Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan
Socio-cultural Anthropology, Japan Studies, Postcolonial
Studies, Ethnology,
Ethno-history, Formosan indigenous peoples, Religion Studies,
My research
interests and consequent publications have been developed in
a variety of directions:
(1) the
post-colonial situation in Taiwan after the Japanese
rule; a complex system after the two layered
(2) the ethnic
affiliation among the Southern Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan
and Batanes; to reconstruct the ethno-history of the
small islands around the ”East Taiwan Sea.”
(3) studies of
Japanese Religion both in Taiwan and Japan;
(4) the impact of Japanese
colonialism on the knowledge of Anthropology in Taiwan,
(5) action anthropology on the Formosan
indigenous peoples
Address: |
Institute of
Ethnology, Academia Sinica Nankang, Taipei, 11529, Taiwan Tel +886-2-2652-3454
Fax +886-2-2785-5836 Email
B.A., 1982 |
Department of Archaeology and Anthropology National Taiwan University, Taipei |
M.A., 1988 |
Department of Anthropology, National Osaka University,
Osaka |
Ph.D candidate, 1991 |
Department of Anthropology, National Osaka University
1997 |
Indigenous People’s Language Translation Prize, Ministry of Education, R.O.C.
(for edited volume: Commission for the Investigation of Old Customs in Formosa, Governor-General’s Office of Taiwan, Survey Reports on the Customs of the Formosan Aborigines, Vol. 1, Atayal Tribe. Chinese edition. Taipei: The Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 1996.) |
1999 |
Indigenous People’s Language Translation Prize, Ministry of Education, R.O.C.
(for edited volume: Commission for the Investigation of Old Customs in Formosa, Governor-General’s Office of Taiwan, Survey Reports on the Customs of the Formosan Aborigines, Vol. 3, Saisiat Tribe. Chinese edition. Taipei: The Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, 1998.) |
Publications in English:
(Publications and PDF in Japanese or Chinese please see
front pages)
2001 |
“The Yamatodamashi of the Takasago Volunteers of Taiwan: A Reading of the Postcolonial Situation.” in Harumi Befu and Sylvie Guichard-Anguis eds., Globalizing Japan: Ethnography of the Japanese Presence in Asia, Europe, and America, pp.222–250. London: Routledge.
2001 |
“Culture at root of Yasukuni issue.” THE DAILY YOMIURI, p. 6, Sep. 11, Tokyo: THE DAILY YOMIURI. |
2003 |
“The Transformation of Taiwanese Attitudes toward Japan in the Post-colonial Period.” in Narangoa Li and Robert Cribb eds., Imperial Japan and National Identities in Asia, 1895-1945, pp.296–314. London: RoutledgeCurzon. |
2007 |
“Japan has to repay its moral debt to Taiwan,” TAIPEI TIMES, Nov. 9, 2007, p. 8. |