Full Research fellow
Institute of Earth Sciences
Academia Sinica
128 Academia Road, Sec. 2
Taipei 11529
Tél.: +886-2-27839910 ext 1501
Professionnal experience
2014-2018 | Associate research fellow at the Institute of Earth Sciences of Academia Sinica (Taipei). |
2011-2014 | Assistant research fellow at the Institute of Earth Sciences of Academia Sinica (Taipei). |
2005-2011 | Senior research scientist at the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) of Zürich (Switzwerland). |
1998-2005 | Postdoc at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands). |
1997-1998 | Junior research scientist & lecturer at University of Nantes (France). |
Education & qualifications
2008 | Professorship habilitation, University of Lyon 1, France. |
1994-1997 | PhD in Geophysics, Universities of Paris XI & Nantes. Defended on 19/12/1997, Cum Laude. |
1991-1992 | M.A. in Geodynamics and Physics of the Earth, Universities of Paris VI and Paris XI, ENS Paris. Major. |
1991-1992 | M.S. in Fundamental Physics, University of Paris XI. |
- Structure, dynamics and composition of the Earth's mantle
- Thermal and thermo-chemical convection
- Evolution of planets and icy moons
- Seismic anisotropy in the continental lithosphere
Research interests
See more details here. |
Students and postdocs supervision
2020-now | Postdoc superision of Joshua Guerrero, IES Academia Sinica (Taiwan). |
2019-2021 | Postdoc superision of Anselme Borgeaud, IES Academia Sinica (Taiwan). |
2014-2020 | Postdoc superision of Kensuke Konishi, IES Academia Sinica (Taiwan). |
2015-2019 | Postdoc superision of Kenny Vilella, IES Academia Sinica (Taiwan). |
2015-2016 | Postdoc superision of Yang Li, IES Academia Sinica (Taiwan). |
2010-2014 | PhD advisor of Chloé Yao, ETH Zürich (Switzerland). |
2010-2014 | PhD advisor of Yang Li, ETH Zürich (Switzerland). |
2010-2014 | M.S. project of Stephan Alig, ETH Zürich (Switzerland). |
2010-2014 | M.S. project of Luuk van Gerven, University of Utrecht (Netherlands). |
Teaching experience
2021-now | Academia Sinica Taipei (Taiwan). Introduction to Solid Earth (TIGP program). |
2015-2020 | Academia Sinica Taipei (Taiwan). Introduction to Earth Systems Sciences (TIGP program). |
2014-now | Academia Sinica Taipei (Taiwan). Teaching Seminars (TIGP program). |
2009-2011 | ETH Zürich. Planetary Physics & Chemistry (Masters level). Field work in gravimetry (Bachelor level). |
2005-2008 | ETH Zürich. Introduction to geophysics (Bachelor level). Field work in gravimetry (Bachelor level). |
2000-2005 | University of Utrecht. Mathematics applied for Earth Scientists (Bachelor level). Earth Sciences and Society (Bachelor level). |
1994-1998 | University of Nantes. Introduction to Astrophysics (1st year). Planetology (Master level). Informatics and programmation (1st year). |
2013-now | Scientific advisor in geophysics and planetology for the review "L'Astronomie", edited by the "Société Astronomique de France". |
2021-now | Member of the editorial board of the review "L'Astronomie", edited by the "Société Astronomique de France". |
Funded grants
2015-2018 | The nature and dynamics of seismic large low shear-wave velocity provinces (LLSVPs), Investigator Award, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. |
2018-2021 | Planetary mantle dynamics: the role of thermal conductivity variations, MoST Taiwan. |
2015-2018 | Dynamics and evolution of icy moons interiors: the role of heterogeneous tidal heating, MoST Taiwan. |
2013-2017 | Dynamics and structure of planetary mantles: observations and models, Career Development Award, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. |
2012-2015 | Identifying the chemical sources of mantle heterogeneities from geodynamic modeling and geophysical observations, MoST Taiwan. |
2010-2014 | The role methanol on the evolution of large icy moons: experimental and numerical modeling approaches, ETH Zürich. |
2010-2014 | Thermo-chemical convection and the survival of reservoirs of dense material in the deep mantle, SNF (Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research). |
