list of Kwan-tai Leung
- Elastic Moduli for Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials,
C.L. Choi, C. Lam, K.-t. Leung and K. Young, Senior Project Report (1982)
- Nonequilibrium Phase Transition and Interfacial Properties
in Driven Diffusive Systems,
K.-t. Leung, Ph.D. thesis, Physics Dept, UCSB (1987)
- Field Theory of Critical Behavior in a Driven Diffusive
K.-t. Leung and J.L. Cardy, J. Stat. Phys. 44, 567 (1986)
- Interfacial Properties of Driven Diffusive Systems,
K.-t. Leung, J. Stat. Phys. 50, 405 (1988)
- Suppression of Interfacial Roughness in Driven Nonequilibrium
K.-t. Leung, K.K. Mon, J.L. Valles and R.K.P. Zia, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 61, 1744 (1988)
- Driven Nonequilibrium Systems with a Shifted Boundary
J.L. Valles, K.-t. Leung and R.K.P. Zia, J. Stat. Phys. 56, 43 (1989)
- Roughness, Spatial and Temporal Correlations of an Interface
in a Driven Lattice Gas,
K.-t. Leung, K.K. Mon, J.L. Valles and R.K.P. Zia, Phys.
Rev. B 39, 9312 (1989)
- Phase Transitions in a Driven Lattice Gas with Repulsive
K.-t. Leung, B. Schmittmann and R.K.P. Zia, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 62, 1772 (1989)
- New Interfacial Phenomena in a Driven Diffusive System,
J.L. Valles, K.-t. Leung and R.K.P. Zia, in Proceeding of the 2nd
Workshop on Computer Simulation Studies in condensed Matter Physics--Recent
Developments, in Univ. of Georgia, ed. D.P. Landau,
Springer Verlag (1989)
- Theory on Morphological Instability of Driven Systems,
K.-t. Leung, J. Stat. Phys. 61, 341 (1990)
- Geometry and Topology Induced Morphological Transitions,
K.-t. Leung and R.K.P. Zia, J. Phys. A
23, 4593 (1990)
- Finite-Size Scaling of Driven Diffusive Systems:Theory
and Simulation Studies,
K.-t. Leung, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 453 (1991)
- Effects of Translational Symmetry Breaking by the Boundaries
in a Driven Diffusive System,
J.V. Andersen and K.-t. Leung, Phys. Rev. B
(Rapid Comm) 43, 8744 (1991)
- Power Spectrum of the Current in Systems with a Conserved
K.-t. Leung, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm) 44,
5340 (1991)
- Interfacial Correlation and Dispersion in a Non-equilibrium
Steady State System,
R.K.P. Zia and K.-t. Leung, J. Phys. A
(Lett.) 24, L1399 (1991)
- Finite-Size Scaling of Systems with Strong Spatial Anisotropies,
K.-t. Leung, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C (Invited Review) 3, 367 (1992)
- Trough Models: Universality Classes, Distribution of Avalanches
and Cluster Sizes,
K.-t. Leung, Phys. Rev. A 46, 6211
- Generically Singular Correlations in a Non-equilibrium
Steady-State System,
R.K.P. Zia, K. Hwang, K.-t. Leung and B. Schmittmann,
in Proceedings of the Workshop on Computer Simulations in Condensed
Matter Physics, eds. D.P. Landau, K.K. Mon and H.B. Schuttler, Springer
Verlag (1992)
- Generic Singularities in a Driven Diffusive System,
R.K.P. Zia, K. Hwang, B. Schmittmann and K.-t. Leung, Physica A 194, 183
- Scaling Properties of Trough Densities in Sandpile Models,
K.-t. Leung, Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Comm) 48,
R2331 (1993)
- Anomalous Interfacial Correlations in Non-equilibrium
Anisotropic Systems,
K.-t. Leung and R.K.P. Zia, J. Phys. A (Lett.)
26, L737 (1993)
- Dynamic Exponent for 2D Ising Model by Power Spectra Method,
K.-t. Leung, J. Phys. A 26, 6691 (1993)
- Order-Disorder Transitions and Criticality,
Proceedings of the First IUPAP Topical Conference on Statistical Physics,
Aug 1-7, 1993, C.-K. Hu and K.-t. Leung, eds., Physica A 205 (1994).
- Novel phases and finite-size scaling in two-species asymmetric
diffusive processes,
K.-t. Leung, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73 2386 (1994)
- Nonlinear and Random Processes,
Proceedings of the Second IUPAP Topical Conference on Statistical Physics,
July 18-24, 1995,
C.-K. Hu and K.-t. Leung, eds., Physica A 221 (1995).
