My Scientific Collaborators
During the years, many collaborators gave enormous contributions to help my research work and enrich my scientific career.
Taiwanese colleagues
Hao-Tsu Chu: Central Geological Survey
- Fracture patterns and their relations to mountain building in a fold-thrust belt: A case study in NW Taiwan, Bull. Soc. Geol. Fr., 184(4-5), 485-500, doi:10.2113/gssgfbull.184.4-5.485, 2013. [Full text (PDF) 1.4MB]
- 臺灣東部池上斷層全段之地表破裂與變形帶調查及構造特性分析,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,第26號,1-15頁,2012。
- 湖口斷層新釋:上盤活動背衝斷層之新發現及露頭構造分析,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,第26號,31-51頁,2012。
- 紐西蘭基督城地震之地質探究,地質, 第30卷,第1期,第8-13頁,2011。
- Faulting and mud volcano eruptions inside of the Coastal Range during the 2003 Mw=6.8 Chengkung earthquake in Eastern Taiwan,
T.A.O., 22, 5, 463-473, doi:
10.3319/TAO.2011.04.22.01(TT). 2011.
- Structure and Holocene evolution of an active creeping thrust fault: the Chihshang Fault at Chinyuan (Taiwan).
Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 743-755, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2011.01.015,
2011. (SCI) [Full text (PDF) 3.51MB]
- Quantitative analysis of co-seismic surface faulting and post-seismic creep accompanying the 2003, Mw=6.5, Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan,
Journal of Geophysical Research,
111, B02405, doi:10.1029/2005JB003612, 2006. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF) 11.0MB]
- Monitoring active fault creep as a tool in seismic hazard mitigation. Insights from creepmeter study at Chihshang, Taiwan,
C.R. Geosciences, 337(13), 1200-1207. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 950K]
- 1201台東成功6.6級大地震:花東縱谷池上活動斷層與地震關係,礦冶,47卷,4期,58-62,2004。
- Active Fault Creep Variations at Chihshang, Taiwan, Revealed by Creepmeter Monitoring, 1998-2001.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, B11, 2528, doi:10.10129/2003JB002394,
2003. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF)11.2MB]
- 從地殼變形與斷層活動討論地震災害潛在性:花東縱谷池上活斷層的研究。地質,21卷第二期,31-52,2002。
- Geometry and structure of northern surface ruptures of the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake: influence from inherited fold belt structures,
Jour. Struct. Geol., 24, 1, 173-192, 2001. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)2.4Mb]
- A Vertical Exposure of the 1999 Surface Rupture of the Chelungpu Fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan: Structural and Paleoseismic Implications for an Active Thrust Fault.
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 91, 5, 914-929, 2001. (SCI)
[Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)]
- Continuous monitoring of an active fault in a plate suture zone: a creepmeter study of the Chihshang active fault, eastern Taiwan,
Tectonophysics, 333, 219-240, 2001. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)]
- A rod-type creepmeter for measurement of displacement in active fault zone:
Earth, Planets, and Space, 52, 5, 321-328, 2000. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)]
- Plate-boundary strain partitioning along the sinistral collision suture of the Philippine and Eurasian plates: Analysis of geodetic data and geological observation in southeastern Taiwan:
Tectonics, 17, 6, 859-871, 1998. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)]
- Contractional, transcurrent, backthrusting and extensional tectonics: examples from Hsuehshan Range (in Chinese):
Ti-Chi, 15, 2, 61-80, 1997.
- Structural evolution in the Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan:
Jour. Geol. Soc. China, v. 40, 1, 261-279, 1997.
- Polyphase history and kinematics of complex major fault zone in the Taiwan mountain belt: the Lishan Fault, northern Taiwan:
Tectonophysics, 274, 97-116, 1997. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF)]
Jyr-Ching Hu: National Taiwan University
- Coseismic and postseismic slip distribution of the 2003 Mw=6.5 Chengkung Earthquake in eastern Taiwan: elastic modeling from inversion of GPS data,
Tectonophysics, 466, 335-343, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.021,
2009. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 2.6MB]
- Thirty-year land elevation change from subsidence to uplift following the termination of groundwater pumping and its geological implications in the Metropolitan Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan,
Engineering Geology, 95, 30-47, doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2007.09.001,
2007. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 3.87MB]
- Coseismic deformation revealed by inversion of strong motion and GPS data: the 2003 Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan.
