan, 2009. Emerging Infectious Diseases (Letters); Vol. 17, No. 7;
Chan, Chwan-Chuen King, Muh-Yong Yen, Po-Huang
Chiang, Chao-Sheng Huang, Chuhsing K. Hsiao*, 2010, Probabilistic Daily
ILI Syndromic Surveillance with a Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Hierarchical Model.
PLoS ONE; Vol. 5, No. 7: e11626.
p.1-10. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011626.
Chan, Chuhsing Kate Hsiao, Chang-Chun Lee,
Po-Huang Chiang, Chuan-Liang Kao, Chung-Ming Liu, Chwan-Chuen King*, 2010, The Impact of Matching Vaccine Strains and Post-SARS Public Health
Efforts on Reducing Influenza-Associated Mortality among the Elderly. PLoS ONE; Vol. 5, No. 6: e11317. p.1-10.
Chi-Pang Wen*, Ta-Chien Chan, Hui-Ting Chan, Min-Kuang Tsai, Ting-Yuang
Cheng and Shan-Pou Tsai, 2010, The reduction of tuberculosis risks by
smoking cessation. BMC Infectious
Diseases; Vol. 10, No. 156. p.1-9. doi:10.1186/1471-2334-10-156.
Po-Huang Chiang, George J. Musa, Dennis P.H.
Hsieh, Der-Ming Liou, Chi-Pang Wen, Ta-Chien
Chan, Hsiao-Hui Chen, Hsiao-Lei Chen, 2010, Spatial interpolation
of cadmium contamination of agricultural soils in Changhua County, Taiwan. International Journal of Environment and
Pollution; Vol. 40, No. 4. p.322-336.
Muh-Yong Yen, Tsung-Shu Joseph Wu, Allen
Wen-Hsiang Chiu, Wing-Wai Wong, Po-En Wang, Ta-Chien Chan, Chwan-Chuen King*, 2009, Taipei’s Use of a
Multi-Channel Mass Risk Communication Program to Rapidly Reverse an Epidemic of
Highly Communicable Disease. PLoS ONE;
Vol. 4, No. 11: e7962. p.1-10. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007962.
陳慧欣、江博煌、詹大千、莊人祥。2009年,Model Builder在類流感的疫情地理資訊系統上之應用。醫療資訊雜誌第18卷第3期,
Chan, Mei-Lien Chen, I-Feng Lin, Cheng-Hua Lee,
Po-Huang Chiang, Da-Wei Wang and Jen-Hsiang Chuang, 2009, Spatiotemporal
analysis of air pollution and asthma patient visits in Taipei, Taiwan. International Journal of Health Geographics;
Vol. 8, No. 26. p.1-10. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-8-26.
(1) 江博煌、溫啟邦、石耀堂、鍾文慎、邱淑怡、鄭丁元、劉德明、莊人祥、莫喬治、詹大千。2004年12月,台灣健康地圖集(一):癌症死亡率(縣市別1998-2002)。107頁。台灣苗栗。財團法人國家衛生研究院。
(2) 江博煌、溫啟邦、石耀堂、詹大千、邱淑怡、陳筱蕾、劉德明、莊人祥、莫喬治。2005年10月,台灣健康地圖集(二):癌症死亡率(鄉鎮市區別,北部地區-北基宜,桃竹苗,1998-2002)。123頁。台灣苗栗。財團法人國家衛生研究院。
(3) 江博煌、溫啟邦、石耀堂、詹大千、邱淑怡、陳筱蕾、劉德明、莊人祥、莫喬治。2005年10月,台灣健康地圖集(三):癌症死亡率(鄉鎮市區別,中部地區-中彰投,雲嘉南,1998-2002)。123頁。台灣苗栗。財團法人國家衛生研究院。
(4) 江博煌、溫啟邦、石耀堂、詹大千、邱淑怡、陳筱蕾、劉德明、莊人祥、莫喬治。2005年10月,台灣健康地圖集(四):癌症死亡率(鄉鎮市區別,南部及東部地區-高屏,花東,1998-2002)。123頁。台灣苗栗。財團法人國家衛生研究院。
(5) 江博煌、溫啟邦、石耀堂、詹大千、邱淑怡、陳筱蕾、陳筱蕙、劉德明、莊人祥、莫喬治、溫有汶。2005年10月,台灣健康地圖集(五):癌症死亡率(鄉鎮市區別,全省地區,1998-2002)。101頁。台灣苗栗。財團法人國家衛生研究院。(其中第五冊榮獲2006年衛生署出版品優等獎*)。
(6) 江博煌、陳慧欣、詹大千、陳筱蕙、溫啟邦。2009年7月。地理資訊系統在公共衛生之實務應用。120頁。台灣苗栗。財團法人國家衛生研究院。
專書(論文集)之一章 (Chapters)
(1) 金傳春、劉明德、李昌駿、詹大千,2013,〈傳染病流行病學〉(Infectious Disease Epidemiology),劉明德、馮兆康、魏美珠、薛夙君、謝宜蓁、謝芳宜、王亮懿、黃淑倫、鄭雅愛、陳怡樺、金傳春、李昌駿、詹大千、溫在弘、楊秋月、沈志陽、楊浩然編,《流行病學(二版)》,頁9-1~9-42,臺中市:華格那企業。
(2) Ta-Chien Chan, Chwan-Chuen King. December 2010. Chapter 10: Surveillance and
Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Using Spatial and Temporal Clustering
Methods. In: Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Hsinchun Chen, William B. Lober, Mark
Thurmond, Daniel Zeng, Infectious
Disease Informatics and Biosurveillance: Research, Systems and Case Studies.
