


Please feel free to ask the manager of Instruments when you have questions about our instruments.



title FAQ

Q: To acknowledge BCF, users may include one of the following:

A1: We thank [name of the staff member] in the Biophysics Core Facility, funded by Academia Sinica Core Facility and Innovative Instrument Project (AS-CFII-111-201), for [providing technical assistance / useful discussion / support with data acquisition and analysis] of [Instrument] experiments.

For example:
We acknowledge Auto PEAQ-ITC data collected in the Biophysics Core Facility, funded by Academia Sinica Core Facility and Innovative Instrument Project (AS-CFII-111-201).

We thank Jin-Hsuan Yu in the Biophysics Core Facility, funded by Academia Sinica Core Facility and Innovative Instrument Project (AS-CFII-111-201), for performing CD experiments.

A2: We acknowledge the use of the [Instruments] in the Biophysics Core Facility, funded by Academia Sinica Core Facility and Innovative Instrument Project (AS-CFII-111-201).

A3: More in ABRF: Recommended Guidelines for Authorship on Manuscripts.

Q: Can other qualified users share my instrument time when I have finished my experiments for the day?
A: Yes but only limited to your lab members who are under the same PI in the BCF reservation system. In addition, names of the users should be stated in "Remarks" when you reserve the instrument.

Q: Why can't I reserve any instrument time even though I already have a reservation account?
A: To access an instrument, you need to participate training courses for the specific instrument. Once trained and qualified, you may reserve time for the instrument. Please refer to Access BCF Instruments for details.

Q: How do I register for BCF training courses?
A: Please refer to the " Access BCF Instruments" for details. Basically you may, log in to BCF reservation system, choose "Case Application", apply New, choose BCF, click "Apply", choose training courses and submit.

Q: May I ask BCF to compensate for my sample loss if hardware failure occurs?
A: Sorry, BCF may not compensate for your sample loss or data loss under any circumstances (hardware or software failure, operator error, or others) nor will BCF ask a user to pay for instrument repair if an instrument is operated under the standard protocol provided by BCF. BCF (and its personnel) accepts NO responsibility for actions taken as a result of using protocols published on BCF web pages.

Q: May I train my colleagues on the BCF instruments?
A: Training of fellow researchers in your lab or not in your lab on the BCF instruments is prohibited. However, they may watch a qualified user to set up experiments if that qualified user agrees to look after them. If your colleagues are interested in using BCF instruments, please have them contact BCF manager.

Q: How do I apply for an operator certification test?
A: Please refer to the " Access BCF Instruments" for details.

Q: May my colleagues acompany when I am taking the operator certification test?
A: No. Like any tests, when taking a operator certification test, only the operator should be present during the test.

Q: How long is the training course valid for applying operator certification test?
A: One should take operation certification test within 3 months after participating BCF training courses. Furthermore, if one does not use the instrument for six months, one loses the reservation privilege and is required to contact BCF manager before making a reservation.

Q: Why do BCF web pages display random question marks?
>Unicode (UTF-8) from "View" pulldown menu in your internet explorer web browser.

Q: How do I apply for a reservation account?
A: Please visit Reservation System homepage and follow the instructions to apply. To be able to access BCF instruments with Sinica discount, please use an e-mail address with "sinica" domain.

Q: How do I access BCF instruments in IBC 402?
A: After you reserve for an instrument in IBC 402, you may obtain a temporary access card from the front desk on the entrance of the IBC building by depositing your Sinica ID. Please note that the IBC building entrance is locked at 11:00PM. Only IBC personnel may enter and exit the building. When in the lab, please follow the Lab General Guidelines.

Q: When I swipe the temporary access card, why is the door still locked?
A: After swiping the access card, you need to enter a four-digit password and click enter. The password can be obtained from the BCF manager.

Q: The training courses are generally in Chinese. What should I do if I don't speak Chinese?
A1: Please contact the BCF manager to arrange hands-on training lessons in English. Sorry, the BCF manager cannot speak any other languages than Chinese and English.
A2: You may learn Chinese before using any of BCF instruments.
A3: You may train the BCF manager to speak your language.

Q: Is there a correlation between number of broken syringes and the iTC200 instrument usage?
A: The chart below shows scatter plot of # broken syringes and iTC200 instrument usage of BCF users recorded between Jan. 2009 to Nov. 2010. The number of broken syringes did not take account of those broken in training courses and operator certification tests.