8th PRCM Meeting


August 3(Mon) ~ August 11(Tue), 2020


U.C. Berkeley (online)


Amir Dembo (Departments of Mathematics and Statistics at Stanford University. Probability theory)
Rod Gover (Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Differential geometry, representation theory and partial differential equations)
Pedram Hekmati (Department of Mathematics, University of Auckland, New Zealand. theory, geometry and operator algebras)
Anthony M (Licata. Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University. Geometric representation theory)
Alejandro Maass (University of Chile. Ergodic theory, topological and symbolic dynamics; the application of probability theory and dynamical systems in bioinformatics)
Yoshinori Namikawa (Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University. Algebraic geometry and complex manifolds)
Takayoshi Ogawa (Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University. Nonlinear PDE, functional analysis, applied analysis)
Toshiyuki Ogawa (Mathematical Sciences Program, Meiji University. Dynamical systems)
Kaoru Ono (Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University. Symplectic geometry and Floer theory)
Alvaro Pelayo (Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego. Classical and quantum integrable systems)
Malabika Pramanik (Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia. Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, several complex variables)
Norikazu Saito (School of Science at the University of Tokyo. Numerical analysis)
Neil Trudinger (Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University. Partial differential equations)
Jonathan Wylie (Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong. Fluid mechanics and granular materials)
Josh Zahl (Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia. Classical harmonic analysis and combinatorics)
Qiang Zhang (Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong. Finanicial mathematics and fluid dynamics)

Organized by

Alan Hammond (University of California at Berkeley)
Fraydoun Rezakhanlou (University of California at Berkeley)



Sessions Topics

Algebraic and complex geometry
Classical harmonic analysis and combinatorics
Differential geometry
Life sciences – mathematical modelling and analysis
Number theory
PDE: Dissipation and fluid mechanics
PDE: Inviscid fluid mechanics and general relativity
Probability theory
Recent trends in geometric analysis
Symplectic geometry and dynamical systems

Plenary speakers

Richard Bamler (U.C. Berkeley)
Michael Christ (U.C. Berkeley)
Simon Donaldson (Imperial College, London)
Yihong Du (University of New England, Australia)
Yakov Eliashberg (Stanford University)
Takeshi Saito (University of Tokyo)
Neil Trudinger (Australian National University)
Guofang Wei (U.C. Santa Barbara)
Ofer Zeitouni (Weizmann Institute of Science)