Page 208-234.U.S.A. Springer.
(3) Daniel Zang, Ta-Chien Chan, Chwan-Chuen King, Hsinchun Chen, 2009,
Intelligence and Security Informatics: Biosurveillance and Biosecurity. 114頁。New York: Westing Publishing Co.
(4) 詹大千,2017,〈環境的健康效應〉,張苙雲編,《醫療社會學》,頁6-1~6-36,臺中市:華格那企業。 (Chinese)
學術會議論文 (Conference papers)
(1) Ta-Chien Chan*, Yu-Ting Lee, 2019, “Spatio-temporal
analysis on DHF cases and ovitrap surveillance in Kota Bandung”, paper presented at 新南向登革熱防治交流合作計畫, 萬隆, 印尼: 國立中興大學昆蟲學系, 2019-10-15 ~ 2019-10-17.
(2) Ta-Chien Chan, 2019, “Precision public health through
clinic-based syndromic surveillance in communities”, paper presented at 第15屆亞洲傳染病防治對策會議, 臺北市格萊天漾大飯店: 臺北市政府衛生局, 2019-09-03 ~ 2019-09-04.
(3) Ta-Chien Chan*, 2019, “Detecting spatio-temporal hotspots of scarlet
fever in Taiwan with spatio-temporal Gi* statistic”, paper presented at GEOMED
2019, University of Glasgow: School of Mathematics & Statistics, University
of Glasgow, 2019-08-27 ~ 2019-08-29.
(4) Ta-Chien Chan*, Yu-Ting Lee, 2019, “Research
of surveillance vector and GIS at West Java, Indonesia”, paper presented at 2019印尼國家蚊子日, 印尼三寶瓏市: 印尼衛生部, 2019-08-22.
(5) 李玉亭、郭巧玲、詹大千*,2019,〈全國門牌位置資料庫疑義門牌類型之探討〉,發表於2019台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學:台灣地理資訊學會,2019-07-11 ~ 2019-07-12。
(6) 鄭力誠、王詠緹、劉冠毅、李玉亭、詹大千*,2019,〈運用空間資訊與大數據建構門牌抽樣系統〉,發表於2019台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會,國立宜蘭大學:台灣地理資訊學會,2019-07-11 ~ 2019-07-12。
(7) 詹大千、胡翠華、朱彥華、黃景祥*,2019,〈應用線上健康日記追蹤氣喘發作危險因子〉,發表於第二十八屆南區統計研討會,國立中興大學理學院:國立中興大學應用數學系暨統計學研究所,2019-06-21 ~ 2019-06-22。
(8) Ta-Chien Chan*, 2019, “The
association between residential neighbourhood greenspace and incident diabetes
in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2019年地球觀測及社會衝擊國際研討會 (ICEO&SI 2019), 國立成功大學: 社團法人台灣地球觀測學會、國立成功大學, 2019-06-23 ~ 2019-06-26.
(9) Ta-Chien Chan*, Tzu-Yu Lin, 2019, “Understanding
human behavior from aggregated smartphone signals and land use information”, paper presented at 2019 Association of American Geographers Annual
Meeting, 美國華盛頓哥倫比亞特區: American Association of Geographers (AAG), 2019-04-03 ~ 2019-04-07.
Ta-Chien Chan*, Yung-Chu
Teng, Yen-Hua Chu, Tzu-Yu Lin,2019,〈Precision public health through clinic-based syndromic surveillance
in communities- enhanced sentinel surveillance system〉,發表於2019 Annual Conference of International Society for Disease
Surveillance,San Diego, CA, USA:International Society for
Disease Surveillance,2019-01-30 ~ 2019-2-1。
詹大千*,2018,〈Precision public health by enhanced surveillance and social networks –application for dengue fever and influenza〉,發表於大數據時代---流行病學在個人預防的角色,台北醫學大學醫學綜合大樓前棟4樓 誠樸廳:臺北醫學大學公共衛生學院 應用分子流行病學碩士學位學程,2018-08-17。
詹大千,2018,〈透過社會網絡、個人健康行為、環境因子探討流感傳染的風險- 台灣參與式的世代研究〉,發表於2018 Health Services Research 暑期會議,台灣研發型生技新藥發展協會:國立陽明大學公共衛生研究所、醫務管理研究所、衛生福利研究所,2018-08-31。
Ta-Chien Chan*, Yi-Syuan Wu,
2018, “Mental Health Surveillance from Elderly Health Examination Database in
Taipei”, paper presented at The second International Conference on Medical and
Health Informatics 2018, University of Tsukuba, Japan: University of Tsukuba,
Japan, 2018-06-08 ~ 2018-06-10.
