張源俊 Yuan-chin Ivan Chang

Research Fellow, Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica

ycchang@sinica.edu.tw +8862 27871950 Office: Research CITI 321

Ph.D. in Statistics
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign

Reports & Software

Projects & Activities



Family and Students


Research Interests: Sequential Analysis and Its Applications, Statistical Learning/Machine Learning, Big Data Analysis, Statistical Methods in Psychological/Educational Testing


Statistics Education


Great Words from Great Lives

A Few Words about Research

王國維在「人間詞話」說: 古今之成大事業、大學問者,必經過三種之境界...

對生活的一點小小建議 生活方式



When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.


--- Lecturas para analfabetos

"行動並不來自思想,而是來自願意承擔責任。" - 德國神學家 邦赫費爾 

「執行偉大的工作,靠的不是力量,而是毅力。」– 塞繆爾•詹森 (字典編纂者)

“Any fool can make things bigger, more complex and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction.” – Albert Einstein, Physicist

「任何愚蠢的人都可以把事情弄得更大、更複雜、或更暴力。然而卻需要一些非凡的能力 – 及很大的勇氣 – 才能使事情往相反的方向移動。」– 艾伯特•愛因斯坦 (物理學家)


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