Geophys. J. Int., 169, 667-674, doi:
10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03359.x, 2007. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF) 11.9MB]
- Quantitative analysis of co-seismic surface faulting and post-seismic creep accompanying the 2003, Mw=6.5, Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan,
Journal of Geophysical Research,
111, B02405, doi:10.1029/2005JB003612, 2006. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF) 11.0MB]
- Active Fault Creep Variations at Chihshang, Taiwan, Revealed by Creepmeter Monitoring, 1998-2001.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, B11, 2528, doi:10.10129/2003JB002394,
2003. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF)11.2MB]
- 從地殼變形與斷層活動討論地震災害潛在性:花東縱谷池上活斷層的研究。地質,21卷第二期,31-52,2004。
- Geometry and structure of northern surface ruptures of the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake: influence from inherited fold belt structures,
Jour. Struct. Geol., 24, 1, 173-192, 2001. (SCI)
[Abstract] [Full text (PDF)2.4Mb]
- Three-dimensional modeling of the behavior of the oblique convergent boundary of southeast Taiwan: friction and strain partitioning,
Tectonophysics, 333, 261-276, 2001.
- Continuous monitoring of an active fault in a plate suture zone: a creepmeter study of the Chihshang active fault, eastern Taiwan,
Tectonophysics, 333, 219-240, 2001. (SCI) [Abstract]
[Full text (PDF)]
- A rod-type creepmeter for measurement of displacement in active fault zone:
Earth, Planets, and Space, 52, 5, 321-328, 2000. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)]
- Plate-boundary strain partitioning along the sinistral collision suture of the Philippine and Eurasian plates: Analysis of geodetic data and geological observation in southeastern Taiwan:
Tectonics, 17, 6, 859-871, 1998. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)]
- Kinematics of convergence, deformation and stress distribution in the Taiwan collision area: 2-D finite-element numerical modelling:
Tectonophysics, 255, 243-268, 1996.
Yu-Chang Chan: Academia Sinica
- Growth normal faulting at the western edge of the metropolitan Taipei basin since the Last Glacial Maximum, northern Taiwan,
T.A.O.,?21, 3, 409-428, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2009.11.13.01(TH).? (SCI)
[Full text (PDF) 13.5MB]
- Detaiiled surface co-seismic displacement of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in western Taiwan and implication of fault geometry in the shallow subsurface, Journal of Structural Geology, 30, 1167-1176, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2008.06.001, 2008.
- Thirty-year land elevation change from subsidence to uplift following the termination of groundwater pumping and its geological implications in the Metropolitan Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan,
Engineering Geology, 95, 30-47, doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2007.09.001, 2007. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 3.87MB]
- Structure of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake Rupture and Interaction of Thrusts in Active Fold Belt of Western Taiwan,
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 31, 226-239 doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2006.07.024.2007.
[Full Text (PDF) 2.4MB]
- Geometry and structure of northern surface ruptures of the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake: influence from inherited fold belt structures,
Jour. Struct. Geol., 24, 1, 173-192. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)2.4Mb]
- A Vertical Exposure of the 1999 Surface Rupture of the Chelungpu Fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan: Structural and Paleoseismic Implications for an Active Thrust Fault.
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 91, 5, 914-929. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF)]
Chia-Yu Lu: National Taiwan University
- Growth normal faulting at the western edge of the metropolitan Taipei basin since the Last Glacial Maximum, northern Taiwan,
T.A.O.,?21, 3, 409-428, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2009.11.13.01(TH).? (SCI)
[Full text (PDF) 13.5MB]
- Thirty-year land elevation change from subsidence to uplift following the termination of groundwater pumping and its geological implications in the Metropolitan Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan,
Engineering Geology, 95, 30-47, doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2007.09.001. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 3.87MB]
- The 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan earthquake and basement impact thrust kinematics.
West. Pacific Earth Sci., 2, 2, 183-192.
- Active continental growth under transpressional tectonics – example from southeastern Taiwan.
West. Pacific Earth Sci., 2, 1, 37-46.
- Anisotropic deformation and rotation tectonics during oblique convergence: examples from northeastern Taiwan.
West. Pacific Earth Sci., 1, 3, 247-264.
- Structural evolution of southeastern Central Range, Taiwan.
West. Pacific Earth Sci., 1, 2, 213-226.
- Structural evolution in the Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan:
Jour. Geol. Soc. China, v. 40, 1, 261-279.
- Extension and compression tectonics in central Taiwan. In:
Neotectonics and resources, J. Cosgrove & M. Jones Ed. Belhaven Press, London and New York, pp. 85-92.
- The shear structures in the Miocene Lushan formation of the Suao area, eastern Taiwan.
