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Peer-reviewed papers (SCI)


  1. Lakhote, A., Chan*, Y.-C., Lu, C.-Y., Kumar, G., Sun, C.-W., 2025, Monitoring slow-moving deep-seated landslide using PSI technique: a case study of a potential sliding slope from southern Taiwan. Landslides. [*corresponding author]
  2. Kumar, G., Chan*, Y.-C., Sun, C.-W., & Chen, C.-T., 2024, Decadal-scale assessment of sediment denudation rates in the Zhoukou River Basin, Taiwan: insights from improved DEMs of differencing based on spectral analysis. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 15(1). [*corresponding author]
  3. Lu*, C.-Y., Chan*, Y.-C., Hu, J.-C., Chiu, C.-Y., Chu, C.-R., Tseng, C.-H., Chang, C.-H., 2023, "Velocity distribution and movement of multiple slow-moving landslides characterized by an optimized MTInSAR workflow", Engineering Geology, 2023, 327, 107339.[*corresponding author]
  4. Chan, H.-P., Chan, Y.-C., Sun, C.-W., 2023, Thermal pattern of Tatun volcanic system by satellite-observed temperatures and its correlation with earthquake magnitudes. Scientific Reports, 13:19568.
  5. Chan, H.-P., Chan, Y.-C., 2023, Thermal pattern at kueishantao (KST) volcano of Taiwan from satellite-observed temperatures and its implication. Environmental Research Communications, 5, 075013.
  6. Dinh, T.-H., Chan*, Y.-C., Chen, C.-T., 2022, Extensional Tectonics and Basement Uplift of the Fansipan and Tule Mountain Ranges in Northern Vietnam, Frontiers in Earth Science. [*corresponding author]
  7. Nguyen, M., Lin*, Y.N., Tran, Q.C., Ni, C.-F., Chan, Y.-C., Tseng, K.-H., Chang, C.-P., 2022, Assessment of long-term ground subsidence and groundwater depletion in Hanoi, Vietnam. Engineering Geology, 299, 106555.
  8. Chen SK, Wu Y-M and Chan Y-C, 2022, The Seismogenic Potential of the Southernmost Ryukyu Subduction Zone as Revealed by Historical Earthquakes and Slow Slip events. Front. Earth Sci. 10:887182. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.887182.
  9. Chen, S.K., Wu, Y.-M., Chan, Y.-C., 2022, Slow slip events following the afterslip of the 2002 Mw 7.1 Hualien ofshore earthquake, Taiwan, Earth, Planets and Space, 74:63,
  10. Lu, C.-Y., Chan*, Y.-C., Hu, J.-C., Tseng, C.-H., Liu, C.-H., Chang, C.-H., 2021, Seasonal surface fluctuation of a slow-moving landslide detected by multitemporal interferometry (MTI) on the Huafan University campus, northern Taiwan, Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 4006. [*corresponding author]
  11. Tseng, C.-H., Chan, Y.-C., Jeng, C.-J., Rau, R.-J., Hsieh, Y.-C., 2021, Deformation of landslide revealed by long-term surficial monitoring: A case study of slow movement of a dip slope in northern Taiwan, Engineering Geology, 284, 10602.
  12. Dinh, T.-H., Chan*, Y.-C., Chang, C.-P., Chen, C.-T., Hsu, Y.-C., 2021, Deformation patterns and potential active movements of the Fansipan mountain range, northern Vietnam, International Journal of Earth Sciences, [*corresponding author]