詹大千*,2018,〈從個人到群體的流感傳播〉,發表於Big Data in Health Sciences,張榮發基金會國際會議中心:國家衛生研究院、衛生福利部、科技部生技醫藥核心設施平台、衛福部衛生福利資料科學中心國衛院分中心、ICSA-Taiwan Chapter,2018-06-26 ~ 2018-06-27。
Ta-Chien Chan*, Bo-Cheng
Lin, Chiao-Ling Kuo, Li-hsiang Chiang, 2018, “Using an Open GIS Framework and Epidemiological
Intelligence for Dengue Surveillance”, paper presented at 2018 Annual
Conference of International Society for Disease Surveillance, Orlando, Florida,
USA: International Society for Disease Surveillance, 2018-01-30 ~ 2018-02-02.
Mayuko Yonejima, Tomoki
Nakaya*, Shinya Yasumoto,Ta-Chien Chan, 2017, “Estimating
Future Emerging Risks of Dengue Fever Outbreaks in Japan”, paper presented at 2017 PNC Annual Conference, 成功大學: PNC, 成功大學,
2017-11-07 ~ 2017-11-09.
Chien-Chou Chen, Bo-Cheng
Lin, Ta-Chien Chan*, 2017, “The Association between Climate Change
and Diarrhea among the Nations of the Pacific Rim”,
paper presented at 2017 PNC Annual Conference, 成功大學: PNC, 成功大學,
2017-11-07 ~ 2017-11-09.
Ta-Chien Chan, Yung-Chu
Teng, Xiang Qian Lao*, 2017, “The association between neighborhood greenness
and onset of diabetes from large cohort database in Taiwan”, paper presented at
Big Data, Small Area Symposium, The Royal Geographical Society: The Small Area
Health Statistics Unit (SAHSU), Imperial College London, 2017-11-14 ~
Bo-Cheng Lin, Chien-Chou
Chen, Ta-Chien Chan*, 2017, “The Impacts of Climate Change on the
Occurrence of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest”,
paper presented at 2017 PNC Annual Conference, 成功大學: PNC, 成功大學,
2017-11-07 ~ 2017-11-09.
鄧詠竹、林柏丞、陳建州、郭巧玲、葉耀鮮、范毅軍、詹大千*,2017,〈運用雲端時空統計平台探索公共衛生議題〉,發表於2017年公共衛生年會,高雄醫學大學:台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會、台灣癌症登記學會、台灣健康保險學會,2017-10-28 ~ 2017-10-29。
Ta-Chien Chan, Tso-Jun Yen,
Tsuey-Hwa Hu, Yang-Chih Fu, Jing-Shiang Hwang*, 2017, “Detecting the Spread of Personal Mood through Networks Using
Clickdiary”, paper presented at First RC33 Regional Conference on Social Science
Methodology: Asia, 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調研中心, 2017-09-11 ~ 2017-09-14.
Ta-Chien Chan, Pei-Shan
Liao, Yang-Chih Fu, Shu-Hui Hsieh *, 2017, “GIS-aided Address-based Sampling
Strategies: Testing a New Sampling Scheme for a Long-Term, Register-Based
Survey Series”, paper presented at First RC33 Regional Conference on Social
Science Methodology: Asia, 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調研中心, 2017-09-11 ~ 2017-09-14.
Ta-Chien Chan, Tsuey-Hwa Hu,
Tso-Jung Yen, Yang-chih Fu, Jing-Shiang Hwang*,2017,〈The risk of influenza transmission through social networks, personal
health behaviors and environmental factors — a
participatory cohort study in Taiwan〉,發表於The 21st World Congress of Epidemiology,日本東京:世界流行病學學會,2017-08-19 ~ 2017-08-22。
鄧詠竹、詹大千*,2017,〈健康資訊傳播方式與信賴程度對於民眾空氣汙染風險認知與防護行為的影響〉,發表於2017年中華傳播學會年會,國立臺灣大學社會科學院:中華傳播學會,2017-06-24 ~ 2017-06-25。
Ta-Chien Chan*, Po-Huang
Chiang, Jia-Hong Tang, Bo-Cheng Lin, 2017, “Evaluating
the capacity and spatial accessibility of emergency medical resources in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2017年25屆太平洋區域科學研討會, 國立成功大學: 中華民國區域科學學會, 2017-05-17 ~ 2017-05-20.
Ta-Chien Chan*, Jia-Hong
Tang, 2017, “Assessing Healthcare Needs for Measuring Accessibility: A
Longitudinal Study of the Geriatric Health Examination in Taipei City, Taiwan”,
paper presented at 2017 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting,
Boston, USA: The American Association of Geographers (AAG), 2017-04-05 ~
Chan, T.C.*, Teng, Y.C.,
Kuo, C.L., Yeh, Y.H., Lin, B.C., 2016, “Leveraging the Niche of Open Data for
Disease Surveillance and Health Education”, paper presented at 2016 Annual
Conference of International Society for Disease Surveillance, Atlanta, GA, USA:
International Society for Disease Surveillance, 2016-12-06 ~ 2016-12-08.
