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Group Members

Current Members


Name Education
Abhishek Lakhote Ph.D., Department of Earth and Environmental Science, KSKV Kachchh University, India
Hai-Po Chan Ph.D., Earth Sciences, National Central University

Graduate Students

Name Degrees School
Gopal Kumar Ph.D. Candidate Earth System Sciences, TIGP, Academia Sinica
Cheng-Wei Sun Ph.D. Student Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Yu-Chen Hsu Ph.D. Student Earth System Sciences, TIGP, Academia Sinica
Yun-Pin Chen M.Sc. Student Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
Wan-Ting Wei M.Sc. Student Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University
Chia-Yu Chang M.Sc. Student Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University

Research Assistants

Name Education Field
Chiu-Yeu Lo M.Sc., National Central University Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Drone Pilot, LiDAR Post-processing

Former Members

Former Graduate Students

Name Degree Year of Graduation School Thesis
Yu-Chen Hsu M.Sc. 2024 Earth Sciences, National Central University Using LiDAR‑derived Digital Elevation Model for interpreting and analyzing regional geology and structure: the case of northern Coastal Range
Ting-Yu Pai M.Sc. 2023 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Using airborne LiDAR DEM for interpreting geologic structures in the southern Coastal Range
Chiao-Yin Lu Ph.D. 2022 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Applying the multitemporal SAR interferometry(MTInSAR) technique for detecting long period and potential seasonal surface displacement
Vu Anh Dao M.Sc. 2022 Earth Sciences, National Central University Active faulting in the north Central Vietnam illuminated by geomorphic analysis
Dinh Thi Hue Ph.D. 2021 Earth System Sciences, TIGP, Academia Sinica Deformation patterns and potential active movements of the Fansipan and Tule mountain ranges, northern Vietnam
Po-Lien Chao M.Sc. 2021 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Using airborne LiDAR-derived DEM to improve the geologic map in igneous and sedimentary rock terrains: a case study of the Yuli map in the Coastal Range
Cheng-Wei Sun M.Sc. 2019 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Using high resolution DEM to improve the geologic map in low-grade metamorphism area – a case study in Toucheng Map
Chia-Hung Chiu M.Sc. 2018 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Improving geological mapping by using high-resolution DEM: An example from the fold-thrust belt around the Taipei region
Nai-Cih Shih M.Sc. 2018 Geosciences, National Taiwan University High-Resolution Geological Mapping in 3D Environments: A Case Study of the Shuanghsi Sheet, Northern Taiwan
Sean Kuanshiang Chen Ph.D. 2018 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Crustal deformation of the Taiwan orogen and the Ryukyu subduction zone revealed by geodetic and seismological observations
Chih-Hsiang Yeh Ph.D. 2017 Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University Sedimentary Strata Mapping and Dip Slope Auto-tracing with LiDAR DEM Using Self-developed Geoprocessing Toolsets
Yu-Chung Hsieh Ph.D. 2016 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Evaluation of Landslide Area and Fluvial Changes using Multi-period Digital Elevation Models
Chih-Tung Chen Ph.D. 2012 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Earthquake geology of the active Shanchiao Fault in the Taipei Metropolis, Taiwan
Chiao-Yin Lu M.Sc. 2012 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Assessment of movement and deposition for a potential landslide in Lushan area, central Taiwan by 3D discrete element simulation
Sean Kuanshiang Chen M.Sc. 2011 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Cyclic Upper Lithospheric Collision and Relaxation at the Junction of Collision to Subduction in Northern Hualien, Taiwan
Chung Huang M.Sc. 2007 Geosciences, National Taiwan University The Fault Geometry and Co-seismic Surface Deformation Around the Northern Taichung Basin
Chiu-Ya Wu M.Sc. 2007 Geosciences, National Taiwan University The structural and geomorphic characteristics before and after the Chiufenerhshan landslide and possible mechanisms of the slope failure
Chia-Han Tseng M.Sc. 2006 Geosciences, National Taiwan University Non-Catastrophic Landslides Induced by the Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi Earthquake in Central Taiwan Revealed by the PIV Analysis

Undergraduate Summer Research Program Students

Year Topic People
2024 數值高程資料之處理與3D構造地質製圖應用 戴可風(臺灣大學地質科學系二年級)
2023 高精度UAV LiDAR數值資料之處理與3D地質製圖分析應用 陳冠羽(臺灣大學地理系二年級)
2022 利用 UAV LiDAR 獲取次公尺級數值地形並解析工程尺度之地質構造 李維哲(毫灣大學地質科學系二年級)
2021 (線上教學) 陳允平(台灣大學地質系二年級)
2020 利用無人機進行航拍與點雲建模並解析地質構造 白庭瑜(中央大學地球科學學系三年級)
2019 利用無人機進行航拍與地形建模並解析高精度地質構造特性 劉育良 (台灣大學地質學系二年級)
鄭安 (海洋大學海洋系三年級)
2018 台北斷層沿線地表地形與地質構造特性研究 黃柏瑞(中央大學地球科學系三年級)
2017 台北斷層沿線地表地形與地質構造特性研究 王柏鈞(臺北市立大學地生系二年級)
2016 潛在順向坡滑動之分析與判斷-以新北市中和區之丘陵地為例 郭顯定(中央大學地球科學系二年級)
2015 高精度數值地形應用於沈積岩區之地質調查研究 施乃慈(中央大學地球科學系三)
2014 高精度數值地形應用於褶皺與逆衝斷層帶之調查研究 陳玟卉(臺灣大學地質科學系二年級)
2012 構造地形分析與地殼活動性探討 彭冠皓(中央大學地球科學系三)
2011 南橫公路新武呂溪沿線之構造地形分析 曾譯禾(台灣大學地質系二)
2009 九份二山山崩震後侵蝕與堆積行為研究 呂喬茵(中央大學地科三)
2008 北台灣中新世岩層之正斷層系統初探及其大地構造意涵 陳冠翔(中央大學地科三)
2004 空載雷射掃描資料在構造地形學分析上之應用 紀南光(台灣大學地質二)
2003 高解析度數值高程模型在新期構造分析上的應用 黃鐘(台灣大學地質二)

Former Postdoc

Name Education Current Position
Chia-Han Tseng Ph.D., Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany Chinese Culture University
Kuang-Yin Lai Ph.D., National Taiwan University CPC Corp.

Former Research Assistants

Name Education Current Position
Su-Ching Chou M.Sc., National Taiwan University -
Jin-Ting Jiang M.Sc., National Taipei University of Technology TSMC
Sean Kuanshiang Chen M.Sc., National Taiwan University NTU
Chung Huang M.Sc., National Taiwan University Taipower
Li-Chun Shen M.Sc., National Taiwan Univerisity Apple Inc.
Chih-Hsiang Yeh M.Sc., National Chiao-Tung University NCU
Hsin-Kuei Wang M.Sc., Imperial College, London Formosa Plastics
Yen-Chi Tseng M.Sc., National Chung-Cheng University CPC Corp.
Chia-Cheng Liu M.Sc., National Cheng-Kung University Taipower