- Subtleties in data analysis related to the size of critical
K.-t. Leung and R.K.P. Zia, J. Stat. Phys. 83 1219 (1996)
- Phase transitions in two-species asymmetric diffusive
lattice gases,
K.-t. Leung, Butsusei Kenkyu [Material Research(Japan)] 66, 606 (1996)
- Generalization of a two-dimensional Burridge-Knopoff model
of earthquakes,
K.-t. Leung, J. Muller and J.V. Andersen, J. Phys.
I 7, 423 (1997) More details
- Tri-critical behavior in rupture induced by disorder,
J.V. Andersen, D. Sornette and K.-t. Leung, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 78, 2140 (1997)
- Phase transition in a spring-block model of surface fracture,
K.-t. Leung and J.V. Andersen, Euro. Phys. Lett.
38, 589 (1997) More details
- Drifting spatial structures in a system with Oppositely
driven species,
K.-t. Leung and R.K.P. Zia, Phys. Rev. E 56,
308 (1997). More details
- Self-organized criticality in stick-slip models with periodic
K.-t. Leung, J.V. Andersen, and D. Sornette, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 80, 1916 (1998). More details
- Reply to comment--Conditions for abrupt failure in the
democratic fiber bundle model,
D. Sornette, K.-t. Leung and J.V. Andersen, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 80, 3158 (1998)
- Self-organized criticality in an isotropically driven
model approaching equilibrium,
K.-t. Leung, J.V. Andersen, and D. Sornette, Physica
A 254, 85 (1998)
- New Directions in Statistical Physics,
Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific and the Fourth Taipei
International Workshop and Symposium on Statistical Physics, Aug 3-11,
C.-K. Hu and K.-t. Leung, eds., Physica A 254 (1998).
- Critical behavior in surface fracture induced by a frictional
K.-t. Leung, in Proceedings of the 2nd Tohwa Univ International Meeting
on Statistical Physics, p.127-130, eds.
M. Tokuyama and I. Oppenheim,
World Scientific, (1998)
- Response in kinetic Ising model to oscillating magnetic
K.-t. Leung and Z. Neda, Phys. Lett. A 246,
505 (1998). More details
Also e-print cond-mat/9804251.
- Non-trivial stochastic resonance temperature for the kinetic
Ising models,
K.-t. Leung and Z. Neda, Phys. Rev. E 59,
2730 (1999). More details
- Anisotropic Finite-size scaling analysis of a three-dimensional
driven diffusive system,
K.-t. Leung and J.S. Wang, Int. J. Mod. Phys.
C 10, 853 (1999).
Also e-print cond-mat/9805285. More details
- Viability of competing field theories for the driven lattice
B. Schmittmann, H.K. Janssen, U.C. Tauber, R.K.P. Zia, K.-t. Leung, J.L. Cardy,
Phys. Rev. E 61, 5977 (2000).
Also e-print cond-mat/9912286.
- Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions,
Proceedings of the Statphys-Taiwan-1999 Meeting, Aug 9-16, 1999,
C.-K. Hu and K.-t. Leung, eds., Physica A 281 (2000).
- Pattern formation and selection in quasi-static fracture,
K.-t. Leung and Z. Neda, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85,
662 (2000).
Also e-print cond-mat/0006061. More details
- Heuristic derivation of continuum kinetic equations from
microscopic dynamics,
K.-t. Leung, Phys. Rev. E 63, 016102
Also e-print cond-mat/0006217.
- Spiral cracks without twisting,
K.-t. Leung, L. Jozsa, M. Ravasz and Z. Neda, Nature
410, 166 (2001). More details
Also e-print cond-mat/0103221. (Listed in Complexity
Digest, and in Econophysics
- Mesoscopic modeling of slow crack propagation,
K.-t. Leung, Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Meeting
of Chinese Physicists Worldwide,
World Scientific (2001).
- Spiral cracks in drying precipitates,
Z. Neda, K.-t. Leung, L. Jozsa, M. Ravasz, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 88, 095502 (2002). More details
Also e-print cond-mat/0201272.
- Statistical physics of fracture phenomena (in Chinese),
K.-t. Leung, Physics Bimonthly 24,
issue 2, 328 (Apr, 2002). More details
- Statistical properties of quasi-static fracture: theory
and simulation studies,
K.-t. Leung and Z. Neda, preprint (2002).
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