Ta-Chien Chan*, 2016, “Effect of meteorological and geographical factors on the epidemics of
hand, foot, and mouth disease in East Asia”,
paper presented at CWB-APCC Workshop on Climate Service for Health, 中央氣象局國際會議廳: 中央氣象局、APEC氣象中心, 2016-10-12 ~ 2016-10-13.
2016, “健康風險地圖之應用”, paper presented at 中國醫藥大學健康風險管理學系專題演講, 中國醫藥大學互助大樓11樓11A01: 中國醫藥大學健康風險管理學系, 2016-10-11.
2016, “運用空間視覺化技術呈現健康開放資料”, paper presented at 2016年公共衛生年會, 國防大學醫學院: 台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害與安全促進學會、台灣癌症登記學會、台灣健康保險學會、台灣室內環境品質學會, 2016-10-15 ~ 2016-10-16.
Ta-Chien Chan*, 2016,
“Monitoring longitudinal evolution of cancer mortality by spatio-temporal ring
map”, paper presented at The 48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public
Health Conference, Tokyo, Japan: Teikyo University, 2016-09-17 ~ 2016-09-19.
詹大千, 顏佐榕 , 傅仰止,黃景祥, 2016, “Identifying emotional contagion in
social networks from contact diaries”,
paper presented at 第二十五屆南區統計研討會, 國立中山大學: 國立中山大學應用數學系, 2016-06-24 ~ 2016-06-25.
詹大千, 唐嘉宏,2016,〈高齡化社區公共衛生資源分配與可近性之空間分析〉,發表於2016台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會,嘉南藥理大學:台灣地理資訊學會,2016-06-27 ~ 2016-06-28。
林柏丞,郭巧玲,葉耀鮮,楊毓仁,魏敬玲,詹大千,江麗香,2016,〈運用開放式地理資訊於登革熱防疫機制之研究 - 以屏東縣為例〉,發表於2016台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會,嘉南藥理大學:台灣地理資訊學會,2016-06-27 ~ 2016-06-28。
高瑞鴻,詹大千,許立民,2016,〈臺北市潛在性身心障礙照護需求結合空間分析之探討〉,發表於2016台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會,嘉南藥理大學:台灣地理資訊學會,2016-06-27 ~ 2016-06-28。
魏敬玲,楊毓仁,詹大千, 2016, “即時急診後送支援決策系統”, paper presented at 2016台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 嘉南藥理大學: 台灣地理資訊學會, 2016-06-27 ~ 2016-06-28.
鄧詠竹,郭巧玲,陳建州,葉耀鮮,高瑞鴻,林柏丞,范毅軍,詹大千, 2016, “利用開放資料建構線上互動式台灣死因地圖”, paper presented at 2016台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 嘉南藥理大學: 台灣地理資訊學會, 2016-06-27 ~ 2016-06-28.
陳建州,詹大千, 2016, “前瞻性登革熱感染時空熱區偵測-Shiny & R應用”, paper presented at
2016台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 嘉南藥理大學: 台灣地理資訊學會, 2016-06-27 ~ 2016-06-28.
楊毓仁,魏敬玲,郭巧玲,詹大千, 2016, “Linked Data於歷史門牌上的實作”, paper presented at 2016台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 嘉南藥理大學: 台灣地理資訊學會, 2016-06-27 ~ 2016-06-28.
詹大千, 顏佐榕 , 傅仰止,黃景祥, 2016, “Identifying emotional contagion in
social networks from contact diaries”,
paper presented at 第二十五屆南區統計研討會, 國立中山大學: 國立中山大學應用數學系, 2016-06-24 ~ 2016-06-25.
2016, “健康統計區應用於空間可近性之研究”, paper presented at 第11屆2016兩岸三院資訊技術與應用交流研討會, 中研院學術活動中心2F: 中研院資訊服務處,中科院計算機網絡信息中心,社科院信息化管理辦公室, 2016-04-19 ~ 2016-04-20.
詹大千*, 鄧詠竹, 2016, “線上時空分析全國死因地圖”, paper presented at 2016台灣人口學會年會, 國立中山大學: 台灣人口學會, 國立中山大學社會系, 2016-04-29 ~ 2016-04-30.
Ta-Chien Chan*, Jia-Hong
Tang, 2016, “Spatial accessibility of primary care for the elderly in the
community”, paper presented at 2016 Association of American Geographers Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, U.S.A.: The American Association of Geographers (AAG),
2016-03-29 ~ 2016-04-02.
Ta-Chien Chan*, 2015,
“Spatio-temporal Analysis of Rice Prices in the Qing Dynasty”, paper presented
at The 4th International Conference on Asian Network for GIS-based Historical
Studies, Academia Sinica: The Asian Network for GIS-based Historical Studies
(ANGIS) and The Research Center for Humanities and Social Science, Academia
Sinica, Taiwan, 2015-12-04 ~ 2015-12-06.