Proc. Geol. Soc. China, v. 32, no 2, pp. 121-137.
Ruey-Juin Rau: National Cheng Kung University
- 由1995-2005之GPS觀測資料探討台灣西南部之地殼變形,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊第二十號,17-31。
- Crustal deformation and block kinematics in transition from collision to subduction: Global positioning system measurements in northern Taiwan, 1995-2005, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, B B09404, doi:10.1029/2007JB005414.
(SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 1.2MB
- Contemporary deformation of tectonic escape in SW Taiwan from GPS observations, 1995-2005,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 262, 601-619. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF) 4.1MB]
- 台南台地的地表變形與地震潛能,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,十四號,147-156。
Jia-Juin Dung: National Central University
- Structure and Holocene evolution of an active creeping thrust fault: the Chihshang Fault at Chinyuan (Taiwan).
Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 743-755, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2011.01.015,
2011. (SCI) [Full text (PDF) 3.51MB]
Yue-Gau Chen: National Taiwan University
- New seismogenic source and deep structures revealed by the 1999 Chia-yi earthquake sequence in southwestern Taiwan, Geophy. Jour. Int., 172, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03686.x. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 16.8MB]
- Geomorphic evidence for prior earthquakes: Lessons from the 1999 Chichi earthquake in central Taiwan,
Geology, 30(2), 171-174. (SCI)? [Full text (PDF)460k]
- Surface rupture of 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake yields insights on active tectonics of central Taiwan.
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 91, 5, 977-985.
- A Vertical Exposure of the 1999 Surface Rupture of the Chelungpu Fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan: Structural and Paleoseismic Implications for an Active Thrust Fault.
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 91, 5, 914-929. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF)]
Chung-Pai Chang: National Central University
- 台東縱谷池上地區之地表變形的營力機制,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,十四號,187-198。
- Strain and stress field in Taiwan oblique convergence system: constraints from GPS observations and tectonic data.
Earth. Plant. Sci. Lett., 214, 115-127. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF)]
Fu-Shu Cheng: National Taiwan University
- Active Fault Creep Variations at Chihshang, Taiwan, Revealed by Creepmeter Monitoring, 1998-2001.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, B11, 2528, doi:10.10129/2003JB002394, 2003. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF)11.2MB]
- Continuous monitoring of an active fault in a plate suture zone: a creepmeter study of the Chihshang active fault, eastern Taiwan,
Tectonophysics, 333, 219-240,, 2001. (SCI) [Abstract]
[Full text (PDF)]
- A rod-type creepmeter for measurement of displacement in active fault zone:
Earth, Planets, and Space, 52, 5, 321-328, 2000. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)]
Louis S. Teng: National Taiwan University
- 海岸山脈蕃薯寮層的軟質沈積形變。經濟部中央地質調查所彙刊,第十五號,103-137,2002。
- 南崁斷層之觀察及意義初釋:地質,14卷第一期,63-71,1994。
Wei-Hao Wang: National Chung Cheng University
Modeling surface creep of the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan with
velocity-strengthening friction,
Geophy. Jour.
176, 2, 601-613, doi: 10.0000/j.1365-246X.2008.03995.x, 2009.
[Full Text (PDF) 402KB]
Teh-Quei Lee: Academia Sinica
- Paleomagnetic study in a folded zone of the Hsuehshan Range, Northeastern coast of Taiwan:
T.A.O., 9, 4, 643-654.
Chung-Sherng Horng : Academia Sinica
- Magnetobiostratigraphy of the Sanfu-Chi Section in the Coastal Range of Eastern Taiwan: a new result:
Jour. Geol. Soc. China, 42, 4, 613-629.
Horng-Yue Chen: Academia Sinica
vertical movements and their deformation behaviors at convergent plate
suture: 14-year-long (2004-2018) repeated measurements of precise leveling
around middle Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth
Sciences, 218, 104865,,
2021. (SCI)
text (PDF) 22.5MB]
Reducing distance dependent bias in a low-cost single frequency GPS network
to complement dual frequency GPS stations in order to derive detailed
surface deformation field, Survey Review, 47, 340, 7-17, DOI:,
2015 (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)
A new velocity field from a dense GPS array in the southernmost Longitudinal
Valley, southeastern Taiwan, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 24, 5, 837-862,
doi: 10.3319/TAO.2013.06.18.01(T), 2013. (SCI) [Full text (PDF)
Determination of vertical velocity field of southernmost Longitudinal Valley
in eastern Taiwan: a joint analysis of leveling and GPS measurements, Terr. Atmos.
