Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics

About Us

The Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics (PRCM) was conceived in the middle 1990s by a group of mathematicians from over 17 major universities on the west coast of the United States, in China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Korea, and Australia. One of the main impetuses for this is the recognition that the region of Pacific Rim is not only economically vibrant, but also becoming increasingly important in scientific research. The first PRCM was held in 1998.

The PRCM is intended to be a high-profile mathematical event covering a wide range of research areas which are actively being pursued at Pacific Rim universities. The objectives are to present the latest trends in mathematical research to a wide audience and to develop stronger ties between mathematicians in the Pacific Rim region.

Participating institutions

(01) City University of Hong Kong
(02) Academia Sinica (Taipei)
(03) Seoul National University
(04) National University of Singapore
(05) Fudan University
(06) Australian National University
(07) Stanford University
(08) UC Berkeley
(09) UC Los Angeles
(10) Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (Canada)
(11) University of Auckland (New Zealand)
(12) Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (Santiago)
(13) Kyoto University / RIMS
(14) Tohoku University
(15) Meiji University
(16) Hokkaido University
(17) University of Tokyo

List of Meetings


9th PRCM Meeting

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Mathematical Sciences Institute (MSI)
Australian National University (ANU)
June 17 ~ June 21, 2024
Homepage: https://maths.anu.edu.au/news-events/events/ninth-pacific-rim-conference-mathematics-darwin


8th PRCM Meeting

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U.C. Berkeley (online)
August 3 - August 11, 2020
Homepage: https://wp.math.berkeley.edu/pacificrim2020/


7th PRCM Meeting

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National University, Seoul
June 27 - July 1, 2016
Homepage: http://prcm.math.snu.ac.kr/ 


6th PRCM Meeting

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Hokkaido University, Tokyo
July 1 - July 5, 2013
Homepage: http://www.math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/sympo/130701/


5th PRCM Meeting

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Stanford University, USA
June 28 ~ July 2, 2010

4th PRCM Meeting

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City University, Hong Kong
December 7 ~ 11, 2007
Homepage: http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/rcms/prcm4/

3rd PRCM Meeting

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Fudan University, Shanghai
August 17 ~ 21, 2005

2nd PRCM Meeting

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Academia Sinica, Taipei
January 4 ~ January 8, 2001
Homepage: https://www.math.sinica.edu.tw/f59addca-1da6-47fd-9bb8-18d087da6088/posts/3854


1st PRCM Meeting

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City University, Hong Kong
January 19 ~ January 23, 1998