Ta-Chien Chan, Yung-Chu
Teng, Jing-Shiang Hwang*, 2015, “Detection of influenza-like illness
aberrations by directly monitoring Pearson residuals of fitted negative
binomial regression models”, paper presented at 2015 ISDS Conference, Denver,
Colorado: International Society for Disease Surveillance, 2015-12-09 ~
2015, “最小統計區應用於調查研究之初探”, paper presented at 104年國土資訊系統社會經濟資料庫推動及應用研討會, 臺大醫院國際會議中心301研討室: 內政部, 2015-11-09.
2015, “點日記-健康行為與社會網絡間的互動”, paper presented at 2015台灣資訊社會研究學會年會暨論文研討會, 交通大學客家文化學院: 台灣資訊社會研究學會, 2015-11-14.
詹大千、謝淑惠、廖培珊、傅仰止*, 2015, “最小統計區應用於調查研究之初探”, paper presented at 2015調查研究方法與應用學術研討會, 中央研究院人社中心第二會議室: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2015-09-03 ~ 2015-09-04.
詹大千、顏佐榕、傅仰止、黃景祥*, 2015, “運用跨平台資訊科技進行健康行為與社會網路之長期追蹤研究—點日記”, paper presented at 2015調查研究方法與應用學術研討會, 中央研究院人社中心第二會議室: 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心調查研究專題中心, 2015-09-03 ~ 2015-09-04.
I-chun Fan*, Bo-Cheng Lin,
Ta-Chien Chan, Jo-Tzu Chiang, Yi-Hsing Tseng, Chen-Fa Wu, Ping-Sheng Wu, 2015,
“Urbanization and Land Utilization of Tainan Region of Southern Taiwan with GIS
Approach”, paper presented at XVII World Economic History Congress, Kyoto,
Japan: International Economic History Association (IEHA) ,Science Council of
Japan, 2015-08-03 ~ 2015-08-07.
2015, “運用空間決策改進緊急醫療品質”, paper presented at 2015台灣資料科學愛好者年會, 中央研究院: 台灣資料科學愛好者年會, 中華民國計算語言學學會, 2015-08-22.
Ta-Chien Chan*, 2015,
“Addressing chronic kidney disease disparities from morbidities to
mortalities”, paper presented at 16th International Medical Geography
Symposium, Simon Fraser University, Canada: Simon Fraser University, 2015-07-05
~ 2015-07-10.
林柏丞、詹大千*、陳昭文、陳建州, 2015, “優化自動體外心臟電擊去顫器之空間配置-以高雄市為例”, paper presented at 2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 逢甲大學: 台灣地理資訊學會, 2015-06-29 ~ 2015-06-30.
郭巧玲、詹大千*、范毅軍, 2015, “基於地理標籤照片與運用巨量資料技術之興趣點建置研究”, paper presented at 2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會, 逢甲大學: 台灣地理資訊學會, 2015-06-29 ~ 2015-06-30.
Tso-Jung Yen, Ta-Chien Chan,
Yang-Chih Fu, Jing-Shiang Hwang*, 2015, “Analysis of ClickDiary Data: Some
Initial Results”, paper presented at XXXV Sunbelt Conference of the
International Network for Social Network Analysis, Brighton, UK: University of
Greenwich and the University of Manchester, 2015-06-23 ~ 2015-06-28.
Ta-Chien Chan*, 2015, “The
Epidemics of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in Island-Type Territory, East
Asia”, paper presented at The Third Conference: GIS-based Global History from
Asian Perspectives, Tokyo University: Tokyo University, 2015-06-04 ~
Ta-Chien Chan, Tso-Jung Yen, Yang-chih
Fu, Jing-Shiang Hwang*, 2015, “Using online diary to study the relationship between
health behaviors and mood”, paper presented at 2015社會網絡、階層化、宗教和族群工作坊, 政治大學綜合院館:政治大學社會系, 2015-2-2.
Ta-Chien Chan, Chang-Chun David Lee,
Jing-Shiang Hwang*, 2014, “Surveillance on hand, foot, and mouth disease in
East Asia”, paper presented at 2014 ISDS Conference, Philadelphia:
International Society for Disease Surveillance, 2014-12-09 ~ 2014-12-11.
詹大千,黃景祥, 顏佐榕, 傅仰止, 2014, “運用網路平台-點日記探討 健康行為與個人社會網絡的關係”, paper presented at 2014公衛聯合年會, 成功大學: 台灣公共衛生學會, 2014-10-25 ~ 2014-10-26.
2014, “全國外傷登錄資料之時空地理分析”, paper presented at 台灣外傷醫學會秋季學術研討會, 臺大醫院國際會議中心: 台灣外傷醫學會, 2014-10-19.
詹大千,2014,〈公共衛生地理信息的應用與展望〉,發表於第十屆兩岸三院信息技術與應用交流研討會,中國北京中科院:中科院计算机网络信息中心、社科院信息化管理办公室、中研院计算中心,2014-09-02 ~ 2014-09-03。
Ta-Chien Chan, 2014, “Addressing Health
Disparities in Chronic Kidney Disease”, paper presented at 2014 Asia Global
Land Project Conference, Taipei City, Taiwan: GLP International Project Office,
2014-09-24 ~ 2014-09-26.