  1. Lu, C.-Y., Hu, J.-C., Chan*, Y.-C., Su, Y.-F., Chang, C.-H., 2020, "The relationship between surface displacement and groundwater level change and its hydrogeological implications in an alluvial fan: case study of the Choshui river, Taiwan", Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 3315; doi:10.3390/rs12203315.[*corresponding author]
  2. Chen, C.-T., Chan, Y.-C., Beyssac, O., Lu, C.-Y., Chen, Y.-G., Malavieille, J., Kidder, S. B., Sun, H.-C., 2019, "Thermal history of the northern Taiwanese slate belt and implications for wedge growth during the Neogene arc-continent collision", Tectonics, 10.1029/2019TC005604.
  3. Chang, K.-J., Chan, Y.-C., Chen, R.-F., Hsieh, Y.-C., 2018, Geoomorphological evolution of landslides near an active normal fault in northern Taiwan, as revealed by lidar and unmanned aircraft system data. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 18(3), 709-727.
  4. Chen, C.-T., Chan, Y.-C., Lo, C.-H., Malavieille, J., Lu, C.-Y., Tang, J.-T., Lee, Y.-H., 2018, Basal accretion, a major mechanism for mountain building in Taiwan revealed in rock thermal history. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 152, 80-90.
  5. Chen, S. K., Wu, Y.-M., Chan, Y.-C., 2018, Episodic slow slip events and overlying plate seismicity at the southernmost Ryukyu Trench, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 10,369-10,377, doi: 10.1029/2018GL079740.
  6. Tseng, C.-H., Chan, Y.-C., Jeng, C.-J., Hsieh, Y.-C., 2017. Slip monitoring of a dip-slope and runout simulation by the discrete element method: a case study at the Huafan University campus in northern Taiwan. Natural Hazards, doi: 10.1007/s11069-017-3016-y.
  7. Yeh, C.-H., Lin, M.-L., Chan*, Y.-C., Chang, K.-J., Hsieh, Y.-C., 2017, Dip-slope mapping of sedimentary terrain using polygon auto-tracing and airborne LiDAR topographic data. Engineering Geology, 222, 236-249. [*corresponding author]
  8. Chen, S. K., Wu, Y.-M., Hsu, Y.-J., Chan, Y.-C., 2017, Current crustal deformation of the Taiwan orogen reassessed by cGPS strain-rate estimation and focal mechanism stress inversion, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggx165.
  9. Hsieh, Y.-C., Chan*, Y.-C., Hu, J.-C., 2016, Digital Elevation Model Differencing and Error Estimation from Multiple Sources: A Case Study from the Meiyuan Shan Landslide in Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 8, 199:1-20. [*corresponding author]
  10. Hsieh, Y.-C., Chan*, Y.-C., Hu, J.-C., Chen, Y.-Z., Chen, R.-F., Chen, M.-M., 2016, Direct Measurements of Bedrock Incision Rates on the Surface of a Large Dip-slope Landslide by Multi-Period Airborne Laser Scanning DEMs. Remote Sensing, 8(11), 900.[*corresponding author]
  11. Chen, C.-T., Chan, Y.-C., Lo, C.-H., Lu, C.-Y., 2016, Growth of mica porphyroblasts under low-grade metamorphism -- A Taiwanese case using in-situ 40Ar/39Ar laser microprobe dating. Journal of Structural Geology, 92, 1-11.


  1. Chang, P.-Y., Chang, L.-C., Lee, T.-Q., Chan, Y.-C., Chen, H.-F., 2015, Examining lake-bottom structures with the resistivity imaging method in Ilan's Da-Hu Lake in Northeastern Taiwan. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 119, 170-177.
  2. Kuo, C.-Y., Chang, K.-J., Tsai, P.-W., Wei, S.-K., Chen, R.-F., Dong, J.-J., Yang, C.-M., Chan, Y.-C., Tai, Y.-C., 2015, Identification of co-seismic ground motion due to fracturing and impact of the Tsaoling landslide, Taiwan?? Engineering Geology, 196, 268-279.
  3. Chen, S. K., Chan*, Y.-C., Hu, J.-C., Kuo, L.-C., 2014, Current crustal deformation at the junction of collision to subduction around the Hualien area, Taiwan. Tectonophysics, 617, 58-78. [*corresponding author]
  4. Lu, Chiao-Yin, Tang, C.-L., Chan*, Y.-C., Hu, J.-C., Chi, C.-C., 2014, Forecasting landslide hazard by the 3D discrete element method: A case study of the unstable slope in the Lushan hot spring district, central Taiwan. Engineering Geology, 183, 14-30. [*corresponding author]
  5. Yeh, C.-H., Chan*, Y.-C., Chang, K.-J., Lin, M.-L., Hsieh, Y.-C., 2014, Derivation of strike and dip in sedimentary terrain using 3D image interpretation based on airborne LiDAR data. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 6, 775-790. [*corresponding author]
  6. Chen, C.-T., Lee, J.-C., Chan, Y.-C., Lu, C.-Y., and Teng, L. S.-Y., 2014, Elucidating the geometry of the active Shanchiao Fault in the Taipei metropolis, northern Taiwan, and the reactivation relationship with preexisting orogen structures. Tectonics, 33(12), 2400-2418.
  7. Kidder, S., Avouac, J.-P. and Chan, Y.-C., 2013. Application of titanium-in-quartz thermobarometry to greenschist facies veins and recrystallized quartzites in the Hsuehshan range, Taiwan. Solid Earth, 4, 1-21.
  8. Kidder, S., Avouac, J.-P. and Chan, Y.-C., 2012. Constraints from Rocks in the Taiwan Orogen on Crustal Stress Levels and Rheology. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, B09408.
  9. Chen, C.-T., Chan*, Y.-C., C.-Y. Lu, M. Simoes, O. Beyssac, 2011. Nappe structure revealed by thermal constraints in the Taiwan metamorphic belt. Terra Nova, 23, 85-91. [*corresponding author]
  10. Chang, K.-J., Chan, Y.-C., Chen, R.-F., and Hsieh, Y.-C., 2010. Evaluation of tectonic activities using LiDAR topographic data: an example from the Nankan lineament, northern Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, vol. 21, no. 3, 463-476.
  11. Chan, Y.-C., Song, S.-R., and Tsao, S., 2010. Preface to the Special Issue on Potential Geohazards of the Taipei Metropolitan Area. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, vol. 21, no. 3, I-III.
  12. Lo, C.-M., Lin, M.-L., Lee, W.-C., Chan, Y.-C., and Yeh, C.-H., 2010. Cliff recession and progressive development of talus deposits in Xiangshan, Sishou Hills, Taipei. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., v.21, no. 3., 543-561.
  13. Chen, C.-T., Lee, J.-C., Chan, Y.-C., and Lu, C.-Y., 2010. Growth normal faulting at the western edge of the metropolitan Taipei Basin since the Last Glacial Maximum, northern Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, v. 21, no. 3, 409-428.
  14. Terabayahsi, M., Okamoto, K., Yamamoto, H., Chan, Y.-C., 2010. Fluid-rock interaction in the bottom of the inland seismogenic zone (Preface). Isalnd Arc, 19, 1-3.
  15. Konstantinou, K. I., Lin, C.-H., Liang, W.-T., Chan, Y.-C., 2009. Seismogenic stress field beneath the Tatun Volcano Group, northern Taiwan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 187, 261-271.
  16. Lee, S.-J., Chan, Y.-C., Komatitsch, D., Huang, B.-S., Tromp, J., 2009. Effects of realistic surface topography on seismic ground motion in the Yangminshan region of Taiwan based upon the spectral-element method and LiDAR DTM. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 99; 2A, 681-693.
  17. Tang, C.-L, Hu, J.-C., Lin, M.-L., Angelier, J., Lu, C.-Y., Chan, Y.-C., Chu, H.-T., 2009. The Tsaoling landslide triggered by the Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan: Insights from a discrete element simulation. Engineering Geology, 106, 1-19.