2007-2010 | The role of the post-perovskite phase transition in the mantle dynamics, SNF (Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research). |
2003-2005 | Testing thermochemical convection models against seismological, gravity, and topographic data, NWO (Ducth National Organisation for Scientific Research) and ISES. |
Invited talks and honors
2005 | Invited talk at the 15th Goldschmidt conference, May 21-25, 2005, Moscow, Idaho (U.S.A.). |
2010 | Two invited talks at the EGU General Assembly meeting, May 2-7, 2010, Vienna (Austria). |
2012 | Invited talk at the 2012 Fall AGU meeting, December 3-7, 2012, San Francisco (U.S.A.). |
June 2014 | Invited professor at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (France). |
2015 | Keynote talk at the 25th Goldschmidt conference, August 21-26, 2015, Prague (Czech Republic). |
2017 | Invited talk at the 2017 JpGU-AGU joint meeting, May 20-25, Chiba (Japan). |
June 2018 | Invited professor at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (France). |
2018 | Keynote lecture at the 16th SEDI meeting, July, 8-13, 2018, Edmonton (Canada). |
Activities for the community and local administrative tasks
2022-now | Science officer of the Geodynamics division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). |
2021-now | Geophysics editor of the journal (Terrestrial, Atmospheric, and Oceanic Sciences (TAO). |
Articles reviews for several journals: Nature Geoscience,Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geophysical Journal International, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Icarus, American Geophysical Union monographies, Tectonophysics, Geology. | |
Research projects reviews for several funding agencies: American National Science Foundation (U.S.A.), CNRS and ANR (France), Fonds Québequois de Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies (Canada), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Germany), European Science Council (ERC, E.U.). | |
Organisation of meetings and sessions: | |
- Sessions in international congress: EGU 2007 and 2008 (Vienne), IGC 2008 (Oslo), Fall AGU 2008, 2009, and 2011 (San Francisco), WGPM 2010 (Taipei), AOGS 2013 (Brisbane). | |
- 11th international workshop on mantle convection and lithosphere dynamics (Braunwald, 28 June-3 July 2009). Member of the organising committee. | |
- 1st Asia-Pacific international workshop on lithosphere and mantle dynamics (Taipei, 23-25 September 2016). Main organizer. | |
- 1-day symposium on Planetary Interiors at the IES (Taipei, November 15th, 2017). Main organizer. | |
- 17th SEDI meeting (Zurich, July 11-15, 2022). Main organizer. | |
Member of PhD committees: Axel Röhm (1999, University of Utrecht), Stéphanie Godey (2002, University of Utrecht), François Couturier (2007, University of Nantes), Chloé Yao (2014, ETH Zürich), Yang Li (2014, ETH Zürich), Axel Lefevre (2014, University of Nantes), Kenny Vilella (2015, IPG Paris). | |
2017, 2022 | Member of IES recruiting committee (IES, Academia Sinica). |
2016-now | Member of several extension and promotion committees (IES, Academia Sinica). |
2012-2013 | Organisation of the weekly seminar of the Institute of Geophysics of the Federal Institute of Technology Zürich. |
2006-2010 | Organisation of the weekly seminar of the Institute of Earth Sciences of Academia Sinica. |
2005-2011 | Webmaster of ETH Geophysical Fluid Dynamics laboratory website. |
Field work & other experiences
1998 | Chine 98. Survey of a seismic network between Xining and Yushu (China, Qinghai province). |
1997 | GéoFrance 3D. Survey of the GéoFrance 3D-Armor 2 seismic network. |
1995 | Oceanographic campain on the Atalante (IFREMER) between Dakar and Brest. |
1993 | Observatory of internal geophysics of Crozet (French Austral and Antarctic Territories). Station leader during 1 year. |
1989-1992 | Physics lecturer au Palais de la Découverte (Paris). |
1988-1990 | Archeological field work (Neolithic period), au lac de Chalain (Jura, France), in lake Chalain (Jura, France), under the direction of d’Anne-Marie et Pierre Pétrequin.. |
See and download my publications and PhD and habilitation manuscripts here.