Ta-Chien Chan, 2014, “Geographical
differences in prevalences and mortality rates of COPD”, paper presented at
2014 ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, U.S.A.: ESRI, 2014-07-14 ~
I-Chun Fan, Ta-Chien Chan, Hsiung-Ming Liao,
Yu-Lin Huang, 2014, “Perspectives of GIS-based historical demography in Taiwan:
Spatial distribution of fertility and life expectancy during the Japanese
colonial period”, paper presented at 66th Annual Meeting of the Population
Association of Japan, Meiji University: Population Association of Japan,
2014-06-14 ~ 2014-06-15.
詹大千,2014,〈以時空地理觀解構高雄市到院前救護資料〉,發表於Code for Healthcare,高雄醫學大學啟川大樓:高雄醫學大學,2014-04-18。
I-Chun Fan*, Ta-Chien Chan, Hsiung-Ming
Liao, Pi-Ling Pai, 2013, “Using event-based spatio-temporal model for
visualizing Zheng He's Expeditions”, paper presented at PNC 2013 Annual
Conference and Joint Meetings, Kyoto, Japan: PNC, 2013-12-10 ~ 2013-12-12.
Ta-Chien Chan, Po-Huang Chiang, Ming-Daw
Su, Shi-yung Liu, 2013, “Health disparities in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) medical visits and mortality”, paper presented at PNC 2013
Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Kyoto, Japan: PNC, 2013-12-10 ~
Ta-Chien Chan, Po-Huang Chiang, Hui-Chen
Tsou, Der-Ming Liou, 2013, “Protecting Geo-Privacy by GeoMasker”, paper
presented at PNC 2013 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, Kyoto, Japan: PNC, 2013-12-10
~ 2013-12-12.
Ta-Chien Chan, Yung-Chu Teng, Jing-Shiang
Hwang*,"Two-stage Models for Detecting the Aberration of Influenza-like
Illness",paper presented at 2013 Annual Meeting of the International
Society for Disease Surveillance, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA: International
Society for Disease Surveillance, 203-12-11 ~ 2013-12-13.
Ting-Chia Weng, Ta-Chien Chan, Hsien-Tang Lin,
Chia-Kun Chang, Hao-Yuan Cheng, Wen-Wen Wang, Yu-Roo Chu, Allen Wen-Hsiang
Chiu, Muh-Yong Yen*, Chwan-Chuen King*, 2013, “TAIPEI’S NOVEL SCHOOL SYNDROMIC
EXPERIENCES FROM JANUARY, 2010 TO AUGUST, 2011”, paper presented at 8th World
Congress of the World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Cape Town,
South Africa: World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases
詹大千、鄧詠竹、黃景祥*,2013,〈運用兩階段零膨脹波瓦松模型進行急診類流感疫情之監測〉,發表於2013年公衛聯合年會,台北醫學大學醫學綜合大樓:台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會、台灣癌症登記學會、台灣室內環境品質學會,2013-10-19 ~ 2013-10-20。
翁鼎家、詹大千、林獻堂、張嘉琨、鄭皓元、王玟文、朱玉如、邱文祥、顏慕庸、 金傳春*,2013,〈台北市校園暨機關傳染病通報系統執行分析與評估〉,發表於2013年公衛聯合年會,台北醫學大學醫學綜合大樓:台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會、台灣癌症登記學會、台灣室內環境品質學會,2013-10-19 ~ 2013-10-20。
Ta-Chien Chan, Hao-Syong Liu, 2013,
“Balancing the privacy concern and tolerance of precision in epidemiologic study
by geographical masking methods”, paper presented at IGU 2013 - KYOTO REGIONAL
CONFERENCE, Kyoto, Japan: 2013 IGU Kyoto Regional Conference, 2013-08-04 ~
詹大千、江博煌、李永梅、馮立婷、鄧詠竹,2013,〈探討慢性阻塞性肺病死亡率之時空分佈〉,發表於2013臺灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會(TGIS),高雄國際會議中心:台灣地理資訊學會,2013-06-27 ~ 2013-06-28。
饒芳如、朱宏杰、詹大千 ,2013,〈登革熱病媒蚊最佳撲殺區域選取-以高雄市區為例〉,共9頁,發表於2013臺灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會(TGIS),高雄國際會議中心:台灣地理資訊學會,2013-06-27 ~ 2013-06-28。
詹大千、陳榮宏、江博煌、黃景祥、金傳春,2013,〈臺灣腸病毒疫情之時空分析〉,發表於2013臺灣人口學會年會暨學術研討會,政治大學商學院:臺灣人口學會,2013-04-26 ~ 2013-04-27。
Ta-Chien Chan, Rung-Hung Chen, Po-Huang
Chiang, Jing-Shiang Hwang, Chwan-Chuen King, 2012, “Increasing Mild Enterovirus
Cases Provides An Important Signal of Up-coming Trends in Elevating Severe
Enterovirus Cases”, paper presented at 2012 Annual Meeting of the International
Society for Disease Surveillance, San Diego, CA, USA: International Society for
Disease Surveillance, 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-05.