  1. Huang, C., Chan*, Y.-C., Hu, J.-C., Angelier, J., Lee, J.-C., 2008. Detailed surface co-seismic displacement of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in western Taiwan and implication of fault geometry in the shallow subsurface. Journal of Structural Geology, 30, 1167-1176, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2008.06.001. [*corresponding author]. (SCI)
  2. Beyssac, O., Negro, F., Simoes, M., Chan, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-G., 2008. High-pressure metamorphism in Taiwan: from oceanic subduction to arc-continent collision? Terra Nova, 20, 118-125. (SCI)
  3. Tseng, C.-H., Hu, J.C, Chan, Y.-C., Chu, H.-T., Lee, J.-F., Wei, J.-Y., Lu, C.-Y. Lin, M.-L., 2008. Non-Catastrophic landslides induced by the Mw 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake in central Taiwan as revealed by PIV analysis, Tectonophysics, 466, 427-437, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.019. (SCI)
  4. Beyssac, O., Simoes, M., Avouac, J.-P., Farley, K., Chen, Y.-G., Chan, Y.-C., Goffe, B., 2007. Late Cenozoic metamorphic evolution and exhumation of Taiwan, 26, TC6001, doi:10.1029/2006TC002064, Tectonics. (SCI)
  5. Chan, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-G., Shih, T-Y., Huang, C., 2007. Characterizing the Hsincheng active fault in northern Taiwan using airborne LiDAR data: detailed geomorphic features and their structural implications, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 31, 303-316. doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2006.07.029. (SCI)
  6. Lee, J.-C. and Chan, Y.-C., 2007. Structure of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake rupture and interaction of thrust faults in the active fold belt of western Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 31, 226-239. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2006.07.024. (SCI)
  7. Hu, J.-C., Hou, C.-S., Shen, L.-C., Chan, Y.-C., Chen, R.-F., Huang, C., Rau, R.-J., Lin, C.-W., Huang, M.-H., Nien, P.-F., 2007. Fault activity and lateral extrusion inferred from velocity field revealed by GPS measurements in the Pingtung area of southwestern Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 31, 287-302. doi:10.1016/ j.jseaes.2006.07.020. (SCI)
  8. Chen, C.-T., Hu, J.-C., Lu, C.-Y., Lee, J.-C., Chan, Y.-C., 2007. Thirty-year land elevation change from subsidence to uplift following the termination of groundwater pumping and its geological implications in the Metropolitan Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan, Engineering Geology, 95, 30-47, doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo. 2007.09.001. (SCI)
  9. Gourley, J. R., Byrne, T., Chan, Y.-C., Wu, F., R.-J., Rau, 2007. Fault geometries illuminated from seismicity in central Taiwan: implications for crustal scale structural boundaries in the northern Central Range, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2007.08.013 (SCI)
  10. Chang, K.-J., Taboada, A. Chan, Y.-C., Dominguez, S., 2006. Post-seismic surface processes in the Jiufengershan landslide area, 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake epicentral zone, Taiwan, Engineering Geology, 86, 102-117. (SCI)
  11. Chen R.-F., Chang, K.-J., Angelier, J., Chan, Y.-C., Deffontaines, B., Lee, C.-T., Lin, M.-L., 2006. Topographical changes revealed by high-resolution airborne LiDAR data: The 1999 Tsaoling landslide induced by the Chi-Chi earthquake. Engineering Geology , 88, 160-172. (SCI)
  12. Chan, Y.-C., Okamoto, K., Yui, T.-F., Iizuka, Y., Chu, H.-T., 2005. Fossil fluid reservoir beneath a duplex fault structure within the Central Range of Taiwan: implication for fluid leakage and lubrication during earthquake rupturing process. Terra Nova, 17, 493-499. (SCI)
  13. Chang, K.-J., Taboada, A., Chan, Y.-C., 2005. Geological and morphological study of the Jiufengershan landslide triggered by the Chi-Chi earthquake. Geomorphology, 71, 293-309. (SCI)
  14. Chen, R.-F., Chan, Y.-C., Angelier, J., Hu, J.-C., Huang, C., Chang, K.-J., Shih, T.-Y., 2005. Large earthquake-triggered landslides and mountain belt erosion: the Tsaoling case, Taiwan. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 337, 1164-1172. (SCI)
  15. Lee, J.-C., C., Rubin, K. Mueller, Y.-G. Chen, Y.-C. Chan, K. Sieh, H.-T. Chu, and W.-S. Chen, 2004. Quantitative analysis of movement along an earthquake thrust Scarp: a case study on a vertical exposure of the 1999 surface rupture of the Chelungpu fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 23, 263-273, doi:10.1016/S1367-9120(03)00122-6. (SCI)
  16. Lee, J.-C., Chu, H.-T., Angelier, J., Chan, Y.-C., Hu, J.-C., Lu, C.-Y., and Rau, R.-J. 2002. Geometry and structure of northern surface ruptures of the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake: influence from inherited fold belt structures. Journal of Structural Geology, 24, 173-192. (SCI)