Ocean. Sci., 23, 4, 355-376, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2012.02.29.01(TT), 2012. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF) 804K]
displacements and slip distribution from GPS and leveling observations for the
2006 Peinan earthquake (Mw 6.1) in southeastern Taiwan, Earth Planets Space,
61, 299-318, 2009.
[Full Text (PDF) 601K]
Coseismic Surface GPS Displacement and Ground Shaking Associated with the 2006 Pingtung Earthquake Doublet, Offshore Southern Taiwan,
Terr. Amos. Ocean. Sci., 19, 6, 683-696, doi:10.3319/TAO.2008.19.6.683(PT),
2008. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 11.2MB]
Ya-Ju Hsu: Academia Sinica
- Coseismic displacements and slip distribution from GPS
and leveling observations for the 2006 Peinan earthquake (Mw 6.1) in
southeastern Taiwan,
Earth Planets Space, 61, 299-318. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF) 4.4MB]
Shui-Beih Yu: Academia Sinica
- Coseismic displacements and slip distribution from GPS and leveling observations for the 2006 Peinan earthquake (Mw 6.1) in southeastern Taiwan,
Earth Planets Space, 61, 299-318. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF) 4.4MB]
- Coseismic Surface GPS Displacement and Ground Shaking Associated with the 2006 Pingtung Earthquake Doublet, Offshore Southern Taiwan,
Terr. Amos. Ocean. Sci., 19, 6, 683-696, doi:10.3319/TAO.2008.19.6.683(PT). (SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 11.2MB]
Overseas collaborators
Jacques Angelier: Univsersite
Pierre et Maire Curie
- Faulting and mud volcano eruptions inside of the Coastal Range during the 2003 Mw=6.8 Chengkung earthquake in Eastern Taiwan,
T.A.O., 2011.
- Structure and Holocene evolution of an active creeping thrust fault: the Chihshang Fault at Chinyuan (Taiwan).
Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 743-755, doi: 10.1016/j.jsg.2011.01.015 (SCI) [Full text (PDF) 3.51MB]
- Does extrusion occurs at both tips of the Taiwan collision belt ? Insights from active deformation studies in the Ilan Plain and Pingtung Plain regions, Tectonophysics,? 466, 356-376, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.015. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF) 2.84MB]
- Quantitative analysis of co-seismic surface faulting and post-seismic creep accompanying the 2003, Mw=6.5, Chengkung earthquake in eastern Taiwan,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B02405, doi:10.1029/2005JB003612. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF) 11.0MB]
- Monitoring active fault creep as a tool in seismic hazard mitigation. Insights from creepmeter study at Chihshang, Taiwan,
C.R. Geosciences, 337(13), 1200-1207. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF) 950K]
- The Liuchiu Hsu island offshore SW Taiwan: tectonic versus diapiric anticline development and comparisons with onshore structures.
C.R. Geoscience, 336, 815-825. (SCI) [Full Text (PDF)607K]
- Three-dimensional deformation along the rupture trace of the
September 21st, 1999 ,
Taiwan earthquake: a case study in the Kuangfu school,
Jour. Struct. Geol., 25, 3, 351-370. (SCI)? [Full text (PDF)]
- Reconstruction of fault slip of the
September 21st, 1999 ,
Taiwan earthquake in the asphalted surface of a car park, and co-seismic slip partitioning,
Jour. Struct. Geol., 25, 3, 345-350. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF]
- Active Fault Creep Variations at Chihshang, Taiwan, Revealed by Creepmeter Monitoring, 1998-2001.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 108, B11, 2528, doi:10.10129/2003JB002394. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF)11.2MB]
- Geometry and structure of northern surface ruptures of the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake: influence from inherited fold belt structures,
Jour. Struct. Geol., 24, 1, 173-192. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)2.4Mb]
- Le seisme de Chichi (1999) et sa place dans l'orogene de Taiwan.
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, serie IIa, 333, 1, 5-21.
- Continuous monitoring of an active fault in a plate suture zone: a creepmeter study of the Chihshang active fault, eastern Taiwan,
Tectonophysics, 333, 219-240. (SCI)?[Abstract]?
[Full text (PDF)]
- Active faulting and earthquake risk: the Chihshang Fault case, Taiwan:
Jour. Geodynamics, 29, 151-185. (SCI)?
[Full text (PDF)]
- A rod-type creepmeter for measurement of displacement in active fault zone:
Earth, Planets, and Space, 52, 5, 321-328. (SCI) ?