I-Chun Fan ,Ta-Chien
Chan*,Spatio-temporal analysis of Ming-Qing Jiang-nan's Market Towns, 2012
Workshop on Community-based GIS, Academic Sinica, Taipei City, Nov. 26, 2012
Ta-Chien Chan. Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Syndromic
Surveillance in Taipei City. 2011 Taipei Healthy Cities
Symposium, Taipei City, Nov.14-15, 2011.
Ta-Chien Chan, Chia-Kun Chang, Peggy Lee, Chwan-Chuen King. Establishment of A Web-based Citizen Surveillance System of Influenza,
Options for the Control of Influenza VII. Hong Kong SAR, China, Sep. 3-7, 2010 (Poster)
Ta-Chien Chan, Peggy Lee, and Chwan-Chuen King. Google gadget for influenza surveillance. PRINCE MAHIDOL AWARD
CONFERENCE 2010, Thailand, Jan. 27-30,
2010 (Invited Speaker, Oral Presentation)
Ta-Chien Chan, Chwan-Chuen King, Muh-Yong Yen, Chuhsing Kate Hsiao. Spatio-temporal
Bayesian hierarchical model for influenza surveillance. The Eighth Annual Meeting of the International Society for Disease
Surveillance, Miami, FL, Dec. 2-4, 2009
(Oral Presentation)
Chwan-Chuen King, Ta-Chien
Chan, TS Wu, CC Lee HL, TH Tung, YC Chu, HP Lin, SF Chuang, CS Huang, WW
Wang, JY Hsiao, ST Ma, P Lee, MY Yen, DY Chao, HL Yen, CL Kao, FY Shih,TH
Wen,CT Fang,CM Liu. Global Biosecurity
Relies on Effective Surveillance. In: Daniel Zeng, Ta-Chien Chan,
Chwan-Chuen King, Hsinchun Chen, eds. Intelligence and Security Informatics:
Biosurveillance and Biosecurity. New York: Westing Publishing Co.; 2009.
Ta-Chien Chan, Hwa-Lung Yu, Po-Huang Chiang, Chwan-Chuen King. Bayesian Maximum Entropy Modeling of
Spatio-temporal Winter Influenza Epdiemic in Taiwan. In: Daniel Zeng,
Ta-Chien Chan, Chwan-Chuen King, Hsinchun Chen, eds. Intelligence and Security
Informatics: Biosurveillance and Biosecurity. New York: Westing Publishing Co.;
2009. (Oral Presentation)
Chwan-Chuen King, Tsung-Shu
Joseph Wu, Muh-Yung Yen, Chao-Sheng Huang, Jin-Yi Hsiao, Chuan-Liang Kao, Ta-Chien
Chan, Shiau-Tien Ma, Chin-Yi Chen, Shu-Fang Chuang, Wen-Wen Wang, Pei-Lin
Lin, Chien-Tsai Liu, Chung-Ming Liu. Integrated
syndromic and virological surveillance systems from Taiwan’s experiences in
facing global challenges of emerging infectious diseases. The Seventh
Annual Meeting of the International Society for Disease Surveillance, North
Carolina, Raleigh, Dec. 2-5, 2008.
Ta-Chien Chan, Chwan-Chuen King. Monitoring
Dynamic Tempo-spatial Changes of Influenza-like Illness during 2005-2007
through Sentinel-Physician Surveillance in Taiwan Using Ring Maps. The
Seventh Annual Meeting of the International Society for Disease Surveillance,
North Carolina, Raleigh, Dec. 2-5, 2008.
(Oral Presentation)
Ta-Chien Chan et al. Evaluating the
timeliness of school-based infectious diseases reporting system -using
influenza and enterovirus as examples. 2008 Taiwan public health &
epidemiology conference, 2008.
J.H. Chuang, Ta-Chien
Chan, et al. A Pilot Study for
Evaluating a Nation-wide School-based Influenza Vaccination Program in Taiwan.
13th ICID, Malaysia, June 2008.
Ta-Chien Chan, Yung-Tai Tsai, Po-Yao Wang, Jen-Hsiang Chuang. Automated Media Watch for Early Warning Outbreaks of Avian Influenza.
Fourth TEPHINET-Conference, Nov. 26-30,
2007. (Poster)
Ta-Chien Chan et al. Analyzing spatio-temporal distribution of Influenza-like illness by
sentinel surveillance. 2007 Taiwan GIS Conference, Oct. 11-12, 2007. (Oral Presentation)
Ta-Chien Chan et al. Health impact
assessment on fine particulate matter (PM2.5). 2007 Taiwan public health
& epidemiology conference, 2007.
Ta-Chien Chan, Chung-Ming Liu, and Chwan-Chuen King. Tracing Severe Avian Influenza A H5N1 Virus Outbreaks by Climate
Changes and Wild Birds’ Migration. International Meeting on Emerging
Diseases and Surveillance, Vienna, Austria. Feb.