  1. Lee, J.-C., Chen, Y.-G., Sieh, K., Chu, H.-T., Chan, Y.-C., Rubin, C., Yeats, R. and Chen, W.-S., 2001. A vertical exposure of the 1999 surface rupture of the Chelungpu fault at Wufeng, western Taiwan: Structural and paleoseismic implications for an active thrust fault. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 91, no.5, pp. 914-929. (SCI)
  2. Chan, Y.-C., Crespi, J. M. and Hodges, K. V. 2000. Dating cleavage formation in slates and phyllites with the 40Ar/39Ar laser microprobe: an example from the western New England Appalachians, U.S.A., Terra Nova, vol. 12, no. 6., pp. 264-271. (SCI)
  3. Chan, Y.-C. and Crespi, J. M. 1999. Albite porphyroblasts with sigmoidal inclusion trails and their kinematic implications:? An example from the Taconic Allochthon, west-central Vermont. Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 21, pp. 1407-1417. (SCI)
  4. Crespi, J. M. and Chan, Y.-C. 1996. Vein reactivation and some complex vein intersection geometries. Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 933-939. (SCI)
  5. Crespi, J. M., Chan, Y.-C. and Swaim, M. S. 1996. Synorogenic extension and exhumation of the Taiwan hinterland. Geology, vol. 3, no. 24, pp. 247-250. (SCI)

Ph.D. Dissertation:

  • Chan, Y.-C., 1998. Kinematic and Geochronologic Constraints on the Structural Development of the Northern Taconic Allochthon in western New England, U.S.A., University of Connecticut, U.S.A.