[Full text (PDF)]
- Plate-boundary strain partitioning along the sinistral collision suture of the Philippine and Eurasian plates: Analysis of geodetic data and geological observation in southeastern Taiwan:
Tectonics, 17, 6, 859-871. (SCI)?
[Full text (PDF)]
- Polyphase history and kinematics of complex major fault zone in the Taiwan mountain belt: the Lishan Fault, northern Taiwan:
Tectonophysics, 274, 97-116. (SCI)? [Full Text (PDF)]
- Paleostress trajectories maps based on the results of local determinations: the "lissage" program.
Computers & Geosciences: v. 20, n. 2, pp 161-191.
Lionel Siame
- Erosion rates in an active orogene (NE-Taiwan): A confrontation of cosmogenic measurements with river suspended load,
Quaternary Geochronology, 6, 246-260, doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2010.11.003,
2011. (SCI) [Full text (PDF) 2.27MB]
Jean-Philippe Avouac
Yves Guiellemi
Kurt Frankel
Kerry Sieh
- Re-evaluation the surface ruptures of the November 1951 earthquake series in eastern Taiwan, and its neotectonic implications,
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 31, 317-331, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2006.07.018. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF) 3.3MB]
- Quantitative analysis of movement along an earthquake thrust scarp: a case study on a vertical exposure of the 1999 surface rupture of the Chelungpu fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan.
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 23, 263-273,
doi:10.1016/S1367-9120(03)00122-6. (SCI)
[Full text (PDF)]
- Reply to "Comment on "A Vertical Exposure of the 1999 Surface Rupture of the Chelungpu Fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan : Structural and Paleoseismic Implications for an Active Thrust Fault" by Y.H. Lee et al.
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 93, 2, 969-972. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF)116K]
- A Vertical Exposure of the 1999 Surface Rupture of the Chelungpu Fault at Wufeng, Western Taiwan: Structural and Paleoseismic Implications for an Active Thrust Fault.
Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., 91, 5, 914-929. (SCI)
[Full Text (PDF)]
Gong-Ruei Ho (2019-)
Lionel Sonnette (2013-2016):
now at
Chih-Tung Chen (2012-2016):
now at National Central University, Taoyuan
Chung-Hsiang Mu (2012-2018)
Maryline Le Beon
(2011-2013): now at National Central University, Taoyuan
Shu-Hao Chang (2009- 2011)
Kuo-En Ching (2010-2011):
now at National ChengKung University, Tainan
Wen-Jeng (Owen) Huang (2008-2010):
now at National Central University, Taoyuan
Kuo-Jen Chang (2006-2008):
now at National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei
Rou-Fei Chen (2005-2009): now at Ctional Taipei University of
Technology, Taipei
Chung-Hsiang Mu (2005-2012 ): PhD
degree of National Central University and Nice University of France, co-supervisor: Jia-Juin Dong,
Jacques Angelier, Yves Guigliellemi
Mien Chang (2009-
Master degree of National Taiwan University, co-supervisor: Yue-Gau Chen
Li-Wei Chen (2010-2012 ): Undergraduate of National Central University,
co-supervisor: Wen-Tzong Liang
Ruey-Ying Chen (2010-2012 ): Undergraduate of National Central University,
co-supervisor: Wen-Tzong Liang
Chia-Yu Chen (2007-2009): Master degree of National Taiwan University in 2009, co-supervisor: Yue-Gau Chen
Chu-Juin Kang (2005-2007): Master degree of National Ocean University in 2007, co-supervisor: Chao-Shing Lee
Yen-Lin Jiang (2005-2007):
Master degree of National Normal University in 2007, co-supervisor: Tung-Yi Lee
Yi-Ruey Lee (2005-2007):
Master degree of National Taiwan University in 2007, co-supervisor: Jyr-Ching Hu
Li-Wei Cheng (2003-2005):
Master degree of National Taiwan University in 2005, co-supervisor: Jyr-Ching Hu
Ling-Ho Chung (2001-2003): Master degree of National Taiwan University in 2003, co-supervisor: Yue-Gau Chen
Bo-Wen Lo (1997-1999): Master degree of National Taiwan University in 1999, co-supervisor: Yue-Gau Chen
Kuei-Kun Lin (1995-1997): Master degree of National Taiwan University in 1997, co-supervisor: Yue-Gau Chen
Ting-Chieh Lin (2001- )
Shu-Jen Chiu (2007- )
Yong-Jun Liu (2009-2010)