7th PRCM Meeting


June 27(Mon) ~ July 1(Fri), 2016


Bldg. #129 Rm. 101 (Sangsan Mathematical Science Bldg, Seoul National Univ.)


Seung Yeal Ha (Seoul National Univ. & KIAS)
Myungjoo Kang (Seoul National Univ.)
Panki Kim (Seoul National Univ.)
Yong Jung Kim (KAIST&NIMS)
Jae-Hoon Kwon (Seoul National Univ.)
Jongil Park (Seoul National Univ. & KIAS)

Organized by

Center for Mathematical Challenges, KIAS
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University
Mathematical Sciences Division for Creative Human Resources Development-Seoul National University
National Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Research Institute of Mathematics, Seoul National University
Seoul National University



Sessions Topics

Algebraic Geometry
Applications of information science to PDEs
Computational Aspects of Interface Problems with Applications
Differential Geometry
Kinetic and related models
Low-dimensional Topology and Symplectic Geometry
Mathematical Fluid Mechanics and Related Topics
Mathematics in Biology and Medicine
Monge-Ampere type equations in geometry, optics and optimal transportation
Operator Algebras and Functional Analysis
Qualitative properties of solutions of nonlinear PDEs


Jian Ding (Univ. of Chicago)
Michael Eastwood (Univ. of Adelaide)
Hideo Kozono (Waseda Univ.)
Nathan Kutz (Univ. of Washington)
Naichung Conan Leung (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
Huaxin Lin (Univ. of Oregon)
John Lowengrub (Univ. of California, Irvine)
Hiroshi Matano (The Univ. of Tokyo)
Robert McCann (Univ. of Toronto)
James McKernan (Univ. of California, San Diego)
Eiji Yanagida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Huijiang Zhao (Wuhan Univ.)