Other selected publications and reports

  1. Byrne, T., Chan, Y.-C., Rau, R.-J., Lu, C.-Y., Lee, Y.-H., and Wang, Y.-J., 2011. The arc-continent collision in Taiwan. In: Brown D, Ryan P (eds) Arc-continent collision: the making of an orogen, Frontiers in earth sciences. Springer, Heidelberg, p. 213-245. (Book Chapter)
  2. Crespi, J. M., Underwood, H. R., Chan, Y.-C., 2010. Orogenic curvature in the northern Taconic allochthon and its relation to footwall geometry. In Tollo, R.P., Bartholomew, M.J., Hibbard, J.P., and Karabinos, P.M., eds., From Rodinia to Pangea: The Lithotectonic Record of the Appalachian Region: Geological Society of America Memoir 206, p. 111-122. (Book Chapter)
  3. Chan, Y.-C., Chang, K.-J., Chen, R.-F., Liu, J.-K., 2012. Topographic changes revealed by airborne LiDAR surveys in regions affected by the 2009 Typhoon Morakot, southern Taiwan1. Western Pacific Earth Sciences, vol. 12, no.1, p.67-82. (in Chinese)
  4. Chan, Y.-C., Chang, K.-J., Chen, R.-F., 2012. Topography of the central part of the coastal range revealed by airborne LiDAR2. Ti-Chih, v. 31, n. 2, p. 42-43. (in Chinese)
  5. Chan, Y.-C., 2012. Detailed topography of the Tatun volcano group revealed by airborne LiDAR3. Ti-Chih, v. 31, n. 1, p. 32-35. (in Chinese)
  6. Chan, Y.-C., 2005. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)4. Science Development, vol. 390, p. 24-29. (in Chinese)
  7. Chan, Y.-C., et al. 2011. Acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation model using airborne LiDAR technique and its application to active tectonics (4/4)5 Open-File Report, 172 pages, Published by Central Geological Survey of Taiwan. (in Chinese)
  8. Chan, Y.-C., et al. 2010. Acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation model using airborne LiDAR technique and its application to active tectonics (3/4)6 Open-File Report, 169 pages, Published by Central Geological Survey of Taiwan. (in Chinese)
  9. Chan, Y.-C., et al. 2009. Acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation model using airborne LiDAR technique and its application to active tectonics (2/4)7 Open-File Report, 166 pages, Published by Central Geological Survey of Taiwan. (in Chinese)
  10. Chan, Y.-C., et al. 2008. Acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation model using airborne LiDAR technique and its application to active tectonics (1/4)8 Open-File Report, 157 pages, Published by Central Geological Survey of Taiwan. (in Chinese)
  11. Chan, Y.-C., et al., 2007. Acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation model using airborne LiDAR technique and its application to tectonic geomorphology in the Taipei metropolitan area. (3/3)9 Open-File Report, 150 pages, Published by the Central Geological Survey in Taiwan. (in Chinese)
  12. Chan, Y.-C., et al., 2006. Acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation model using airborne LiDAR technique and its application to tectonic geomorphology in the Taipei metropolitan area. (2/3)10 Open-File Report, 188 pages, Published by the Central Geological Survey in Taiwan. (in Chinese)
  13. Chan, Y.-C., et al., 2005. Acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation model using airborne LiDAR technique and its application to tectonic geomorphology in the Taipei metropolitan area. (1/3)11 Open-File Report, 143 pages, Published by the Central Geological Survey in Taiwan. (in Chinese)
  14. Chan, Y.-C., et al., 2024. Thermal Mapping Project for Tatun Volcano Group (TVG).

Conference Activity

More than 120 meeting abstracts plus some full conference papers and field trip guidebooks were presented at domestic and international conferences since 2001.

  1. 空載光達資料顯示之莫拉克風災前後高精度地形變化 

  2. 空載光達精準判釋海岸山脈中段構造地形 

  3. 空載光達技術完美刻畫大屯火山群地形 

  4. 見樹又見地--雷射測距掃描 

  5. 大台北地區特殊地質災害調查與監測第二期-空載雷射掃描數值地形地質構造分析(4/4) 

  6. 大台北地區特殊地質災害調查與監測第二期-空載雷射掃描數值地形地質構造分析(3/4) 

  7. 大台北地區特殊地質災害調查與監測第二期-空載雷射掃描數值地形地質構造分析(2/4) 

  8. 大台北地區特殊地質災害調查與監測第二期-空載雷射掃描數值地形地質構造分析(1/4) 

  9. 大台北地區特殊地質災害調查與監測—高精度空載雷射掃描(LIDAR)地形測製與構造地形分析 III 

  10. 大台北地區特殊地質災害調查與監測—高精度空載雷射掃描(LIDAR)地形測製與構造地形分析 II 

  11. 大台北地區特殊地質災害調查與監測—高精度空載雷射掃描(LIDAR)地形測製與構造地形分析 I