23-25, 2007. (Poster)
Ta-Chien Chan et al. Using Web GIS to
construct health community network. 2006 Taiwan GIS Conference, Nov. 6-7, 2006. (Oral Presentation)
Ta-Chien Chan et al. A GIS-based Kriging
Approach for exploring air pollution and asthma. ESRI International User
Conference, San Diego, Aug. 9, 2006.
(Oral Presentation )
PX Chen, TC Chan. Use Medical Resources More Efficiently by Using
GIS Network Analyst Extension. The 4th International Symposium on Digital
Earth, Taipei, May. 25-26, 2006.
他類論文 (Technical papers)
(1) 詹大千。地理資訊系統於公共衛生上的應用。2010,互動國際數位 客座專欄.
(2) 詹大千,2012,〈探討人口老化與醫療資源分布趨勢〉,《國土資訊系統社會經濟資料GIS應用創意競賽》,共5頁。
(3) Ta-Chien Chan*, Chien-Min Wang, Yung-Mei
Lee, 2013, “Looking at Temporal Changes-Use this Python tool for creating ring
maps”, ArcUser Fall.
(4) 詹大千、金傳春。2013年12月,地理資訊系統在傳染流行病學上的應用,國土資訊系統通訊,第88期,p.21-31. 〔政府期刊〕
(1) Daniel Zang, Ta-Chien Chan, Chwan-Chuen King, Hsinchun Chen.
2009. Intelligence and Security Informatics: Biosurveillance and Biosecurity.
114頁。New York: Westing Publishing Co.
演講 (Invited Talks)
(1) Ta-Chien Chan and Jr-Jie Jang, The Development of Humanities GIS and its
application on Culture Resources, From Historical Geography to Environmental
History: An East Asian Perspective, at Penghu County, Taiwan. 2013/3/11~3/14/.
(2) Ta-Chien Chan, Training on GIS and disease mapping, Hosted by Taiwan CDC, at
Tainan City, 2013/2/21~2/22.
(3) 詹大千、陳建州, 2014, “R and QGIS in disease surveillance ”, paper presented at 衛福部疾病管制署103年度地理資訊系統技術應用課程, 台北市疾病管制署林森辦公室: 衛福部疾病管制署, 2014-12-27
(4) 詹大千,2015,〈Workshop on Practice of QGIS〉,發表於Workshop on Practice of QGIS,台灣大學公衛學院214室:台大流行病學與預防醫學研究所, 台大基因體醫學研究中心遺傳流行病學核心實驗室,2015-02-12。
(5) Ta-Chien Chan*, 2015, “Computer
technology for field investigations: GIS”,
paper presented at 衛生調查訓練班第30期訓練課程, 衛生福利部 疾病管制署: 衛生福利部 疾病管制署, 2015-08-12.
(6) 詹大千,2016,< Workshop on Practice of QGIS >,發表於Workshop on Practice of QGIS,台灣大學公衛學院214室:台大流行病學與預防醫學研究所, 台大基因體醫學研究中心遺傳流行病學核心實驗室,2016-06-16
(7) 詹大千,2016,<醫學地理工作坊>,中山醫學大學正心樓0621電腦教室:科技部自然司空間資訊科技學門、中山醫學大學公共衛生學系, 2016-06-21
(8) 詹大千,2016,<利用open data探索健康>,國立臺灣大學公衛大樓:臺灣大學公衛學院健康行為與社區科學研究所開設「偏遠社區健康促進」暑期課程, 2016-07-14
(9) 詹大千,2016,<Advanced QGIS 課程>,陽明大學醫學2館:陽明大學環境衛生研究所, 2016-07-26
Ta-Chien Chan*, 2016, “Computer technology for field investigations: GIS”, paper presented at 衛生調查訓練班第31期訓練課程, 衛生福利部 疾病管制署: 衛生福利部 疾病管制署, 2016-08-05.
計畫 (Grants)
臺灣氣候變遷對病毒傳染病的流行影響及公共衛生預警與因應管理機制-建立臺灣病毒傳染病流行的氣候條件門檻預警值 [Establishing the meteorological threshold for virological
infectious diseases epidemics in Taiwan
],國科會專題研究計畫(NSC Grant),2012-2015.
運用地理遮罩技術於空間流行病學之研究 [Applying Geographic Masking Approaches for Spatial
Epidemiology Study],國科會專題研究計畫(NSC Grant),2013. (PI)
Clickdiary: Mobile Device-Based Infrastructure for Tracking
Disease Spreading and Network Contingencies, Academia Sinica Grant,2014-2016. (Co-PI)
Spatio-temporal analysis of chronic diseases and health
disparity (NSC Grant),2013-2015. (PI)
The spatial decision analysis on the three levels’
preventive measures of long-term care (NSC Grant),2015-2018. (PI)
Multidisciplinary Health Cloud Research Program: Technology
Development and Application of Big Health Data (Academia Sinica Grant),2015-2018 (Co-PI)