Faculty Policy |
How to become a Core Faculty Member of TIGP-BP? |
We open Core Faculty Applications twice a year:
1st Semester
2nd Semester
Application Open Window
Committee Review
*the dates may be subject to change yearly; all changes will be announced at least a week before the open window.
Please fill out Core Faculty
Application Form [WORD]
upon your interest in joining TIGP-BP Core Faculty.
Applicants should possess specialized knowledge in bioinformatics.
Please mail the complete e-files with your C.V. before the application window closes.
Applications received after each semester's deadline will not be evaluated until the next semester.
Please address your mail to TIGP-BP Office at Email: tigpbio@gate.sinica.edu.tw
The TIGP-BP Academic Committee will review each case,
and the decision will be made based on the majority vote of the Committee in approximately a week.
A private notification (e-mail) will be sent to each applicant in accordance to the decision of the TIGP-BP Academic Committee.
New core faculty members’ information will be posted in BP’s official website as well.
What do I need to know as a Core Faculty member of TIGP-BP?
Standard of Core Faculty Honor Points
Guidelines for Course Chair
TIGP Stipend Regulation
Committee Organizational Chart
Principles of Course Lecturer Selection and Replacement
TIGP-BP Core Faculty[def.] rights and responsibilities
Core Faculty Members are responsible for course lectures, seminar participation, as well as being student’s lab ration advisor.
Core Faculty Members shall also be active in the administrative affairs, or involving with the Program Committees.
Slots of Doctoral Students: One student per year in general; maximum of 3 students are allowed in one lab during the period of validity of the points. For faculty who already have student in lab are obligated to involve program affairs tentatively.
The “Honor Points” will be calculated by the end of each academic year (the end of July), and the Points will be advised to the core faculty members. Please note that the rights of the number of slots that can obtained will be subject to the points met as required.